use crate::tokio::{block_on_dummy_executor, file::File}; use crate::{ dir::{ReaddirCursor, ReaddirEntity, WasiDir}, file::{FdFlags, Filestat, OFlags}, Error, ErrorExt, }; use std::any::Any; use std::path::PathBuf; pub struct Dir(crate::sync::dir::Dir); impl Dir { pub fn from_cap_std(dir: cap_std::fs::Dir) -> Self { Dir(crate::sync::dir::Dir::from_cap_std(dir)) } } #[wiggle::async_trait] impl WasiDir for Dir { fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any { self } async fn open_file( &self, symlink_follow: bool, path: &str, oflags: OFlags, read: bool, write: bool, fdflags: FdFlags, ) -> Result { let f = block_on_dummy_executor(move || async move { self.0 .open_file_(symlink_follow, path, oflags, read, write, fdflags) })?; match f { crate::sync::dir::OpenResult::File(f) => { Ok(crate::dir::OpenResult::File(Box::new(File::from_inner(f)))) } crate::sync::dir::OpenResult::Dir(d) => { Ok(crate::dir::OpenResult::Dir(Box::new(Dir(d)))) } } } async fn create_dir(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { block_on_dummy_executor(|| self.0.create_dir(path)) } async fn readdir( &self, cursor: ReaddirCursor, ) -> Result> + Send>, Error> { struct I(Box> + Send>); impl Iterator for I { type Item = Result; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { tokio::task::block_in_place(move || } } let inner = block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.readdir(cursor))?; Ok(Box::new(I(inner))) } async fn symlink(&self, src_path: &str, dest_path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.symlink(src_path, dest_path)) } async fn remove_dir(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.remove_dir(path)) } async fn unlink_file(&self, path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.unlink_file(path)) } async fn read_link(&self, path: &str) -> Result { block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.read_link(path)) } async fn get_filestat(&self) -> Result { block_on_dummy_executor(|| self.0.get_filestat()) } async fn get_path_filestat( &self, path: &str, follow_symlinks: bool, ) -> Result { block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.get_path_filestat(path, follow_symlinks)) } async fn rename( &self, src_path: &str, dest_dir: &dyn WasiDir, dest_path: &str, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let dest_dir = dest_dir .as_any() .downcast_ref::() .ok_or(Error::badf().context("failed downcast to tokio Dir"))?; block_on_dummy_executor( move || async move { self.0.rename_(src_path, &dest_dir.0, dest_path) }, ) } async fn hard_link( &self, src_path: &str, target_dir: &dyn WasiDir, target_path: &str, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let target_dir = target_dir .as_any() .downcast_ref::() .ok_or(Error::badf().context("failed downcast to tokio Dir"))?; block_on_dummy_executor(move || async move { self.0.hard_link_(src_path, &target_dir.0, target_path) }) } async fn set_times( &self, path: &str, atime: Option, mtime: Option, follow_symlinks: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { block_on_dummy_executor(move || self.0.set_times(path, atime, mtime, follow_symlinks)) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::Dir; use crate::file::{FdFlags, OFlags}; use cap_std::ambient_authority; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn scratch_dir() { let tempdir = tempfile::Builder::new() .prefix("cap-std-sync") .tempdir() .expect("create temporary dir"); let preopen_dir = cap_std::fs::Dir::open_ambient_dir(tempdir.path(), ambient_authority()) .expect("open ambient temporary dir"); let preopen_dir = Dir::from_cap_std(preopen_dir); crate::WasiDir::open_file( &preopen_dir, false, ".", OFlags::empty(), false, false, FdFlags::empty(), ) .await .expect("open the same directory via WasiDir abstraction"); } // Readdir does not work on windows, so we won't test it there. #[cfg(not(windows))] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn readdir() { use crate::dir::{ReaddirCursor, ReaddirEntity, WasiDir}; use crate::file::{FdFlags, FileType, OFlags}; use std::collections::HashMap; async fn readdir_into_map(dir: &dyn WasiDir) -> HashMap { let mut out = HashMap::new(); for readdir_result in dir .readdir(ReaddirCursor::from(0)) .await .expect("readdir succeeds") { let entity = readdir_result.expect("readdir entry is valid"); out.insert(, entity); } out } let tempdir = tempfile::Builder::new() .prefix("cap-std-sync") .tempdir() .expect("create temporary dir"); let preopen_dir = cap_std::fs::Dir::open_ambient_dir(tempdir.path(), ambient_authority()) .expect("open ambient temporary dir"); let preopen_dir = Dir::from_cap_std(preopen_dir); let entities = readdir_into_map(&preopen_dir).await; assert_eq!( entities.len(), 2, "should just be . and .. in empty dir: {entities:?}" ); assert!(entities.get(".").is_some()); assert!(entities.get("..").is_some()); preopen_dir .open_file( false, "file1", OFlags::CREATE, true, false, FdFlags::empty(), ) .await .expect("create file1"); let entities = readdir_into_map(&preopen_dir).await; assert_eq!(entities.len(), 3, "should be ., .., file1 {entities:?}"); assert_eq!( entities.get(".").expect(". entry").filetype, FileType::Directory ); assert_eq!( entities.get("..").expect(".. entry").filetype, FileType::Directory ); assert_eq!( entities.get("file1").expect("file1 entry").filetype, FileType::RegularFile ); } }