#include #include #include #include #include "DrawOp.hpp" #include "DrawOpQueue.hpp" #include "GraphicsImpl.hpp" #include "LargeImageData.hpp" #include "Macro.hpp" #include "OffScreenTarget.hpp" #include "Texture.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace Gosu { namespace { Graphics* current_graphics_pointer = nullptr; Graphics& current_graphics() { if (current_graphics_pointer == nullptr) { throw std::logic_error{"Gosu::Graphics can only be drawn to while rendering"}; } return *current_graphics_pointer; } std::vector> textures; DrawOpQueueStack queues; DrawOpQueue& current_queue() { if (queues.empty()) { throw std::logic_error{"There is no rendering queue for this operation"}; } return queues.back(); } } } struct Gosu::Graphics::Impl : private Gosu::Noncopyable { unsigned virt_width = 0, virt_height = 0; unsigned phys_width = 0, phys_height = 0; double black_width = 0.0, black_height = 0.0; Transform base_transform; DrawOpQueueStack warmed_up_queues; void update_base_transform() { double scale_x = 1.0 * phys_width / virt_width; double scale_y = 1.0 * phys_height / virt_height; double scale_factor = std::min(scale_x, scale_y); Transform scale_transform = scale(scale_factor); Transform translate_transform = translate(black_width, black_height); base_transform = concat(translate_transform, scale_transform); } #ifndef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES void begin_gl() // NOLINT(readability-convert-member-functions-to-static) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); glDisable(GL_BLEND); // Reset the color to white to avoid surprises. // https://www.libgosu.org/cgi-bin/mwf/topic_show.pl?pid=9115#pid9115 glColor4ubv(reinterpret_cast(&Color::WHITE)); while (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) ; } void end_gl() { glPopAttrib(); // Restore matrices. // TODO: Should be merged into RenderState and removed from Graphics. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glViewport(0, 0, static_cast(phys_width), static_cast(phys_height)); glOrtho(0, phys_width, phys_height, 0, -1, 1); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); } #endif }; Gosu::Graphics::Graphics(unsigned phys_width, unsigned phys_height) : m_impl(new Impl) { m_impl->virt_width = phys_width; m_impl->virt_height = phys_height; m_impl->black_width = 0; m_impl->black_height = 0; // TODO: Should be merged into RenderState and removed from Graphics. glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); set_physical_resolution(phys_width, phys_height); } Gosu::Graphics::~Graphics() { if (current_graphics_pointer == this) { current_graphics_pointer = nullptr; } } unsigned Gosu::Graphics::width() const { return m_impl->virt_width; } unsigned Gosu::Graphics::height() const { return m_impl->virt_height; } void Gosu::Graphics::set_resolution(unsigned virtual_width, unsigned virtual_height, double horizontal_black_bar_width, double vertical_black_bar_height) { if (virtual_width == 0 || virtual_height == 0) { throw std::invalid_argument{"Invalid virtual resolution."}; } m_impl->virt_width = virtual_width; m_impl->virt_height = virtual_height; m_impl->black_width = horizontal_black_bar_width; m_impl->black_height = vertical_black_bar_height; m_impl->update_base_transform(); } void Gosu::Graphics::frame(const std::function& f) { if (current_graphics_pointer != nullptr) { throw std::logic_error{"Cannot nest calls to Gosu::Graphics::begin()"}; } // Cancel all recording or whatever that might still be in progress... queues.clear(); if (m_impl->warmed_up_queues.size() == 1) { // If we already have a "warmed up" queue, use that instead. // -> All internal std::vectors will already have a lot of capacity. // This helps reduce allocations during normal operation. queues.clear(); queues.swap(m_impl->warmed_up_queues); } else { // Create default draw-op queue. queues.emplace_back(QM_RENDER_TO_SCREEN); } queues.back().set_base_transform(m_impl->base_transform); ensure_current_context(); glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); current_graphics_pointer = this; f(); // Cancel all intermediate queues that have not been cleaned up. while (queues.size() > 1) queues.pop_back(); flush(); if (m_impl->black_height != 0 || m_impl->black_width != 0) { if (m_impl->black_height != 0) { // Top black bar. draw_rect(0, 0, width(), -m_impl->black_height, Color::BLACK, 0); // Bottom black bar. draw_rect(0, height(), width(), +m_impl->black_height, Color::BLACK, 0); } if (m_impl->black_width != 0) { // Left black bar. draw_rect(0, 0, -m_impl->black_width, height(), Color::BLACK, 0); // Right black bar. draw_rect(width(), 0, +m_impl->black_width, height(), Color::BLACK, 0); } flush(); } glFlush(); current_graphics_pointer = nullptr; // Clear leftover transforms, clip rects etc. if (queues.size() == 1) { queues.swap(m_impl->warmed_up_queues); m_impl->warmed_up_queues.back().reset(); } else { queues.clear(); } } void Gosu::Graphics::flush() { current_queue().perform_draw_ops_and_code(); current_queue().clear_queue(); } void Gosu::Graphics::gl(const std::function& f) { if (current_queue().mode() == QM_RECORD_MACRO) { throw std::logic_error{"Custom OpenGL is not allowed while creating a macro"}; } #ifdef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES throw std::logic_error{"Custom OpenGL ES is not supported yet"}; #else Graphics& cg = current_graphics(); flush(); cg.m_impl->begin_gl(); f(); cg.m_impl->end_gl(); #endif } void Gosu::Graphics::gl(Gosu::ZPos z, const std::function& f) { #ifdef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES throw std::logic_error{"Custom OpenGL ES is not supported yet"}; #else const auto wrapped_f = [f] { Graphics& cg = current_graphics(); cg.m_impl->begin_gl(); f(); cg.m_impl->end_gl(); }; current_queue().gl(wrapped_f, z); #endif } void Gosu::Graphics::clip_to(double x, double y, double width, double height, const std::function& f) { double screen_height = current_graphics().m_impl->phys_height; current_queue().begin_clipping(x, y, width, height, screen_height); f(); current_queue().end_clipping(); } Gosu::Image Gosu::Graphics::render(int width, int height, const std::function& f, unsigned image_flags) { ensure_current_context(); // Prepare for rendering at the requested size, but save the previous matrix and viewport. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); GLint prev_viewport[4]; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, prev_viewport); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); // Note the flipped vertical axis in the glOrtho call - this is so we don't have to vertically // flip the texture afterwards. #ifdef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES glOrthof(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1); // NOLINT(readability-suspicious-call-argument) #else glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1); // NOLINT(readability-suspicious-call-argument) #endif // This is the actual render-to-texture step. Image result = OffScreenTarget(width, height, image_flags).render([&] { #ifndef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); #endif glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(GL_BLEND); queues.emplace_back(QM_RENDER_TO_TEXTURE); f(); queues.back().perform_draw_ops_and_code(); queues.pop_back(); glFlush(); #ifndef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES glPopAttrib(); #endif }); // Restore previous matrix and glViewport. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glViewport(prev_viewport[0], prev_viewport[1], prev_viewport[2], prev_viewport[3]); return result; } Gosu::Image Gosu::Graphics::record(int width, int height, const std::function& f) { queues.emplace_back(QM_RECORD_MACRO); f(); std::unique_ptr result(new Macro(current_queue(), width, height)); queues.pop_back(); return Image(move(result)); } void Gosu::Graphics::transform(const Gosu::Transform& transform, const std::function& f) { current_queue().push_transform(transform); f(); current_queue().pop_transform(); } void Gosu::Graphics::draw_line(double x1, double y1, Color c1, double x2, double y2, Color c2, ZPos z, BlendMode mode) { DrawOp op; op.render_state.mode = mode; op.vertices_or_block_index = 2; op.vertices[0] = DrawOp::Vertex(x1, y1, c1); op.vertices[1] = DrawOp::Vertex(x2, y2, c2); op.z = z; current_queue().schedule_draw_op(op); } void Gosu::Graphics::draw_triangle(double x1, double y1, Color c1, double x2, double y2, Color c2, double x3, double y3, Color c3, ZPos z, BlendMode