module Bond # Generates method autocompletions for gems that use {yard}[] documentation. Currently # generates completions for methods that take a hash of options and have been documented with @option. module Yard extend self # :stopdoc: def load_yard_gems(*gems) @options = gems[-1].is_a?(Hash) ? gems.pop : {} require 'yard' raise LoadError unless YARD::VERSION >= '0.5.2' {|e| load_yard_gem(e) } rescue LoadError $stderr.puts "Bond Error: yard gem (version >= 0.5.2) not installed " end def load_yard_gem(rubygem) raise("Unable to find gem.") unless (yardoc = find_yardoc(rubygem)) completion_file = File.join(dir('yard_completions'), rubygem+'.rb') create_completion_file(yardoc, completion_file) if !File.exists?(completion_file) || @options[:reload] M.load_file completion_file rescue $stderr.puts "Bond Error: Didn't load yard completions for gem '#{rubygem}'. #{$!.message}" end def create_completion_file(yardoc, completion_file) YARD::Registry.load!(yardoc) methods_hash = find_methods_with_options body = generate_method_completions(methods_hash), 'w') {|e| e.write body } end def find_yardoc(rubygem) (file = YARD::Registry.yardoc_file_for_gem(rubygem) rescue nil) and return(file) if (file = M.find_gem_file(rubygem, rubygem+'.rb')) output_dir = File.join(dir('.yardocs'), rubygem) cmd = ['yardoc', '-n', '-b', output_dir] cmd << '-q' unless @options[:verbose] cmd += ['-c', output_dir] unless @options[:reload] cmd += [file, File.expand_path(file+'/..')+"/#{rubygem}/**/*.rb"] puts "Bond: "+cmd.join(' ') if @options[:verbose] puts "Bond: Building/loading #{rubygem}'s .yardoc database ..." system *cmd output_dir end end def dir(subdir) (@dirs ||= {})[subdir] ||= begin require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(M.home, '.bond', subdir) File.join(M.home, '.bond', subdir) end end def find_methods_with_options YARD::Registry.all(:method).inject({}) {|a,m| opts = {|e| e.is_a?(YARD::Tags::OptionTag) }.map {|e| } a[m.path] = opts if !opts.empty? && m.path a } end def generate_method_completions(methods_hash) do |meth, options|! {|e| e.sub(/^:/, '') } meth = meth.sub(/#initialize$/, '.new') %Q[complete(:method=>'#{meth}') {\n #{options.inspect}\n}] end.join("\n") end #:startdoc: end end