/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_CORE_CONTROLLER_H_ #define _PASSENGER_CORE_CONTROLLER_H_ //#define DEBUG_CC_EVENT_LOOP_BLOCKING #define CC_BENCHMARK_POINT(client, req, value) \ do { \ if (OXT_UNLIKELY(mainConfig.benchmarkMode == value)) { \ writeBenchmarkResponse(&client, &req); \ return; \ } \ } while (false) #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) || defined(__APPLE__) #include #define CXX_ABI_API_AVAILABLE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Passenger { using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace oxt; using namespace ApplicationPool2; namespace ServerKit { extern const HashedStaticString HTTP_COOKIE; extern const HashedStaticString HTTP_SET_COOKIE; } namespace Core { class Controller: public ServerKit::HttpServer { private: typedef ServerKit::HttpServer ParentClass; typedef ServerKit::Channel Channel; typedef ServerKit::FdSinkChannel FdSinkChannel; typedef ServerKit::FdSourceChannel FdSourceChannel; typedef ServerKit::FileBufferedChannel FileBufferedChannel; typedef ServerKit::FileBufferedFdSinkChannel FileBufferedFdSinkChannel; // If you change this value, make sure that Request::sessionCheckoutTry // has enough bits. static const unsigned int MAX_SESSION_CHECKOUT_TRY = 10; ControllerMainConfig mainConfig; ControllerRequestConfigPtr requestConfig; StringKeyTable< boost::shared_ptr > poolOptionsCache; HashedStaticString PASSENGER_APP_GROUP_NAME; HashedStaticString PASSENGER_ENV_VARS; HashedStaticString PASSENGER_MAX_REQUESTS; HashedStaticString PASSENGER_SHOW_VERSION_IN_HEADER; HashedStaticString PASSENGER_STICKY_SESSIONS; HashedStaticString PASSENGER_STICKY_SESSIONS_COOKIE_NAME; HashedStaticString PASSENGER_STICKY_SESSIONS_COOKIE_ATTRIBUTES; HashedStaticString PASSENGER_REQUEST_OOB_WORK; HashedStaticString REMOTE_ADDR; HashedStaticString REMOTE_PORT; HashedStaticString REMOTE_USER; HashedStaticString FLAGS; HashedStaticString HTTP_COOKIE; HashedStaticString HTTP_DATE; HashedStaticString HTTP_HOST; HashedStaticString HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH; HashedStaticString HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE; HashedStaticString HTTP_EXPECT; HashedStaticString HTTP_CONNECTION; HashedStaticString HTTP_STATUS; HashedStaticString HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING; friend class TurboCaching; friend class ResponseCache; struct ev_check checkWatcher; TurboCaching turboCaching; ConfigKit::Store *singleAppModeConfig; #ifdef DEBUG_CC_EVENT_LOOP_BLOCKING struct ev_prepare prepareWatcher; ev_tstamp timeBeforeBlocking; #endif /****** Initialization and shutdown ******/ void preinitialize(); /****** Stage: initialize request ******/ struct RequestAnalysis; void initializeFlags(Client *client, Request *req, RequestAnalysis &analysis); bool respondFromTurboCache(Client *client, Request *req); void initializePoolOptions(Client *client, Request *req, RequestAnalysis &analysis); void fillPoolOptionsFromConfigCaches(Options &options, psg_pool_t *pool, const ControllerRequestConfigPtr &requestConfigCache); static void fillPoolOption(Request *req, StaticString &field, const HashedStaticString &name); static void fillPoolOption(Request *req, int &field, const HashedStaticString &name); static void fillPoolOption(Request *req, bool &field, const HashedStaticString &name); static void fillPoolOption(Request *req, unsigned int &field, const HashedStaticString &name); static void fillPoolOption(Request *req, unsigned long &field, const HashedStaticString &name); static void fillPoolOption(Request *req, long &field, const HashedStaticString &name); static void fillPoolOptionSecToMsec(Request *req, unsigned int &field, const HashedStaticString &name); void createNewPoolOptions(Client *client, Request *req, const HashedStaticString &appGroupName); void setStickySessionId(Client *client, Request *req); const LString *getStickySessionCookieName(Request *req); /****** Stage: buffering body ******/ void beginBufferingBody(Client *client, Request *req); Channel::Result whenBufferingBody_onRequestBody(Client *client, Request *req, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer, int errcode); static void _bodyBufferFlushed(FileBufferedChannel *_channel); /****** Stage: checkout session ******/ void checkoutSession(Client *client, Request *req); static void sessionCheckedOut(const AbstractSessionPtr &session, const ExceptionPtr &e, void *userData); void sessionCheckedOutFromAnotherThread(Client *client, Request *req, AbstractSessionPtr session, ExceptionPtr e); void sessionCheckedOutFromEventLoopThread(Client *client, Request *req, const AbstractSessionPtr &session, const ExceptionPtr &e); void maybeSend100Continue(Client *client, Request *req); void initiateSession(Client *client, Request *req); static void checkoutSessionLater(Request *req); void reportSessionCheckoutError(Client *client, Request *req, const ExceptionPtr &e); int lookupCodeFromHeader(Request *req, const char* header, int statusCode); void writeRequestQueueFullExceptionErrorResponse(Client *client, Request *req, const boost::shared_ptr &e); void writeSpawnExceptionErrorResponse(Client *client, Request *req, const boost::shared_ptr &e); void writeOtherExceptionErrorResponse(Client *client, Request *req, const ExceptionPtr &e); void endRequestWithErrorResponse(Client **c, Request **r, const SpawningKit::SpawnException &e, int statusCode); bool friendlyErrorPagesEnabled(Request *req); /****** Stage: send request to application ******/ struct SessionProtocolWorkingState; struct HttpHeaderConstructionCache; void sendHeaderToApp(Client *client, Request *req); void sendHeaderToAppWithSessionProtocol(Client *client, Request *req); static void sendBodyToAppWhenAppSinkIdle(Channel *_channel, unsigned int size); unsigned int determineMaxHeaderSizeForSessionProtocol(Request *req, SessionProtocolWorkingState &state, string delta_monotonic); bool constructHeaderForSessionProtocol(Request *req, char * restrict buffer, unsigned int &size, const SessionProtocolWorkingState &state, string delta_monotonic); void sendHeaderToAppWithHttpProtocol(Client *client, Request *req); bool constructHeaderBuffersForHttpProtocol(Request *req, struct iovec *buffers, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int & restrict_ref nbuffers, unsigned int & restrict_ref dataSize, HttpHeaderConstructionCache &cache); bool sendHeaderToAppWithHttpProtocolAndWritev(Request *req, ssize_t &bytesWritten, HttpHeaderConstructionCache &cache); void sendHeaderToAppWithHttpProtocolWithBuffering(Request *req, unsigned int offset, HttpHeaderConstructionCache &cache); void sendBodyToApp(Client *client, Request *req); void maybeHalfCloseAppSinkBecauseRequestBodyEndReached(Client *client, Request *req); Channel::Result whenSendingRequest_onRequestBody(Client *client, Request *req, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer, int errcode); static void resumeRequestBodyChannelWhenAppSinkIdle(Channel *_channel, unsigned int size); void startBodyChannel(Client *client, Request *req); void stopBodyChannel(Client *client, Request *req); void logAppSocketWriteError(Client *client, int errcode); /****** Stage: forward application response to client ******/ static Channel::Result _onAppSourceData(Channel *_channel, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer, int errcode); Channel::Result onAppSourceData(Client *client, Request *req, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer, int errcode); void onAppResponseBegin(Client *client, Request *req); void prepareAppResponseCaching(Client *client, Request *req); void onAppResponse100Continue(Client *client, Request *req); bool constructHeaderBuffersForResponse(Request *req, struct iovec *buffers, unsigned int maxbuffers, unsigned int & restrict_ref nbuffers, unsigned int & restrict_ref dataSize, unsigned int & restrict_ref nCacheableBuffers); unsigned int constructDateHeaderBuffersForResponse(char *dateStr, unsigned int bufsize); bool sendResponseHeaderWithWritev(Client *client, Request *req, ssize_t &bytesWritten); void sendResponseHeaderWithBuffering(Client *client, Request *req, unsigned int offset); void logResponseHeaders(Client *client, Request *req, struct iovec *buffers, unsigned int nbuffers, unsigned int dataSize); void markHeaderBuffersForTurboCaching(Client *client, Request *req, struct iovec *buffers, unsigned int nbuffers); static ServerKit::HttpHeaderParser createAppResponseHeaderParser(ServerKit::Context *ctx, Request *req); static ServerKit::HttpChunkedBodyParser createAppResponseChunkedBodyParser( Request *req); static unsigned int formatAppResponseChunkedBodyParserLoggingPrefix(char *buf, unsigned int bufsize, void *userData); void prepareAppResponseChunkedBodyParsing(Client *client, Request *req); void writeResponseAndMarkForTurboCaching(Client *client, Request *req, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer); void markResponsePartForTurboCaching(Client *client, Request *req, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer); void maybeThrottleAppSource(Client *client, Request *req); static void _outputBuffersFlushed(FileBufferedChannel *_channel); void outputBuffersFlushed(Client *client, Request *req); static void _outputDataFlushed(FileBufferedChannel *_channel); void outputDataFlushed(Client *client, Request *req); void handleAppResponseBodyEnd(Client *client, Request *req); OXT_FORCE_INLINE void keepAliveAppConnection(Client *client, Request *req); void storeAppResponseInTurboCache(Client *client, Request *req); /***** Hooks ******/ static