class ShowOffUtils # Helper method to parse a comma separated options string and stores # the result in a dictionrary # # Example: # # "tpl=hpi,title=Over the rainbow" # # will be stored as # # { "tpl" => "hpi", "title" => "Over the rainbow" } def self.parse_options(option_string="") result = {} if option_string option_string.split(",").each do |element| pair = element.split("=") result[pair[0]] = pair.size > 1 ? pair[1] : nil end end result end def self.presentation_config_file @presentation_config_file ||= 'showoff.json' end def self.presentation_config_file=(filename) @presentation_config_file = filename end def self.create(dirname,create_samples,dirs='one') FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) Dir.chdir(dirname) do dirs = dirs.split(',') if create_samples dirs.each do |dir| # create section FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) # create markdown file"#{dir}/", 'w+') do |f| f.puts make_slide("Section Header", "center subsection") end"#{dir}/", 'w+') do |f| f.puts make_slide("My Presentation") end"#{dir}/", 'w+') do |f| f.puts make_slide("Bullet Points","bullets incremental",["first point","second point","third point"]) end end end # Create asset directories FileUtils.mkdir_p('_files/share') FileUtils.mkdir_p('_images') # create showoff.json, 'w+') do |f| sections = dirs.collect {|dir| {"section" => dir} } f.puts JSON.pretty_generate({ "name" => "My Preso", "sections" => sections }) end end end def self.skeleton(config) if config FileUtils.cp(config, '.') ShowOffUtils.presentation_config_file = File.basename(config) end # Create asset directories FileUtils.mkdir_p('_files/share') FileUtils.mkdir_p('_images') self.showoff_sections('.').each do |filename| next if File.exist? filename puts "Creating: #{filename}" if filename.downcase.end_with? '.md' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename), 'w+') do |f| if filename =~ /section/i # kind of looks like a section slide f.puts make_slide("#{filename.sub(/\.md$/, '')}", "center subsection") else f.puts make_slide("#{filename.sub(/\.md$/, '')}") end end else FileUtils.mkdir_p filename end end end def self.validate(config) showoff =!(:pres_file => config) validators = showoff.settings.showoff_config['validators'] || {} files = [] errors = [] # get a list of actual filenames self.showoff_sections('.').each do |section| if files << showoff.load_section_files(section) else files << section end end files.flatten! files.each do |filename| unless File.exist? filename errors << "Missing path: #{filename}" next end if filename.downcase.end_with? '.md' print '.' showoff.get_code_from_slide(filename.sub('.md',''), 'all', false).each_with_index do |block, index| lang, code, classes = block validator = validators[lang] if classes.include? 'no-validate' print '-' next elsif validator # write out a tempfile because many validators require files to work with'showoff-validation') do |f| File.write(f.path, code) unless system("#{validator} #{f.path}", :out => File::NULL, :err => File::NULL) print 'F' errors << "Invalid #{lang} code on #{filename} [#{index}]" end end end end end end puts puts "Found #{errors.size} errors." unless errors.empty? errors.each { |err| puts " * #{err}" } exit! end end HEROKU_PROCFILE = 'Procfile' HEROKU_GEMS_FILE = 'Gemfile' HEROKU_CONFIG_FILE = '' # Setup presentation to run on Heroku # # name - String containing heroku name # force - boolean if .gems/Gemfile and should be overwritten if they don't exist # password - String containing password to protect your heroku site; nil means no password protection def self.heroku(name, force = false, password = nil) modified_something = create_gems_file(HEROKU_GEMS_FILE, !password.nil?, force, lambda{ |gem| "gem '#{gem}'" }, lambda{ "source :rubygems" }) create_file_if_needed(HEROKU_PROCFILE,force) do |file| modified_something = true file.puts 'bundle exec thin start -R -e production -p $PORT' end create_file_if_needed(HEROKU_CONFIG_FILE,force) do |file| modified_something = true file.puts 'require "showoff"' file.puts 'require "showoff/version"' if password.nil? file.puts 'run' else file.puts 'require "rack"' file.puts 'showoff_app =' file.puts 'protected_showoff = do |username, password|' file.puts "\tpassword == '#{password}'" file.puts 'end' file.puts 'run protected_showoff' end end modified_something end # generate a static version of the site into the gh-pages branch def self.github ShowOff.do_static(nil) FileUtils.touch 'static/.nojekyll' `git add -f static` sha = `git write-tree`.chomp tree_sha = `git rev-parse #{sha}:static`.chomp `git read-tree HEAD` # reset staging to last-commit ghp_sha = `git rev-parse gh-pages 2>/dev/null`.chomp extra = ghp_sha != 'gh-pages' ? "-p #{ghp_sha}" : '' commit_sha = `echo 'static presentation' | git commit-tree #{tree_sha} #{extra}`.chomp `git update-ref refs/heads/gh-pages #{commit_sha}` end # clone a repo url, then run a provided block def self.clone(url, branch=nil, path=nil) require 'tmpdir' Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| if branch system('git', 'clone', '-b', branch, '--single-branch', '--depth', '1', url, dir) else system('git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', url, dir) end dir = File.join(dir, path) if path Dir.chdir dir do yield if block_given? end end end # just update the repo in cwd def self.update(verbose=false) puts "Updating presentation repository..." if verbose system('git', 'pull') end # Makes a slide as a string. # [title] title of the slide # [classes] any "classes" to include, such as 'smaller', 'transition', etc. # [content] slide content. Currently, if this is an array, it will make a bullet list. Otherwise # the string value of this will be put in the slide as-is def self.make_slide(title,classes="",content=nil) slide = "\n" slide << "# #{title}\n" slide << "\n" if content if content.kind_of? Array content.each { |x| slide << "* #{x.to_s}\n" } else slide << content.to_s end end slide end TYPES = { :default => lambda { |t,size,source,type| make_slide(t,"#{size} #{type}",source) }, 'title' => lambda { |t,size,dontcare| make_slide(t,size) }, 'bullets' => lambda { |t,size,dontcare| make_slide(t,"#{size} bullets incremental",["bullets","go","here"])}, 'smbullets' => lambda { |t,size,dontcare| make_slide(t,"#{size} smbullets incremental",["bullets","go","here","and","here"])}, 'code' => lambda { |t,size,src| make_slide(t,size,blank?(src) ? " @@@ Ruby\n code_here()" : src) }, 'commandline' => lambda { |t,size,dontcare| make_slide(t,"#{size} commandline"," $ command here\n output here")}, 'full-page' => lambda { |t,size,dontcare| make_slide(t,"#{size} full-page","![Image Description](image/ref.png)")}, } # Adds a new slide to a given dir, giving it a number such that it falls after all slides # in that dir. # Options are: # [:dir] - dir where we put the slide (if omitted, slide is output to $stdout) # [:name] - name of the file, without the number prefix. (if omitted, a default is used) # [:title] - title in the slide. If not specified the source file name is # used. If THAT is not specified, uses the value of +:name+. If THAT is not # specified, a suitable default is used # [:code] - path to a source file to use as content (force :type to be 'code') # [:number] - true if numbering should be done, false if not # [:type] - the type of slide to create def self.add_slide(options) add_new_dir(options[:dir]) if options[:dir] && !File.exist?(options[:dir]) options[:type] = 'code' if options[:code] title = determine_title(options[:title],options[:name],options[:code]) options[:name] = 'new_slide' if !options[:name] size,source = determine_size_and_source(options[:code]) type = options[:type] || :default slide = TYPES[type].call(title,size,source) if options[:name] filename = determine_filename(options[:dir],options[:name],options[:number]) write_file(filename,slide) else puts slide puts end end # Adds the given directory to this presentation, appending it to # the end of showoff.json as well def self.add_new_dir(dir) puts "Creating #{dir}..." Dir.mkdir dir showoff_json = JSON.parse( showoff_json["section"] = dir,'w') do |file| file.puts JSON.generate(showoff_json) end puts "#{ShowOffUtils.presentation_config_file} updated" end def self.blank?