begin require "rubygems" require "bundler" Bundler.setup :default rescue => e puts "Tanker: #{e.message}" end require 'indextank_client' require 'tanker/configuration' require 'tanker/utilities' require 'will_paginate/collection' if defined? Rails begin require 'tanker/railtie' rescue LoadError end end module Tanker class NotConfigured < StandardError; end class BadConfiguration < StandardError; end class NoBlockGiven < StandardError; end class NoIndexName < StandardError; end autoload :Configuration, 'tanker/configuration' extend Configuration autoload :KaminariPaginatedArray, 'tanker/paginated_array' class << self attr_reader :included_in def api @api ||=[:url]) end def included(klass) configuration # raises error if not defined @included_in ||= [] @included_in << klass @included_in.uniq! klass.send :include, InstanceMethods klass.extend ClassMethods class << klass define_method(:per_page) { 10 } unless respond_to?(:per_page) end end def batch_update(records) return false if records.empty? data = do |record| options = record.tanker_index_options options.merge!( :docid => record.it_doc_id, :fields => record.tanker_index_data ) options end records.first.class.tanker_index.add_documents(data) end def search(models, query, options = {}) ids = [] models = [models].flatten.uniq index = models.first.tanker_index query = query.join(' ') if Array === query snippets = options.delete(:snippets) fetch = options.delete(:fetch) paginate = extract_setup_paginate_options(options, :page => 1, :per_page => models.first.per_page) if (index_names = > 1 raise "You can't search across multiple indexes in one call (#{index_names.inspect})" end # move conditions into the query body if conditions = options.delete(:conditions) conditions.each do |field, value| value = [value].flatten.compact value.each do |item| query += " #{field}:(#{item})" end end end # rephrase filter_functions if filter_functions = options.delete(:filter_functions) filter_functions.each do |function_number, ranges| options[:"filter_function#{function_number}"] ={|r|r.join(':')}.join(',') end end # rephrase filter_docvars if filter_docvars = options.delete(:filter_docvars) filter_docvars.each do |var_number, ranges| options[:"filter_docvar#{var_number}"] ={|r|r.join(':')}.join(',') end end # fetch values from index tank or just the type and id to instace results localy options[:fetch] = "__type,__id" options[:fetch] += ",#{fetch.join(',')}" if fetch options[:snippet] = snippets.join(',') if snippets search_on_fields ={|model|{|arr| arr[0]}.uniq}.flatten.uniq.join(":(#{query.to_s}) OR ") query = "#{search_on_fields}:(#{query.to_s}) __type:(#{ {|name| "\"#{name.split('::').join(' ')}\"" }.join(' OR ')})" options = { :start => paginate[:per_page] * (paginate[:page] - 1), :len => paginate[:per_page] }.merge(options) if paginate results =, options) instantiated_results = if (fetch || snippets) instantiate_results_from_results(results, fetch, snippets) else instantiate_results_from_db(results) end paginate === false ? instantiated_results : paginate_results(instantiated_results, paginate, results['matches']) end protected def instantiate_results_from_db(index_result) results = index_result['results'] return [] if results.empty? id_map = results.inject({}) do |acc, result| model = result["__type"] id = constantize(model).tanker_parse_doc_id(result) acc[model] ||= [] acc[model] << id acc end id_map.each do |klass, ids| # replace the id list with an eager-loaded list of records for this model id_map[klass] = constantize(klass).find(ids) end # return them in order do |result| model, id = result["__type"], result["__id"] id_map[model].detect {|record| id == } end end def paginate_results(results, pagination_options, total_hits) case Tanker.configuration[:pagination_backend] when :will_paginate WillPaginate::Collection.create(pagination_options[:page], pagination_options[:per_page], total_hits) { |pager| pager.replace results } when :kaminari, pagination_options[:per_page], pagination_options[:page]-1, total_hits) else raise(BadConfiguration, "Unknown pagination backend") end end def instantiate_results_from_results(index_result, fetch = false, snippets = false) results = index_result['results'] return [] if results.empty? instances = [] id_map = results.inject({}) do |acc, result| model = result["__type"] instance = constantize(model).new() result.each do |key, value| case key when /snippet/ # create snippet reader attribute (method) instance.create_snippet_attribute(key, value) when '__id' # assign id attribute to the model = value when '__type', 'docid' # do nothing else #assign attributes that are fetched if they match attributes in the model if instance.respond_to?