describe "projects" do include_context "projects" include_context "output dir" describe "basic file loading" do project do |p| p.file "abc.txt","hello" end has_files 1 has_file "abc.txt","hello" end describe "multiple projects" do project "main" do |p| p.config "c.overlay 'widget'" p.file "README","hello" end project "widget" do |p| p.file "widget.rb","class Widget; end" end has_files 2 end describe "multiple projects" do project "auth" do |p| p.config "c.overlay 'base'" p.file "README","\nauth stuff", :action => :append end project "base" do |p| p.file "README","hello" end has_files 1 has_file "README","hello\nauth stuff" end describe "project nesting" do project "auth" do |p| p.config "c.overlay 'widget'" p.file "","auth setup" p.file "app.js","\nauth = true", :action => :append end project "widget" do |p| p.config "c.overlay 'base'" p.file "","Widget = Em.Object.extend()" end project "base" do |p| p.file "app.js","App = Em.Application.create()" p.file "README","Hello" end has_files 4 has_file "README" has_file "app.js","App = Em.Application.create()\nauth = true" end describe "missing base file" do project do |p| p.file "README","Hello",action: :append end it 'errors' do lambda { combined.size }.should raise_error(Overapp::MissingBaseFileError,/./) end end describe "template file with project var" do project do |p| p.file "README","Hello <%= foo %>", :template => "erb" p.var "foo","bar" end has_files 1 has_file "README","Hello bar" end describe "template file with global var" do project do |p| p.file "README","Hello <%= foo %>", :template => "erb" end var "foo","bar" has_files 1 has_file "README","Hello bar" end describe "template file with global var in config" do project do |p| p.file "README","Hello <%= foo %>", :template => "erb" p.config "c.var 'foo','bar'" end has_files 1 has_file "README","Hello bar" end describe "template file with global var and local var" do project do |p| p.file "README","Hello <%= foo %>", :template => "erb" p.var "foo","baz" end var "foo","bar" has_files 1 has_file "README","Hello baz" end describe "refs self", :pending => true do project "base" do |p| p.config "c.overlay :self; c.overlay 'auth'" p.file "README","hello" end project "auth" do |p| p.file "README"," auth stuff", :action => :append end has_files 1 has_file "README","hello auth stuff" end end