(string) string.nil? || string.strip.length == 0 end def self.determine_size_and_source(code) size = "" source = "" if code source,lines,width = read_code(code) size = adjust_size(lines,width) end [size,source] end def self.write_file(filename,slide),'w') do |file| file.puts slide end puts "Wrote #{filename}" end def self.determine_filename(slide_dir,slide_name,number) raise "Slide name is required" unless slide_name if number next_num = find_next_number(slide_dir) slide_name = "#{next_num}_#{slide_name}" end if slide_dir filename = "#{slide_dir}/#{slide_name}.md" else filename = "#{slide_name}.md" end filename end # Finds the next number in the given dir to # name a slide as the last slide in the dir. def self.find_next_number(slide_dir) slide_dir ||= '.' max = Dir.glob("#{slide_dir}/*.md").collect do |f| next unless f =~ /^#{slide_dir}\/(\d+)/ $1.to_i end.compact.max || 0 sprintf("%02d", max+1) end def self.determine_title(title,slide_name,code) if blank?(title) title = slide_name title = File.basename(code) if code end title = "Title here" if blank?(title) title end # Determines a more optimal value for the size (e.g. small vs. smaller) # based upon the size of the code being formatted. def self.adjust_size(lines,width) size = "" # These values determined empircally size = "small" if width > 50 size = "small" if lines > 15 size = "smaller" if width > 57 size = "smaller" if lines > 19 puts "WARNING: some lines are too long and might be truncated" if width > 65 puts "WARNING: your code is too long and may not fit on a slide" if lines > 23 size end # Reads the code from the source file, returning # the code, indented for markdown, as well as the number of lines # and the width of the largest line def self.read_code(source_file) code = " @@@ #{lang(source_file)}\n" lines = 0 width = 0 do |code_file| code_file.readlines.each do |line| code += " #{line}" lines += 1 width = line.length if line.length > width end end [code,lines,width] end def self.showoff_sections(dir, logger = nil) unless logger logger = logger.level = Logger::WARN end index = File.join(dir, ShowOffUtils.presentation_config_file) sections = ["."] # default boring showoff.json if File.exist?(index) begin data = JSON.parse( logger.debug data if data.is_a?(Hash) sections = data['sections'] if data.include? 'sections' else sections = data end # each entry in sections can be: # - "" # - { "section": "" } # - { "section": [ ", ", ""] } # - { "include": "sections.json" } sections = do |entry| next entry if entry.is_a? String next nil unless entry.is_a? Hash next entry['section'] if entry.include? 'section' section = nil if entry.include? 'include' file = entry['include'] path = File.dirname(file) data = JSON.parse( if data.is_a? Array if path == '.' section = data else section = do |source| "#{path}/#{source}" end end end end section end rescue => e logger.error "There was a problem with the presentation file #{index}" logger.error e.message logger.debug e.backtrace sections = [] end end sections.flatten.compact end def self.showoff_title(dir = '.') get_config_option(dir, 'name', "Presentation") end def self.pause_msg(dir = '.') get_config_option(dir, 'pause_msg', 'PAUSED') end def self.default_style(dir = '.') get_config_option(dir, 'style', '') end def self.default_style?(style, dir = '.') default = default_style(dir) style.split('/').last.sub(/\.css$/, '') == default end def self.showoff_pdf_options(dir = '.') opts = get_config_option(dir, 'pdf_options', {:page_size => 'Letter', :orientation => 'Landscape'}) Hash[ {|k, v| [k.to_sym, v]}] # keys must be symbols end def self.showoff_markdown(dir = ".") get_config_option(dir, "markdown", "redcarpet") end def self.showoff_renderer_options(dir = '.', default_options = MarkdownConfig::defaults(dir)) opts = get_config_option(dir, showoff_markdown(dir), default_options) Hash[ {|k, v| [k.to_sym, v]}] if opts # keys must be symbols end def self.get_config_option(dir, option, default = nil) index = File.join(dir, ShowOffUtils.presentation_config_file) if File.exist?