Class Smoke::Source::YQL

  1. lib/smoke/source/yql.rb
Parent: Smoke::Origin

YQL will call to Yahoo YQL services


Smoke.yql(:ruby) do
  select  :all
  from    "search.web"
  where   :query, "ruby"


public instance

  1. from
  2. select
  3. use
  4. where

protected instance

  1. dispatch
  2. params




request [R]

Public instance methods

from (source)

from corresponds to the from fragment of the YQL query Usage:

from "search.web"


from :html
[show source]
    # File lib/smoke/source/yql.rb, line 34
34:       def from(source)
35:         @from = source.join(',') and return if source.is_a? Array
36:         @from = source.to_s
37:       end
select (what = :all)

Select indicates what YQL will be selecting Usage:

select :all
=> "SELECT *"
select :title
=> "SELECT title"
select :title, :description
=> "SELECT title, description"
[show source]
    # File lib/smoke/source/yql.rb, line 23
23:       def select(what = :all)
24:         @select = what.join(",") and return if what.is_a? Array
25:         @select = "*" and return if what == :all
26:         @select = what.to_s
27:       end
use (url)

`use` can be used to set the url location of the data-table that you want YQL to search upon


use ""
[show source]
    # File lib/smoke/source/yql.rb, line 55
55:       def use(url)
56:         params.merge!({:env => url})
57:       end
where (column, value)

where is a straight up match, no fancy matchers are currently supported Usage:

where :xpath, "//div/div/a"


where :query, "python"
[show source]
    # File lib/smoke/source/yql.rb, line 45
45:       def where(column, value)
46:         @where = @where || []
47:         @where << "#{column.to_s} = '#{value}'"
48:       end

Protected instance methods

dispatch ()
[show source]
    # File lib/smoke/source/yql.rb, line 64
64:       def dispatch
65:         @request =
66:         self.items = [(@path.nil?) ? @request.body : drill(@request.body, *@path)]
67:       end
params ()
[show source]
    # File lib/smoke/source/yql.rb, line 60
60:       def params 
61:         @params || @params = {}
62:       end