("#{key}=".to_sym) instance.send("#{key}=", value) end end end instances << instance end instances end # borrowed from Rails' ActiveSupport::Inflector def constantize(camel_cased_word) names = camel_cased_word.split('::') names.shift if names.empty? || names.first.empty? constant = Object names.each do |name| constant = constant.const_defined?(name) ? constant.const_get(name) : constant.const_missing(name) end constant end def extract_setup_paginate_options(options, defaults) # extract paginate_options = if options[:paginate] or options[:paginate] === false options.delete(:paginate) else { :page => options.delete(:page), :per_page => options.delete(:per_page) } end # setup defaults and ensure we got integer values unless paginate_options === false paginate_options[:page] = defaults[:page] unless paginate_options[:page] paginate_options[:per_page] = defaults[:per_page] unless paginate_options[:per_page] paginate_options.each { |key, value| paginate_options[key] = value.to_i } end paginate_options end end # these are the class methods added when Tanker is included # They're kept to a minimum to prevent namespace pollution module ClassMethods attr_accessor :tanker_config def tankit(name = nil, options = {}, &block) if block_given? raise(NoIndexName, 'Please provide an index name') if name.nil? && self.tanker_config.nil? self.tanker_config ||=, options, name ||= self.tanker_config.index_name self.tanker_config.index_name = name config =, block) config.indexes.each do |key, value| self.tanker_config.indexes << [key, value] end unless config.variables.empty? self.tanker_config.variables do instance_exec &config.variables.first end end else raise(NoBlockGiven, 'Please provide a block') end end def search_tank(query, options = {})[self], query, options) end def tanker_index tanker_config.index end def tanker_reindex(options = {}) puts "Indexing #{self} model" batches = [] options[:batch_size] ||= 200 records = options[:scope] ? send(options[:scope]).all : all record_size = 0 records.each_with_index do |model_instance, idx| batch_num = idx / options[:batch_size] (batches[batch_num] ||= []) << model_instance record_size += 1 end timer = batches.each_with_index do |batch, idx| Tanker.batch_update(batch) puts "Indexed #{batch.size} records #{(idx * options[:batch_size]) + batch.size}/#{record_size}" end puts "Indexed #{record_size} #{self} records in #{ - timer} seconds" end def tanker_parse_doc_id(result) result['docid'].split(' ').last end end class ModelConfig attr_accessor :index_name attr_accessor :options def initialize(index_name, options = {}, block) @index_name = index_name @options = options @indexes = [] @variables = [] @functions = {} instance_exec &block end def indexes(field = nil, &block) @indexes << [field, block] if field @indexes end def variables(&block) @variables << block if block @variables end def functions(&block) @functions = if block @functions end def index @index ||= Tanker.api.get_index(index_name) end end # these are the instance methods included module InstanceMethods def tanker_config self.class.tanker_config || raise(NotConfigured, "Please configure Tanker for #{self.class.inspect} with the 'tankit' block") end def tanker_indexes tanker_config.indexes end def tanker_variables tanker_config.variables end # update a create instance from index tank def update_tank_indexes tanker_config.index.add_document( it_doc_id, tanker_index_data, tanker_index_options ) end # delete instance from index tank def delete_tank_indexes tanker_config.index.delete_document(it_doc_id) end def tanker_index_data data = {} # attempt to autodetect timestamp if respond_to?(:created_at) data[:timestamp] = created_at.to_i end tanker_indexes.each do |field, block| val = block ? instance_exec(&block) : send(field) val = val.join(' ') if Array === val data[field.to_sym] = val.to_s unless val.nil? end data[:__any] = data.values.sort_by{|v| v.to_s}.join " . " data[:__type] = type_name data[:__id] = data end #dynamically create a snippet read attribute (method) def create_snippet_attribute(key, value) # the method name should something_snippet not snippet_something as the api returns it self.class.send(:define_method, "#{key.match(/snippet_(\w+)/)[1]}_snippet") do value end end def tanker_index_options options = {} unless tanker_variables.empty? options[:variables] = tanker_variables.inject({}) do |hash, variables| hash.merge(instance_exec(&variables)) end end options end # create a unique index based on the model name and unique id def it_doc_id type_name + ' ' + end def type_name tanker_config.options[:as] || end end end