# This file was generated on 2014-03-30T13:16:22-07:00 from the rspec-dev repo. # DO NOT modify it by hand as your changes will get lost the next time it is generated. # idea taken from: http://blog.headius.com/2010/03/jruby-startup-time-tips.html export JRUBY_OPTS='-X-C' # disable JIT since these processes are so short lived SPECS_HAVE_RUN_FILE=specs.out MAINTENANCE_BRANCH=`cat maintenance-branch` # Taken from: # https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-build/blob/e9314616e182a23e6a280199cd9070bfc7cae548/lib/travis/build/script/templates/header.sh#L34-L53 travis_retry() { local result=0 local count=1 while [ $count -le 3 ]; do [ $result -ne 0 ] && { echo -e "\n\033[33;1mThe command \"$@\" failed. Retrying, $count of 3.\033[0m\n" >&2 } "$@" result=$? [ $result -eq 0 ] && break count=$(($count + 1)) sleep 1 done [ $count -eq 3 ] && { echo "\n\033[33;1mThe command \"$@\" failed 3 times.\033[0m\n" >&2 } return $result } function is_mri { if ruby -e "exit(!defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) || RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby')"; then # RUBY_ENGINE only returns 'ruby' on MRI. # MRI 1.8.7 lacks the constant but all other rubies have it (including JRuby in 1.8 mode) return 0 else return 1 fi; } function is_mri_192 { if is_mri; then if ruby -e "exit(RUBY_VERSION == '1.9.2')"; then return 0 else return 1 fi else return 1 fi } function rspec_support_compatible { if [ "$MAINTENANCE_BRANCH" != "2-99-maintenance" ] && [ "$MAINTENANCE_BRANCH" != "2-14-maintenance" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function documentation_enforced { if [ -x ./bin/yard ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function clone_repo { if [ ! -d $1 ]; then # don't clone if the dir is already there travis_retry git clone git://github.com/rspec/$1 --depth 1 --branch $MAINTENANCE_BRANCH fi; } function run_specs_and_record_done { local rspec_bin=bin/rspec # rspec-core needs to run with a special script that loads simplecov first, # so that it can instrument rspec-core's code before rspec-core has been loaded. if [ -f script/rspec_with_simplecov ]; then rspec_bin=script/rspec_with_simplecov fi; $rspec_bin spec --backtrace --format progress --profile --format progress --out $SPECS_HAVE_RUN_FILE } function run_cukes { if [ -d features ]; then # force jRuby to use client mode JVM or a compilation mode thats as close as possible, # idea taken from https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/Improving-startup-time # # Note that we delay setting this until we run the cukes because we've seen # spec failures in our spec suite due to problems with this mode. export JAVA_OPTS='-client -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1' if is_mri_192; then # For some reason we get SystemStackError on 1.9.2 when using # the bin/cucumber approach below. That approach is faster # (as it avoids the bundler tax), so we use it on rubies where we can. bundle exec cucumber --strict else # Prepare RUBYOPT for scenarios that are shelling out to ruby, # and PATH for those that are using `rspec` or `rake`. RUBYOPT="-I${PWD}/../bundle -rbundler/setup" \ PATH="${PWD}/bin:$PATH" \ bin/cucumber --strict fi fi } function run_specs_one_by_one { for file in `find spec -iname '*_spec.rb'`; do bin/rspec $file -b --format progress done } function run_spec_suite_for { if [ ! -f ../$1/$SPECS_HAVE_RUN_FILE ]; then # don't rerun specs that have already run pushd ../$1 echo echo "Running specs for $1" echo unset BUNDLE_GEMFILE bundle_install_flags=`cat .travis.yml | grep bundler_args | tr -d '"' | grep -o " .*"` travis_retry bundle install $bundle_install_flags run_specs_and_record_done popd fi; } function check_documentation_coverage { bin/yard stats --list-undoc | ruby -e " while line = gets coverage ||= line[/([\d\.]+)% documented/, 1] puts line end unless Float(coverage) == 100 puts \"\n\nMissing documentation coverage (currently at #{coverage}%)\" exit(1) end " }