=begin rdoc = Functor By definition a Functor is simply a first class method, but these are common in the form of Method and Proc. So here a Functor is a bit more specialied as a 1st class _metafunction_. Essentally, a Functor can vary its behavior accorrding to the operation applied to it. == Synopsis require 'carat/functor' f = Functor.new { |op, x| x.send(op, x) } f + 1 #=> 2 f + 2 #=> 4 f + 3 #=> 6 f * 1 #=> 1 f * 2 #=> 2 f * 3 #=> 9 == Notes It would probably be a little better if we had a kernelless base object class. Built-in public Object methods will not work in a Functor b/c of this. Or perhaps this can improved via delegation. == History * 2005-04-11 Passed basic tests. =end class Functor def initialize(&func) @func = func end def method_missing(op, *args) @func.call(op, *args) end end