(index) data = JSON.parse( if data.is_a?(Hash) if default.is_a?(Hash) default.merge(data[option] || {}) else data[option] || default end end else default end end EXTENSIONS = { 'pl' => 'perl', 'rb' => 'ruby', 'erl' => 'erlang', # so not exhaustive, but probably good enough for now } def self.lang(source_file) ext = File.extname(source_file).gsub(/^\./,'') EXTENSIONS[ext] || ext end REQUIRED_GEMS = %w(redcarpet showoff heroku) # Creates the file that lists the gems for heroku # # filename - String name of the file # password - Boolean to indicate if we are setting a password # force - Boolean to indicate if we should overwrite the existing file # formatter - Proc/lambda that takes 1 argument, the gem name, and formats it for the file # This is so we can support both the old .gems and the new bundler Gemfile # header - Proc/lambda that creates any header information in the file # # Returns a boolean indicating that we had to create the file or not. def self.create_gems_file(filename,password,force,formatter,header=nil) create_file_if_needed(filename,force) do |file| file.puts unless header.nil? REQUIRED_GEMS.each { |gem| file.puts } file.puts"rack") if password end end # Creates the given filename if it doesn't exist or if force is true # # filename - String name of the file to create # force - if true, the file will always be created, if false, only create # if it's not there # block - takes a block that will be given the file handle to write # data into the file IF it's being created # # Examples # # create_file_if_needed("",false) do |file| # file.puts "require 'showoff'" # file.puts "run" # end # # Returns true if the file was created def self.create_file_if_needed(filename,force) if !File.exist?(filename) || force, 'w+') do |f| yield f end true else puts "#{filename} exists; not overwriting (see showoff help heroku)" false end end def self.command(command, error='command failed') puts "Running '#{command}'..." system(command) or raise error end end # Load the configuration for the markdown engine from the showoff.json # file module MarkdownConfig def self.setup(dir_name) require 'tilt' require 'tilt/erb' renderer = ShowOffUtils.showoff_markdown(dir_name) begin # Load markdown configuration case renderer when 'rdiscount' Tilt.prefer Tilt::RDiscountTemplate, "markdown" when 'maruku' Tilt.prefer Tilt::MarukuTemplate, "markdown" # Now check if we can go for latex mode require 'maruku' require 'maruku/ext/math' # Load maruku options opts = ShowOffUtils.showoff_renderer_options(dir_name, { :use_tex => false, :png_dir => 'images', :html_png_url => '/file/images/'}) if opts[:use_tex] MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_output_mathml] = false MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_output_png] = true MaRuKu::Globals[:html_math_engine] = 'none' MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_engine] = 'blahtex' MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_dir] = opts[:png_dir] MaRuKu::Globals[:html_png_url] = opts[:html_png_url] end when 'bluecloth' Tilt.prefer Tilt::BlueClothTemplate, "markdown" when 'kramdown' Tilt.prefer Tilt::KramdownTemplate, "markdown" when 'commonmarker' Tilt.prefer Tilt::CommonMarkerTemplate, "markdown" else Tilt.prefer Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate, "markdown" end rescue LoadError puts "ERROR: The #{renderer} markdown rendering engine does not appear to be installed correctly." exit! 1 end end def self.defaults(dir_name) case ShowOffUtils.showoff_markdown(dir_name) when 'rdiscount' { :autolink => true, } when 'maruku' {} when 'bluecloth' { :auto_links => true, :definition_lists => true, :superscript => true, :tables => true, } when 'kramdown' {} else { :autolink => true, :no_intra_emphasis => true, :superscript => true, :tables => true, :underline => true, } end end end