module Souls class Create < Thor desc "worker", "Create SOULs Worker" method_option :name, aliases: "--name", desc: "Worker Name", required: true def worker require("#{Souls.get_mother_path}/config/souls") Dir.chdir(Souls.get_mother_path.to_s) do file_dir = "apps/#{options[:name]}" raise(StandardError, "Same Worker Already Exist!") if Dir.exist?(file_dir) workers = Souls.configuration.workers app = port = 3000 + workers.size souls_worker_name = "souls-#{app}-#{options[:name]}" download_worker(worker_name: options[:name]) souls_conf_update(worker_name: souls_worker_name) souls_conf_update(worker_name: souls_worker_name, strain: "api") workflow(worker_name: options[:name]) procfile(worker_name: options[:name], port: port) mother_procfile(worker_name: options[:name]) souls_config_init(worker_name: options[:name]) steepfile(worker_name: options[:name]) souls_helper_rbs(worker_name: options[:name]) souls_worker_credit(worker_name: options[:name]) end true rescue Thor::Error => e raise(Thor::Error, e) end private def steepfile(worker_name: "mailer") file_path = "./Steepfile" new_file_path = "config/Steepfile", "w") do |new_line|, "r") do |f| f.each_line do |line| case line.strip.to_s when "end" ["app", "db", "constants", "app.rb"].each do |path| new_line.write(" check \"apps/#{worker_name}/#{path}\"\n") end new_line.write("end\n") else new_line.write(line) end end end end end def procfile(worker_name: "mailer", port: 3000) file_dir = "apps/#{worker_name}" file_path = "#{file_dir}/", "w") do |f| f.write("#{worker_name}: bundle exec puma -p #{port} -e development") end end def mother_procfile(worker_name: "mailer") file_path = "", "a") do |f| f.write("\n#{worker_name}: foreman start -f ./apps/#{worker_name}/") end end def souls_conf_update(worker_name: "", strain: "mother") workers = Souls.configuration.workers port = 3000 + workers.size file_path = strain == "mother" ? "config/souls.rb" : "apps/api/config/souls.rb" new_file_path = "souls.rb" worker_switch = false, "w") do |new_line|, "r") do |f| f.each_line do |line| worker_switch = true if line.include?("config.workers") next if line.strip == "end" new_line.write(line) unless worker_switch next unless worker_switch new_line.write(" config.workers = [\n") workers.each do |worker| new_line.write(<<-TEXT) { name: "#{worker[:name]}", endpoint: "#{worker[:endpoint]}", port: #{worker[:port]} }, TEXT end break end end new_line.write(<<-TEXT) { name: "#{worker_name}", endpoint: "", port: #{port} } ] end TEXT end FileUtils.rm(file_path), file_path) end def workflow(worker_name: "") file_dir = ".github/workflows" FileUtils.mkdir_p(file_dir) unless Dir.exist?(file_dir) file_path = "#{file_dir}/#{worker_name}.yml" worker_name = worker_name.underscore worker_name_camelize = worker_name.camelize, "w") do |f| f.write(<<~TEXT) name: #{worker_name_camelize} on: push: branches: - master paths: - "apps/#{worker_name}/**" - ".github/workflows/#{worker_name}.yml" jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 services: db: image: postgres:13 ports: ["5433:5432"] env: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres options: >- --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Ruby 3.0 uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1 with: ruby-version: 3.0 - name: Build and test with Rake env: PGHOST: PGUSER: postgres RACK_ENV: test run: | sudo apt-get -yqq install libpq-dev cd apps/#{worker_name} gem install bundler bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3 bundle exec rake db:create RACK_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate RACK_ENV=test bundle exec rspec - name: Checkout the repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: GCP Authenticate uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@master with: version: "323.0.0" project_id: ${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }} service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }} export_default_credentials: true - name: Configure Docker run: gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet - name: Build Docker container run: docker