require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/cache_fix' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/optimizations' # ActsAsRecommended module MadeByMany module ActsAsRecommendable def self.included(base) base.extend(ActsMethods) end module ActsMethods # Send an array to ActiveRecord without fear that some elements don't exist. def find_some_without_failing(ids) return self.where("1 = 0") if !ids or ids.empty? ids_list = { |id| quote_value(id,columns_hash[primary_key]) } where(table_name.to_sym => {primary_key.to_sym => ids_list}) end def acts_as_recommendable(on, options = {}) defaults = { :algorithm => :sim_pearson, :use_dataset => false, :split_dataset => true, :limit => 10, :min_score => 0.0 } options = defaults.merge(options) # reflect on the specified association to derive the extra details we need options[:on] = on assoc = self.reflections[on.to_sym] through_assoc = assoc.through_reflection options[:through] = raise "No association specified to recommend." if assoc.nil? raise "The #{on} association does not have a :through association" unless through_assoc on_class_name = assoc.class_name options[:on_singular] ||= on_class_name.underscore options[:on_class] ||= assoc.klass options[:class] = self options[:through_singular] ||= through_assoc.class_name.downcase options[:through_class] ||= through_assoc.klass class_attribute :aar_options self.aar_options = options options[:on_class].class_eval do define_method "similar_#{options[:on]}" do Logic.similar_items(self, options) end end define_method "similar_#{options[:class].name.underscore.pluralize}" do Logic.similar_users(self, options) end define_method "recommended_#{options[:on_class].name.underscore.pluralize}" do if self.aar_options[:use_dataset] Logic.dataset_recommended(self, options) else Logic.recommended(self, options) end end define_method "aar_items_with_scores" do @aar_items_with_scores ||= begin self.__send__(self.aar_options[:through]).collect {|ui| item = ui.__send__(self.aar_options[:on_singular]) next unless item if self.aar_options[:score] score = ui.__send__(self.aar_options[:score]).to_f score = 1.0 if !score or score <= 0 else score = 1.0 end def item.aar_score; @aar_score; end def item.aar_score=(d); @aar_score = d; end item.aar_score = score item }.compact.inject({}) {|h, item| h[] = item; h } end end end end module Logic def self.matrix(options) items = options[:on_class].pluck(:id) prefs = {} users = options[:class].includes(options[:on]) users.each do |user| prefs[] ||= {} items.each do |item_id| if user.aar_items_with_scores[item_id] score = user.aar_items_with_scores[item_id].aar_score prefs[][item_id] = score end end end [items, prefs] end def self.inverted_matrix(options) items = options[:on_class].pluck(:id) prefs = {} users = options[:class].includes(options[:on]) items.each do |item_id| prefs[item_id] ||= {} users.each do |user| if user.aar_items_with_scores[item_id] score = user.aar_items_with_scores[item_id].aar_score prefs[item_id][] = score end end end [users.collect(&:id), prefs] end # Euclidean distance def self.sim_distance(prefs, items, person1, person2) return 0 if items.length == 0 squares = [] items.each do |item| squares << ((prefs[person1][item] || 0.0) - (prefs[person2][item] || 0.0)) ** 2 end sum_of_squares = squares.inject { |sum,value| sum += value } return 1/(1 + sum_of_squares) end # Pearson score def self.sim_pearson(prefs, items, person1, person2) n = items.length return 0 if n == 0 sum1 = sum2 = sum1Sq = sum2Sq = pSum = 0.0 items.each do |item| prefs1_item = prefs[person1][item] || 0.0 prefs2_item = prefs[person2][item] || 0.0 sum1 += prefs1_item sum2 += prefs2_item sum1Sq += prefs1_item ** 2 sum2Sq += prefs2_item ** 2 pSum += prefs2_item * prefs1_item end num = pSum - ( ( sum1 * sum2 ) / n ) den = Math.sqrt( ( sum1Sq - ( sum1 ** 2 ) / n ) * ( sum2Sq - ( sum2 ** 2 ) / n ) ) return 0 if den == 0 num / den end def self.similar_users(user, options) rankings = [] items, prefs = self.matrix(options) prefs.each do |u, _| next if u == rankings << [self.__send__(options[:algorithm], prefs, items,, u), u] end rankings = {|score, _| score > options[:min_score] } rankings = rankings.sort_by {|score, _| score }.reverse rankings = rankings[0..(options[:limit] - 1)] # Return the sorted list ranking_ids = rankings.collect {|_, u| u } ar_users = options[:class].find_some_without_failing(ranking_ids) ar_users = ar_users.inject({}){ |h, user| h[] = user; h } rankings.collect {|score, user_id| user = ar_users[user_id] def user.similar_score; return @similar_score; end def user.similar_score=(d); @similar_score = d; end user.similar_score = score user } end def self.similar_items(item, options) if options[:use_dataset] if options[:split_dataset] rankings ="aar_#{options[:on]}_#{}") else cached_dataset ="aar_#{options[:on]}_dataset") logger.warn 'ActsRecommendable has an empty dataset - rebuild it' unless cached_dataset rankings = cached_dataset && cached_dataset[] end else users, prefs = self.inverted_matrix(options) rankings = [] prefs.each do |i, _| next if i == rankings << [self.__send__(options[:algorithm], prefs, users,, i), i] end end return [] unless rankings rankings = {|score, _| score > options[:min_score] } rankings = rankings.sort_by {|score, _| score }.reverse rankings = rankings[0..(options[:limit] - 1)] # Return the sorted list ranking_ids = rankings.collect {|_, u| u } ar_items = options[:on_class].find_some_without_failing(ranking_ids) ar_items = ar_items.inject({}){ |h, item| h[] = item; h } rankings.collect {|score, item_id| item = ar_items[item_id] def item.similar_score; return @similar_score; end def item.similar_score=(d); @similar_score = d; end item.similar_score = score item } end def self.recommended(user, options) totals = {} sim_sums = {} items, prefs = self.matrix(options) user = user_ratings = prefs[user] prefs.keys.each do |other| # don't compare me to myself next if other == user sim = self.__send__(options[:algorithm], prefs, items, user, other) # ignore scores of zero or lower next if sim <= 0 prefs[other].keys.each do |item| if !prefs[user].include? item or prefs[user][item] == 0 # similarity * score totals.default = 0 totals[item] += prefs[other][item] * sim # sum of similarities sim_sums.default = 0 sim_sums[item] += sim end end end # Create a normalized list rankings = [] items = [] totals.each do |item,total| rankings << [total/sim_sums[item], item] end # Return the sorted list rankings = {|score, _| score > options[:min_score] } rankings = rankings.sort_by {|score, _| score }.reverse rankings = rankings[0..(options[:limit] - 1)] # So we can do everything in one SQL query ranking_ids = rankings.collect {|_, i| i } ar_items = options[:on_class].find_some_without_failing(ranking_ids) ar_items = ar_items.inject({}){ |h, item| h[] = item; h } rankings.collect {|score, item_id| item = ar_items[item_id] def item.recommendation_score; return @recommendation_score; end def item.recommendation_score=(d); @recommendation_score = d; end item.recommendation_score = score item } end def self.generate_dataset(options, matrix = nil) users, prefs = matrix || self.inverted_matrix(options) for item in prefs.keys scores = [] for other in prefs.keys next if other == item scores << [self.__send__(options[:algorithm], prefs, users, item, other), other] end scores = scores.sort_by {|score, _| score }.reverse yield(item, scores) if block_given? end end def self.dataset_recommended(user, options) scores = {} total_sim = {} items = user.aar_items_with_scores item_ids = items.values.collect(&:id) unless options[:split_dataset] cached_dataset ="aar_#{options[:on]}_dataset") logger.warn 'ActsRecommendable has an empty dataset - rebuild it' unless cached_dataset end item_ids.each do |item_id| if options[:split_dataset] ratings ="aar_#{options[:on]}_#{item_id}") else ratings = cached_dataset && cached_dataset[item_id] end next unless ratings ratings.each do |similarity, item2_id| # Ignore if this user has already rated this item next if item_ids.include?(item2_id) scores[item2_id] ||= 0 total_sim[item2_id] ||= 0 if options[:score] # Weighted sum of rating times similarity scores[item2_id] += similarity * items[item_id].aar_score # Sum of all the similarities total_sim[item2_id] += similarity else scores[item2_id] += similarity total_sim[item2_id] += 1.0 end end end # Divide each total score by total weighting to get an average rankings = [] scores.each do |item, score| next unless score > 0.0 rankings << [score/total_sim[item], item] end rankings = {|score, _| score > options[:min_score] } rankings = rankings.sort_by {|score, _| score }.reverse rankings = rankings[0..(options[:limit] - 1)] # So we can do everything in one SQL query ranking_ids = rankings.collect {|_, i| i } ar_items = options[:on_class].find_some_without_failing(ranking_ids) ar_items = ar_items.inject({}){ |h, item| h[] = item; h } rankings.collect {|score, item_id| item = ar_items[item_id] def item.recommendation_score; @recommendation_score; end def item.recommendation_score=(d); @recommendation_score = d; end item.recommendation_score = score item } end def self.logger RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER end end end end require 'railtie'