module namespace test = ""; (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::) (: File: generate-query-utils.xql :) (: Author: Jeni Tennsion :) (: URL: :) (: Tags: :) (: Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Jeni Tennsion (see end of file.) :) (: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :) declare namespace fn = ""; declare function test:deep-equal($seq1 as item()*, $seq2 as item()*) as xs:boolean { test:deep-equal($seq1, $seq2, 2.0) }; declare function test:deep-equal( $seq1 as item()*, $seq2 as item()*, $version as xs:double ) as xs:boolean { if ( $version = 1.0 ) then if ( $seq1 instance of xs:string and $seq2 instance of text()+ ) then test:deep-equal($seq1, fn:string-join($seq2, '')) else if ( $seq1 instance of xs:double and $seq2 instance of text()+ ) then test:deep-equal($seq1, xs:double(fn:string-join($seq2, ''))) else if ( $seq1 instance of xs:decimal and $seq2 instance of text()+ ) then test:deep-equal($seq1, xs:decimal(fn:string-join($seq2, ''))) else if ( $seq1 instance of xs:integer and $seq2 instance of text()+ ) then test:deep-equal($seq1, xs:integer(fn:string-join($seq2, ''))) else test:deep-equal($seq1, $seq2) else if ( fn:empty($seq1) or fn:empty($seq2) ) then fn:empty($seq1) and fn:empty($seq2) else if ( fn:count($seq1) = fn:count($seq2) ) then every $i in (1 to fn:count($seq1)) satisfies test:item-deep-equal($seq1[$i], $seq2[$i]) else if ( $seq1 instance of text() and $seq2 instance of text()+ ) then test:deep-equal($seq1, text { fn:string-join($seq2, '') }) else fn:false() }; declare function test:item-deep-equal($item1 as item(), $item2 as item()) as xs:boolean { if ( $item1 instance of node() and $item2 instance of node() ) then test:node-deep-equal($item1, $item2) else if ( fn:not($item1 instance of node()) and fn:not($item2 instance of node()) ) then fn:deep-equal($item1, $item2) else fn:false() }; declare function test:node-deep-equal($node1 as node(), $node2 as node()) as xs:boolean { if ( $node1 instance of document-node() and $node2 instance of document-node() ) then test:deep-equal(test:sorted-children($node1), test:sorted-children($node2)) else if ( $node1 instance of element() and $node2 instance of element() ) then if ( fn:node-name($node1) eq fn:node-name($node2) ) then let $atts1 as attribute()* := test:sort-named-nodes($node1/@*) let $atts2 as attribute()* := test:sort-named-nodes($node2/@*) return if ( test:deep-equal($atts1, $atts2) ) then if ( fn:count($node1/node()) = 1 and $node1/text() = '...' ) then fn:true() else test:deep-equal(test:sorted-children($node1), test:sorted-children($node2)) else fn:false() else fn:false() else if ( $node1 instance of text() and $node1 = '...' ) then fn:true() else if ( $node1 instance of text() and $node2 instance of text() ) then fn:string($node1) eq fn:string($node2) else if ( ( $node1 instance of attribute() and $node2 instance of attribute() ) or ( $node1 instance of processing-instruction() and $node2 instance of processing-instruction()) ) then fn:node-name($node1) eq fn:node-name($node2) and ( fn:string($node1) eq fn:string($node2) or fn:string($node1) = '...' ) else if ( $node1 instance of comment() and $node2 instance of comment() ) then fn:string($node1) eq fn:string($node2) or fn:string($node1) = '...' else fn:false() }; declare function test:sorted-children($node as node()) as node()* { $node/child::node() except ( $node/text()[fn:not(fn:normalize-space(.))], $node/test:message ) }; (: Aim to be identical to: : : : : : :) declare function test:sort-named-nodes($nodes as node()*) as node()* { if ( fn:empty($nodes) ) then () else let $idx := test:named-nodes-minimum($nodes) return ( $nodes[$idx], test:sort-named-nodes(fn:remove($nodes, $idx)) ) }; (: Return the "minimum" of $nodes, using the order defined by : test:sort-named-nodes(). :) declare function test:named-nodes-minimum($nodes as node()+) as xs:integer { (: if there is only one node, this is the minimum :) if ( fn:empty($nodes[2]) ) then 1 (: if not, init the temp minimum on the first one, then walk through the sequence :) else test:named-nodes-minimum($nodes, fn:node-name($nodes[1]), 1, 2) }; declare function test:named-nodes-minimum( $nodes as node()+, $min as xs:QName, $idx as xs:integer, $curr as