build -f ./apps/#{worker_name}/Dockerfile ./apps/#{worker_name} -t${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/${{secrets.APP_NAME}}-#{worker_name} - name: Push to Container Resistory run: docker push${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/${{secrets.APP_NAME}}-#{worker_name} - name: Deploy to Cloud Run run: | gcloud run deploy souls-${{ secrets.APP_NAME }}-#{worker_name} \\ --service-account=${{ secrets.APP_NAME }}@${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }} \\${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/${{secrets.APP_NAME}}-#{worker_name} \\ --memory=4Gi \\ --region=asia-northeast1 \\ --allow-unauthenticated \\ --platform=managed \\ --quiet \\ --concurrency=80 \\ --port=8080 \\ --set-cloudsql-instances=${{ secrets.GCLOUDSQL_INSTANCE }} \\ --set-env-vars="DB_USER=${{ secrets.DB_USER }}" \\ --set-env-vars="DB_PW=${{ secrets.DB_PW }}" \\ --set-env-vars="DB_HOST=${{ secrets.DB_HOST }}" \\ --set-env-vars="TZ=${{ secrets.TZ }}" \\ --set-env-vars="SLACK=${{ secrets.SLACK }}" \\ --set-env-vars="SECRET_KEY_BASE=${{ secrets.SECRET_KEY_BASE }}" \\ --set-env-vars="PROJECT_ID=${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}" TEXT end puts(Paint % ["Created file! : %{white_text}", :green, { white_text: [file_path.to_s, :white] }]) file_path rescue StandardError => e raise(StandardError, e) end def souls_config_init(worker_name: "mailer") app_name = project_id = Souls.configuration.project_id config_dir = "apps/#{worker_name}/config" FileUtils.mkdir_p(config_dir) unless Dir.exist?(config_dir) FileUtils.touch("#{config_dir}/souls.rb") file_path = "#{config_dir}/souls.rb", "w") do |f| f.write(<<~TEXT) Souls.configure do |config| = "#{app_name}" config.project_id = "#{project_id}" config.region = "asia-northeast1" config.endpoint = "/endpoint" config.strain = "worker" config.fixed_gems = ["spring"] config.workers = [] end TEXT end rescue StandardError => e puts(e) end def souls_helper_rbs(worker_name: "mailer") file_dir = "./sig/#{worker_name}/app/utils/" FileUtils.mkdir_p(file_dir) unless Dir.exist?(file_dir) file_path = "#{file_dir}/souls_helper.rbs", "w") do |f| f.write(<<~TEXT) module SoulsHelper def self.export_csv: (untyped model_name) -> (String? | StandardError ) def self.export_model_to_csv: (untyped model_name) -> (untyped | StandardError ) def self.upload_to_gcs: (String file_path, String upload_path) -> untyped def self.get_selenium_driver: (?:chrome mode) -> untyped end module CSV def (*untyped){(untyped) -> nil} -> untyped end module Selenium module WebDriver def self.for: (*untyped) -> untyped module Chrome module Options def ()-> untyped end end module Remote module Capabilities def self.firefox: ()-> untyped end end end end module Google module Cloud module Storage def ()-> untyped end end end TEXT end end def download_worker(worker_name: "mailer") version = Souls.get_latest_version_txt(service_name: "worker").join(".") file_name = "worker-v#{version}.tgz" url = "{file_name}" system("curl -OL #{url}") system("tar -zxvf ./#{file_name}") system("mv ./worker apps/#{worker_name}") system("cp ./apps/api/config/database.yml ./apps/#{worker_name}/config/") FileUtils.rm(file_name) end def souls_worker_credit(worker_name: "mailer") line = Paint["====================================", :yellow] puts("\n") puts(line) txt2 = <<~TEXT _____ ____ __ ____#{' '} / ___// __ \\/ / / / / %{red1} \\__ \\/ / / / / / / / %{red2} ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /___%{red3}#{' '} /____/\\____/\\____/_____%{red4}#{' '} TEXT red1 = ["_____", :red] red2 = ["/ ___/", :red] red3 = ["(__ )", :red] red4 = ["/____/", :red] ms = Paint % [txt2, :cyan, { red1: red1, red2: red2, red3: red3, red4: red4 }] puts(ms) puts(line) welcome = Paint["SOULs Worker is Ready!", :white] puts(welcome) souls_ver = Paint["SOULs Version: #{Souls::VERSION}", :white] puts(souls_ver) puts(line) endroll = <<~TEXT Easy to Run $ cd apps/#{worker_name} $ bundle $ souls sync model $ souls s Go To : http://localhost:3000 Doc: TEXT cd = Paint[endroll, :white] puts(cd) puts(line) end end end