mode) { DrawOp op; op.render_state.mode = mode; op.vertices_or_block_index = 3; op.vertices[0] = DrawOp::Vertex(x1, y1, c1); op.vertices[1] = DrawOp::Vertex(x2, y2, c2); op.vertices[2] = DrawOp::Vertex(x3, y3, c3); #ifdef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES op.vertices_or_block_index = 4; op.vertices[3] = op.vertices[2]; #endif op.z = z; current_queue().schedule_draw_op(op); } void Gosu::Graphics::draw_quad(double x1, double y1, Color c1, double x2, double y2, Color c2, double x3, double y3, Color c3, double x4, double y4, Color c4, ZPos z, BlendMode mode) { normalize_coordinates(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, c3, x4, y4, c4); DrawOp op; op.render_state.mode = mode; op.vertices_or_block_index = 4; op.vertices[0] = DrawOp::Vertex(x1, y1, c1); op.vertices[1] = DrawOp::Vertex(x2, y2, c2); // TODO: Should be harmonized #ifdef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES op.vertices[2] = DrawOp::Vertex(x3, y3, c3); op.vertices[3] = DrawOp::Vertex(x4, y4, c4); #else op.vertices[3] = DrawOp::Vertex(x3, y3, c3); op.vertices[2] = DrawOp::Vertex(x4, y4, c4); #endif op.z = z; current_queue().schedule_draw_op(op); } void Gosu::Graphics::draw_rect(double x, double y, double width, double height, Color c, ZPos z, Gosu::BlendMode mode) { draw_quad(x, y, c, x + width, y, c, x, y + height, c, x + width, y + height, c, z, mode); } void Gosu::Graphics::schedule_draw_op(const Gosu::DrawOp& op) { current_queue().schedule_draw_op(op); } void Gosu::Graphics::set_physical_resolution(unsigned phys_width, unsigned phys_height) { m_impl->phys_width = phys_width; m_impl->phys_height = phys_height; // TODO: Should be merged into RenderState and removed from Graphics. glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glViewport(0, 0, phys_width, phys_height); #ifdef GOSU_IS_OPENGLES glOrthof(0, phys_width, phys_height, 0, -1, 1); #else glOrtho(0, phys_width, phys_height, 0, -1, 1); #endif m_impl->update_base_transform(); } std::unique_ptr Gosu::Graphics::create_image(const Bitmap& src, unsigned src_x, unsigned src_y, unsigned src_width, unsigned src_height, unsigned flags) { static const unsigned max_size = MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE; // Backward compatibility: This used to be 'bool tileable'. if (flags == 1) flags = IF_TILEABLE; bool wants_retro = (flags & IF_RETRO); // Special case: If the texture is supposed to have hard borders, is // quadratic, has a size that is at least 64 pixels but no more than max_size // pixels and a power of two, create a single texture just for this image. if ((flags & IF_TILEABLE) == IF_TILEABLE && src_width == src_height && (src_width & (src_width - 1)) == 0 && src_width >= 64 && src_width <= max_size) { std::shared_ptr texture{new Texture(src_width, src_height, wants_retro)}; std::unique_ptr data; // Use the source bitmap directly if the source area completely covers // it. if (src_x == 0 && src_width == src.width() && src_y == 0 && src_height == src.height()) { data = texture->try_alloc(src, 0); } else { Bitmap bmp(src_width, src_height); bmp.insert(0, 0, src, src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height); data = texture->try_alloc(bmp, 0); } if (!data) throw std::logic_error{"Internal texture block allocation error"}; return data; } // Too large to fit on a single texture. if (src_width > max_size - 2 || src_height > max_size - 2) { Bitmap bmp(src_width, src_height); bmp.insert(0, 0, src, src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height); return std::unique_ptr{ new LargeImageData(bmp, max_size - 2, max_size - 2, flags)}; } Bitmap bmp = apply_border_flags(flags, src, src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height); // Try to put the bitmap into one of the already allocated textures. for (const auto& texture : textures) { if (texture->retro() != wants_retro) continue; std::unique_ptr data = texture->try_alloc(bmp, 1); if (data) return data; } // All textures are full: Create a new one. std::shared_ptr texture{new Texture(max_size, max_size, wants_retro)}; textures.push_back(texture); std::unique_ptr data{texture->try_alloc(bmp, 1)}; if (!data.get()) throw std::logic_error("Internal texture block allocation error"); return data; }