xs:integer ) as xs:integer { if ( $curr gt fn:count($nodes) ) then $idx else if ( test:qname-lt(fn:node-name($nodes[$curr]), $min) ) then test:named-nodes-minimum($nodes, fn:node-name($nodes[$curr]), $curr, $curr + 1) else test:named-nodes-minimum($nodes, $min, $idx, $curr + 1) }; declare function test:qname-lt($n1 as xs:QName, $n2 as xs:QName) as xs:boolean { if ( fn:namespace-uri-from-QName($n1) eq fn:namespace-uri-from-QName($n2) ) then fn:local-name-from-QName($n1) lt fn:local-name-from-QName($n2) else fn:namespace-uri-from-QName($n1) lt fn:namespace-uri-from-QName($n2) }; declare function test:report-value($value as item()*, $wrapper-name as xs:string) as element() { test:report-value($value, $wrapper-name, '') }; declare function test:report-value( $value as item()*, $wrapper-name as xs:string, $wrapper-ns as xs:string ) as element() { element { fn:QName($wrapper-ns, $wrapper-name) } { if ( $value[1] instance of attribute() ) then ( attribute { 'select' } { '/*/(@* | node())' }, element { fn:QName($wrapper-ns, 'temp') } { $value } ) else if ( $value instance of node()+ ) then ( if ( $value instance of document-node() ) then attribute { 'select' } { '/' } else if ( fn:not($value instance of element()+) ) then attribute { 'select' } { '/node()' } else () , if ( fn:count($value//node()) > 1000 ) then fn:error((), 'TODO: Write the value within a file...') else (: TODO: The original stylesheet use a mode to do a bit different copy, to preserve withespaces... :) $value ) else attribute { 'select' } { if ( fn:empty($value) ) then '()' else if ( $value instance of item() ) then test:report-atomic-value($value) else fn:concat('(', fn:string-join(for $v in $value return test:report-atomic-value($v), ', '), ')') } } }; declare function test:report-atomic-value($value as item()) as xs:string { if ( $value instance of xs:string ) then fn:concat("'", fn:replace($value, "'", "''"), "'") else if ( $value instance of xs:integer or $value instance of xs:decimal or $value instance of xs:double ) then fn:string($value) else if ( $value instance of xs:QName ) then fn:concat("QName('", fn:namespace-uri-from-QName($value), "', '", if ( fn:prefix-from-QName($value) ) then fn:concat(fn:prefix-from-QName($value), ':') else '', fn:local-name-from-QName($value), "')") else fn:concat(test:atom-type($value), '(', test:report-atomic-value(fn:string($value)), ')') }; declare function test:atom-type($value as xs:anyAtomicType) as xs:string { if ( $value instance of xs:string ) then 'xs:string' else if ( $value instance of xs:boolean ) then 'xs:boolean' else if ( $value instance of xs:double ) then 'xs:double' else if ( $value instance of xs:anyURI ) then 'xs:anyURI' else if ( $value instance of xs:dateTime ) then 'xs:dateTime' else if ( $value instance of xs:date ) then 'xs:date' else if ( $value instance of xs:time ) then 'xs:time' else 'xs:anyAtomicType' }; (: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :) (: DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS COMMENT. :) (: :) (: Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Jeni Tennsion :) (: :) (: The contents of this file are subject to the MIT License (see the URI :) (: for details). :) (: :) (: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining :) (: a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the :) (: "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including :) (: without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, :) (: distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to :) (: permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to :) (: the following conditions: :) (: :) (: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be :) (: included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. :) (: :) (: THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, :) (: EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF :) (: MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. :) (: IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY :) (: CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, :) (: TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE :) (: SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. :) (: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :)