# encoding: utf-8 # Copyright 2015 Dominik Richter # author: Dominik Richter # author: Christoph Hartmann require 'logger' require 'thor' require 'json' require 'pp' require 'utils/json_log' require 'utils/latest_version' require 'inspec/base_cli' require 'inspec/plugins' require 'inspec/runner_mock' require 'inspec/env_printer' require 'inspec/schema' class Inspec::InspecCLI < Inspec::BaseCLI # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class_option :log_level, aliases: :l, type: :string, desc: 'Set the log level: info (default), debug, warn, error' class_option :log_location, type: :string, desc: 'Location to send diagnostic log messages to. (default: STDOUT or STDERR)' class_option :diagnose, type: :boolean, desc: 'Show diagnostics (versions, configurations)' desc 'json PATH', 'read all tests in PATH and generate a JSON summary' option :output, aliases: :o, type: :string, desc: 'Save the created profile to a path' option :controls, type: :array, desc: 'A list of controls to include. Ignore all other tests.' profile_options def json(target) diagnose o = opts.dup o[:ignore_supports] = true o[:backend] = Inspec::Backend.create(target: 'mock://') profile = Inspec::Profile.for_target(target, o) dst = o[:output].to_s if dst.empty? puts JSON.dump(profile.info) else if File.exist? dst puts "----> updating #{dst}" else puts "----> creating #{dst}" end fdst = File.expand_path(dst) File.write(fdst, JSON.dump(profile.info)) end rescue StandardError => e pretty_handle_exception(e) end desc 'check PATH', 'verify all tests at the specified PATH' option :format, type: :string profile_options def check(path) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize diagnose o = opts.dup o[:ignore_supports] = true # we check for integrity only o[:backend] = Inspec::Backend.create(target: 'mock://') # run check profile = Inspec::Profile.for_target(path, o) result = profile.check if opts['format'] == 'json' puts JSON.generate(result) else %w{location profile controls timestamp valid}.each do |item| puts format('%-12s %s', item.to_s.capitalize + ':', mark_text(result[:summary][item.to_sym])) end puts if result[:errors].empty? and result[:warnings].empty? puts 'No errors or warnings' else red = "\033[31m" yellow = "\033[33m" rst = "\033[0m" item_msg = lambda { |item| pos = [item[:file], item[:line], item[:column]].compact.join(':') pos.empty? ? item[:msg] : pos + ': ' + item[:msg] } result[:errors].each do |item| puts "#{red} ✖ #{item_msg.call(item)}#{rst}" end result[:warnings].each do |item| puts "#{yellow} ! #{item_msg.call(item)}#{rst}" end puts puts format('Summary: %s%d errors%s, %s%d warnings%s', red, result[:errors].length, rst, yellow, result[:warnings].length, rst) end end exit 1 unless result[:summary][:valid] rescue StandardError => e pretty_handle_exception(e) end desc 'vendor PATH', 'Download all dependencies and generate a lockfile in a `vendor` directory' option :overwrite, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Overwrite existing vendored dependencies and lockfile.' def vendor(path = nil) o = opts.dup vendor_deps(path, o) end desc 'archive PATH', 'archive a profile to tar.gz (default) or zip' profile_options option :output, aliases: :o, type: :string, desc: 'Save the archive to a path' option :zip, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Generates a zip archive.' option :tar, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Generates a tar.gz archive.' option :overwrite, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Overwrite existing archive.' option :ignore_errors, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Ignore profile warnings.' def archive(path) diagnose o = opts.dup o[:logger] = Logger.new(STDOUT) o[:logger].level = get_log_level(o.log_level) o[:backend] = Inspec::Backend.create(target: 'mock://') profile = Inspec::Profile.for_target(path, o) result = profile.check if result && !opts[:ignore_errors] == false o[:logger].info 'Profile check failed. Please fix the profile before generating an archive.' return exit 1 end # generate archive exit 1 unless profile.archive(opts) rescue StandardError => e pretty_handle_exception(e) end desc 'exec PATHS', 'run all test files at the specified PATH.' exec_options def exec(*targets) diagnose configure_logger(opts) o = opts.dup # run tests run_tests(targets, o) rescue StandardError => e pretty_handle_exception(e) end desc 'detect', 'detect the target OS' target_options option :format, type: :string def detect o = opts.dup o[:command] = 'os.params' (_, res) = run_command(o) if opts['format'] == 'json' puts res.to_json else headline('Operating System Details') %w{name family release arch}.each { |item| puts format('%-10s %s', item.to_s.capitalize + ':', mark_text(res[item.to_sym])) } end rescue StandardError => e pretty_handle_exception(e) end desc 'shell', 'open an interactive debugging shell' target_options option :command, aliases: :c, desc: 'A single command string to run instead of launching the shell' option :format, type: :string, default: nil, hide: true, desc: 'Which formatter to use: cli, documentation, html, json, json-min, junit, progress' def shell_func diagnose o = opts.dup json_output = ['json', 'json-min'].include?(opts['format']) log_device = json_output ? nil : STDOUT o[:logger] = Logger.new(log_device) o[:logger].level = get_log_level(o.log_level) if o[:command].nil? runner = Inspec::Runner.new(o) return Inspec::Shell.new(runner).start end run_type, res = run_command(o) exit res unless run_type == :ruby_eval # No InSpec tests - just print evaluation output. res = (res.respond_to?(:to_json) ? res.to_json : JSON.dump(res)) if json_output puts res exit 0 rescue RuntimeError, Train::UserError => e $stderr.puts e.message rescue StandardError => e pretty_handle_exception(e) end desc 'env', 'Output shell-appropriate completion configuration' def env(shell = nil) p = Inspec::EnvPrinter.new(self.class, shell) p.print_and_exit! rescue StandardError => e pretty_handle_exception(e) end desc 'schema NAME', 'print the JSON schema', hide: true def schema(name) puts Inspec::Schema.json(name) rescue StandardError => e puts e puts "Valid schemas are #{Inspec::Schema.names.join(', ')}" end desc 'version', 'prints the version of this tool' option :format, type: :string def version if opts['format'] == 'json' v = { version: Inspec::VERSION } puts v.to_json else puts Inspec::VERSION # display outdated version latest = LatestInSpecVersion.new.latest if Gem::Version.new(Inspec::VERSION) < Gem::Version.new(latest) puts "\nYour version of InSpec is out of date! The latest version is #{latest}." end end end map %w{-v --version} => :version private def run_command(opts) runner = Inspec::Runner.new(opts) res = runner.eval_with_virtual_profile(opts[:command]) runner.load return :ruby_eval, res if runner.all_rules.empty? return :rspec_run, runner.run_tests # rubocop:disable Style/RedundantReturn end end # Load all plugins on startup ctl = Inspec::PluginCtl.new ctl.list.each { |x| ctl.load(x) } # load CLI plugins before the Inspec CLI has been started Inspec::Plugins::CLI.subcommands.each { |_subcommand, params| Inspec::InspecCLI.register( params[:klass], params[:subcommand_name], params[:usage], params[:description], params[:options], ) }