= giblish Generate docs from asciidoc files in a git repo == Purpose giblish is used to convert a source directory tree containing AsciiDoc files to a destination directory tree containing the corresponding html or pdf files and add a handy index page for the converted files. If the source directory tree is part of a git repository, giblish can generate separate html/pdf trees for branches and/or tags that match a user specified regexp (see examples below). == Dependencies and credits Giblish is basically a wrapper (with some extra candy) around the awesome *asciidoctor* and *asciidoctor-pdf* projects. Thank you @mojavelinux and others for making these brilliant tools available!! == Installation gem install giblish == Some random notes When using giblish for generating docs the following applies: * giblish *will overwrite* files with the same name in the destination directory. * make sure that the git working tree and index of the source git repo are clean when generating docs from a git repo. * giblish will make explicit check-outs of all the branches or tags that matches the selection criteria. The working dir of the source git repo will thus have the last branch that giblish checked-out as the current branch after doc generation. == Usage Examples .Get available options ==== giblish -h ==== .Giblish 'hello world' ==== giblish my_src_root my_dst_root The above will convert all .adoc or .ADOC files under the dir `my_src_root` to html and place the resulting files under the `my_dst_root` dir. An index page named `index.html` is generated in the `my_dst_root` dir containing links and some info about the converted files. The default asciidoctor css will be used in the html conversion. ==== .Using a different css ==== giblish -r ./path/to/my/resources -s mylayout my_src_root my_dst_root The above will convert all .adoc or .ADOC files under the dir `my_src_root` to html and place the resulting files under the `my_dst_root` dir. An index page named `index.html` is generated in the `my_dst_root` dir containing links and some info about the converted files. A css named mylayout.css must be found in the dir `` dir. An index page named `index.html` is generated in each `my_dst_root/` dir. An index page named `index.html` is generated in each `my_dst_root/` dir. An index page named `index.pdf` is generated in each `my_dst_root/