class Cumulus < Oxidized::Model using Refinements prompt /^(([\w.-]*)@(.*)):/ comment '# ' # add a comment in the final conf def add_comment(comment) "\n###### #{comment} ######\n" end cmd :all do |cfg| cfg.cut_both end cmd :secret do |cfg| cfg.gsub! /password (\S+)/, 'password <hidden>' cfg end # show the persistent configuration pre do use_nclu = vars(:cumulus_use_nclu) || false if use_nclu cfg = cmd 'net show configuration commands' else # Set FRR or Quagga in config routing_daemon = vars(:cumulus_routing_daemon) ? vars(:cumulus_routing_daemon).downcase : 'quagga' routing_conf_file = routing_daemon == 'frr' ? 'frr.conf' : 'Quagga.conf' routing_daemon_shout = routing_daemon.upcase cfg = add_comment 'THE HOSTNAME' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/hostname' cfg += add_comment 'THE HOSTS' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/hosts' cfg += add_comment 'THE INTERFACES' cfg += cmd 'grep -r "" /etc/network/interface* | cut -d "/" -f 4-' cfg += add_comment 'RESOLV.CONF' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' cfg += add_comment 'NTP.CONF' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/ntp.conf' cfg += add_comment 'SNMP settings' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf' cfg += add_comment "#{routing_daemon_shout} DAEMONS" cfg += cmd "cat /etc/#{routing_daemon}/daemons" cfg += add_comment "#{routing_daemon_shout} ZEBRA" cfg += cmd "cat /etc/#{routing_daemon}/zebra.conf" cfg += add_comment "#{routing_daemon_shout} BGP" cfg += cmd "cat /etc/#{routing_daemon}/bgpd.conf" cfg += add_comment "#{routing_daemon_shout} OSPF" cfg += cmd "cat /etc/#{routing_daemon}/ospfd.conf" cfg += add_comment "#{routing_daemon_shout} OSPF6" cfg += cmd "cat /etc/#{routing_daemon}/ospf6d.conf" cfg += add_comment "#{routing_daemon_shout} CONF" cfg += cmd "cat /etc/#{routing_daemon}/#{routing_conf_file}" cfg += add_comment 'MOTD' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/motd' cfg += add_comment 'PASSWD' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/passwd' cfg += add_comment 'SWITCHD' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/cumulus/switchd.conf' cfg += add_comment 'PORTS' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/cumulus/ports.conf' cfg += add_comment 'TRAFFIC' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/cumulus/datapath/traffic.conf' cfg += add_comment 'ACL' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/cumulus/acl/policy.conf' cfg += add_comment 'DHCP-RELAY' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/default/isc-dhcp-relay' cfg += add_comment 'VERSION' cfg += cmd 'cat /etc/cumulus/etc.replace/os-release' cfg += add_comment 'License' cfg += cmd 'cl-license' end cfg end cfg :telnet do username /^Username:/ password /^Password:/ end cfg :telnet, :ssh do post_login do if vars(:enable) == true cmd "sudo su -", /^\[sudo\] password/ cmd @node.auth[:password] elsif vars(:enable) cmd "su -", /^Password:/ cmd vars(:enable) end end pre_logout do cmd "exit" if vars(:enable) end pre_logout 'exit' end end