Channel::Result onBodyBufferData(Channel *_channel, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer, int errcode); #ifdef DEBUG_CC_EVENT_LOOP_BLOCKING static void onEventLoopPrepare(EV_P_ struct ev_prepare *w, int revents); #endif static void onEventLoopCheck(EV_P_ struct ev_check *w, int revents); /****** Internal utility functions ******/ void disconnectWithClientSocketWriteError(Client **client, int e); void disconnectWithAppSocketIncompleteResponseError(Client **client); void disconnectWithAppSocketReadError(Client **client, int e); void disconnectWithAppSocketWriteError(Client **client, int e); void endRequestWithAppSocketIncompleteResponse(Client **client, Request **req); void endRequestWithAppSocketReadError(Client **client, Request **req, int e); ServerKit::HeaderTable getHeadersWithContentType(Request *req); const string getFormattedMessage(Request *req, const StaticString &body); void endRequestWithSimpleResponse(Client **c, Request **r, const StaticString &body, int code = 200); void endRequestAsBadGateway(Client **client, Request **req); void writeBenchmarkResponse(Client **client, Request **req, bool end = true); bool getBoolOption(Request *req, const HashedStaticString &name, bool defaultValue = false); template static Number clamp(Number value, Number min, Number max); static void gatherBuffers(char * restrict dest, unsigned int size, const struct iovec *buffers, unsigned int nbuffers); static LString *resolveSymlink(const StaticString &path, psg_pool_t *pool); void parseCookieHeader(psg_pool_t *pool, const LString *headerValue, vector< pair > &cookies) const; #ifdef DEBUG_CC_EVENT_LOOP_BLOCKING void reportLargeTimeDiff(Client *client, const char *name, ev_tstamp fromTime, ev_tstamp toTime); #endif protected: /****** Stage: initialize request ******/ virtual void onRequestBegin(Client *client, Request *req); /****** Hooks ******/ virtual void onClientAccepted(Client *client); virtual void onRequestObjectCreated(Client *client, Request *req); virtual void deinitializeClient(Client *client); virtual void reinitializeRequest(Client *client, Request *req); virtual void deinitializeRequest(Client *client, Request *req); void reinitializeAppResponse(Client *client, Request *req); void deinitializeAppResponse(Client *client, Request *req); virtual Channel::Result onRequestBody(Client *client, Request *req, const MemoryKit::mbuf &buffer, int errcode); virtual void onNextRequestEarlyReadError(Client *client, Request *req, int errcode); virtual bool shouldDisconnectClientOnShutdown(Client *client); virtual bool shouldAutoDechunkBody(Client *client, Request *req); virtual bool supportsUpgrade(Client *client, Request *req); /****** Marked virtual so that unit tests can mock these ******/ virtual void asyncGetFromApplicationPool(Request *req, ApplicationPool2::GetCallback callback); public: typedef ControllerConfigChangeRequest ConfigChangeRequest; // Dependencies ResourceLocator *resourceLocator; WrapperRegistry::Registry *wrapperRegistry; PoolPtr appPool; /****** Initialization and shutdown ******/ Controller(ServerKit::Context *context, const ControllerSchema &schema, const Json::Value &initialConfig, const ConfigKit::Translator &translator1 = ConfigKit::DummyTranslator(), const ControllerSingleAppModeSchema *singleAppModeSchema = NULL, const Json::Value *_singleAppModeConfig = NULL, const ConfigKit::Translator &translator2 = ConfigKit::DummyTranslator() ) : ParentClass(context, schema, initialConfig, translator1), mainConfig(config), requestConfig(new ControllerRequestConfig(config)), poolOptionsCache(4), turboCaching(), singleAppModeConfig(NULL), resourceLocator(NULL) /**************************/ { if (mainConfig.singleAppMode) { singleAppModeConfig = new ConfigKit::Store(*singleAppModeSchema, *_singleAppModeConfig, translator2); } preinitialize(); } virtual ~Controller(); virtual void initialize(); /****** Hooks ******/ virtual unsigned int getClientName(const Client *client, char *buf, size_t size) const; virtual StaticString getServerName() const; /****** Configuration handling ******/ bool prepareConfigChange(const Json::Value &updates, vector &errors, ControllerConfigChangeRequest &req); void commitConfigChange(ControllerConfigChangeRequest &req) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW; /****** State and configuration ******/ unsigned int getThreadNumber() const; // Thread-safe virtual Json::Value inspectStateAsJson() const; virtual Json::Value inspectClientStateAsJson(const Client *client) const; virtual Json::Value inspectRequestStateAsJson(const Request *req) const; /****** Miscellaneous *******/ void disconnectLongRunningConnections(const StaticString &gupid); }; } // namespace Core } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_CORE_CONTROLLER_H_ */