module Oxidized require "oxidized/input/cli" require "net/http" require "json" class HTTP < Input include Input::CLI def connect(node) @node = node @secure = false @username = nil @password = nil @headers = {} @log = + "/#{@node.ip}-http", "w") if Oxidized.config.input.debug? @node.model.cfg["http"].each { |cb| instance_exec(&cb) } return true unless @main_page && defined?(login) begin require "mechanize" rescue LoadError raise OxidizedError, "mechanize not found: sudo gem install mechanize" end @m = url = host: @node.ip, path: @main_page @m_page = @m.get(url.to_s) login end def cmd(callback_or_string) return cmd_cb callback_or_string if callback_or_string.is_a?(Proc) cmd_str callback_or_string end def cmd_cb(callback) instance_exec(&callback) end def cmd_str(string) path = string % { password: @node.auth[:password] } get_http path end private def get_http(path) schema = @secure ? "https://" : "http://" uri = URI("#{schema}#{@node.ip}#{path}") Oxidized.logger.debug "Making request to: #{uri}" ssl_verify = Oxidized.config.input.http.ssl_verify? ? OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER : OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE res = make_request(uri, ssl_verify) if res.code == '401' && res['www-authenticate']&.include?('Digest') uri.user = @username uri.password = @password Oxidized.logger.debug "Server requires Digest authentication" auth =, res['www-authenticate'], 'GET') res = make_request(uri, ssl_verify, 'Authorization' => auth) elsif @username && @password Oxidized.logger.debug "Falling back to Basic authentication" res = make_request(uri, ssl_verify, 'Authorization' => basic_auth_header) end Oxidized.logger.debug "Response code: #{res.code}" res.body end def make_request(uri, ssl_verify, extra_headers = {}) Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == "https", verify_mode: ssl_verify) do |http| req = @headers.merge(extra_headers).each { |header, value| req.add_field(header, value) } Oxidized.logger.debug "Sending request with headers: #{@headers.merge(extra_headers)}" http.request(req) end end def basic_auth_header "Basic " + ["#{@username}:#{@password}"].pack('m').delete("\r\n") end def log(str) @log&.write(str) end def disconnect @log.close if Oxidized.config.input.debug? end end end