module Incline ## # Parses the parameters sent by a request from datatables. class DataTablesRequest ## # Draw counter. def draw @config[:draw] end ## # First record to return. def start @config[:start] end ## # Number of records to return. # # Can be any positive value, or -1 to indicate that all records should be returned. def length @config[:length] end ## # Text or regular expression to search with. def search @config[:search] end ## # The columns requested. def columns @config[:columns] end ## # The row ordering. def ordering @config[:order] end ## # If we are searching for a specific ID, this is the ID to locate. # # def locate_id @config[:locate_id] end ## # Initializes the data tables request parameters. def initialize(params = {}, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'A block is required to return the starting ActiveRecord scope.' unless block_given? @config = {} @config[:starting_scope] = block params = params.deep_symbolize_keys force_regex = params[:force_regex] if params[:draw] @config[:draw] = params[:draw].to_s.to_i @config[:start] = params[:start].to_s.to_i @config[:length] = params[:length].to_s.to_i @config[:locate_id] = params[:locate_id] tmp = params[:search] if tmp && !tmp[:value].blank? if tmp[:regex].to_bool || force_regex @config[:search] = if tmp[:value].is_a?(::Regexp) tmp[:value] else begin[:value].to_s, Regexp::IGNORECASE) rescue RegexpError tmp[:value].to_s end end elsif tmp @config[:search] = tmp[:value].to_s end else @config[:search] = nil end tmp = params[:columns] @config[:columns] = [ ] if tmp tmp ={|(a,b)| [b.to_s,a]}.to_h.deep_symbolize_keys if tmp.is_a?(::Array) tmp.each do |id, col| col[:id] = id.to_s.to_i col[:name] = col[:data] if col[:name].blank? col[:searchable] = col[:searchable].to_bool col[:orderable] = col[:orderable].to_bool if col[:search] && !col[:search][:value].blank? if col[:search][:regex].to_bool || force_regex col[:search] = if col[:search][:value].is_a?(::Regexp) col[:search][:value] else begin[:search][:value].to_s, Regexp::IGNORECASE) rescue RegexpError col[:search][:value].to_s end end else col[:search] = col[:search][:value].to_s end else col[:search] = nil end @config[:columns] << col end end @config[:columns].freeze tmp = params[:order] @config[:order] = { } if tmp tmp ={|(a,b)| [b.to_s,a]}.to_h.deep_symbolize_keys if tmp.is_a?(::Array) tmp.each do |_, order| col_id = order[:column].to_i col = columns.find{|c| c[:id] == col_id} if col @config[:order][col[:name]] = ((order[:dir] || 'asc').downcase).to_sym end end end @config[:order].freeze else @config[:draw] = :not_provided end end ## # Where the data tables parameters provided? def provided? draw != :not_provided end ## # Refreshes the data and returns the request instance. def refresh! records true self end ## # If #locate_id is non-zero, this is the record number for the specified ID using our filtering parameters. # # This will be an absolute zero-based record number for the ID. It can be used to figure out the page that the # record would appear on. def record_location(refresh = false) @config[:record_location] = nil if refresh @config[:record_location] ||= find_record end ## # Gets the records returned by this request. def records(refresh = false) @config[:records] = nil if refresh @config[:records] ||= load_records end ## # Gets the total number of records before filtering. def records_total records @config[:records_total] end ## # Gets the total number of records after filtering. def records_filtered records @config[:records_filtered] end ## # The error message, if any? def error records @config[:error] end ## # Is there an error to display? def error? !error.blank? end private ## # Find the record represented by #locate_id. def find_record(relation = nil) if locate_id.nil? || (locate_id.is_a?(::Numeric) && locate_id == 0) || (locate_id.to_s == '') return -1 end dataset = load_records(relation, false) return -1 if dataset.blank? first_item = dataset.first klass = first_item.class id_field = klass.respond_to?('primary_key') ? klass.primary_key : nil id_field ||= first_item.respond_to?('id') ? 'id' : nil return -1 unless id_field if locate_id.is_a?(::Numeric) dataset.index{|item| item.send(id_field) == locate_id} || -1 else loc_id = locate_id.to_s.downcase dataset.index{|item| item.send(id_field).to_s.downcase == loc_id} || -1 end end ## # Applies the request against an ActiveRecord::Relation object. # # Returns the results of executing the necessary queries and filters as an array of models. def load_records(relation = nil, paging = true) begin # reset values. # @config[:records] is set to the return of this method, we we won't change that here. @config[:records_total] = 0 @config[:records_filtered] = 0 @config[:error] = nil Incline::Log::debug "Loading records for data tables request #{draw}." # Get the default starting scope if necessary. relation ||= @config[:starting_scope].call # store the unfiltered count. @config[:records_total] = relation.count # If we have search parameters and any of the search parameters is a regular expression or # one or more columns being searched is not a database column, then filtering must be done # locally. filter_local = !(search.blank? && columns.reject{|c| c[:search].blank? }.blank?) && ( # main search is a regex. search.is_a?(::Regexp) || # one or more column searches is a regex.{|c| c[:search].is_a?(::Regexp)}.any? || # one or more searchable columns is not in the database model columns.reject {|c| !c[:searchable] || relation.model.column_names.include?(c[:name].to_s) }.any? ) order_local = ordering.blank? || ordering.reject{|k,_| relation.model.column_names.include?(k.to_s)}.any? Incline::Log::debug "Filtering will be done #{(filter_local || order_local) ? 'application' : 'database'}-side." Incline::Log::debug "Ordering will be done #{order_local ? 'application' : 'database'}-side." unless filter_local ### Database Side Individual Filtering (AND) ### columns.reject{|c| c[:search].blank? || c[:name].blank?}.each do |col| relation = relation.where("(UPPER(\"#{col[:name]}\") LIKE ?)", "%#{col[:search].upcase}%") end ### Database Side Multiple Filtering (OR) ### unless search.blank? srch = "%#{search.upcase}%" cols ={|c| c[:searchable]}.map{|c| c[:name].to_s }.reject{|c| c.blank?} if cols.any? relation = relation.where({|c| "(UPPER(\"#{c}\") LIKE ?)"}.join(' OR '), *({ srch }) ) end end end ### Database Side Ordering ### unless order_local relation = relation.order(ordering) end # Now we have two paths, if we are filtering/ordering locally, we need to return everything up to this point and # perform our filters before limiting the results. # If we filtered and ordered at the database, then we can limit the results there as well. if filter_local || order_local # execute the query relation = relation.to_a ### Application Side Ordering ### if order_local ordering_list = ordering.to_a relation.sort!{|a,b| local_sort(a, b, ordering_list) } end ### Local Individual Filtering (AND) ### columns.reject{|c| c[:search].blank? || c[:name].blank?}.each do |col| name = col[:name].to_s srch = col[:search] relation = if srch.is_a?(::Regexp) { |item| get_value(item, name) =~ srch } else srch = srch.to_s.upcase { |item| get_value(item, name).to_s.upcase.include?(srch) } end end ### Local Multiple Filtering ### unless search.blank? cols ={|c| c[:searchable]}.map{|c| c[:name].to_s }.reject{|c| c.blank?} relation = if search.is_a?(::Regexp){|item| cols.find{|col| get_value(item,col) =~ search} } else srch = search.to_s.upcase{|item| cols.find{|col| get_value(item,col).to_s.upcase.include?(srch) }} end end # store the filtered count. @config[:records_filtered] = relation.count if paging # apply limits and return. relation = relation[start..-1] if length > 0 relation = relation[0...length] end end relation else # store the filtered count. @config[:records_filtered] = relation.count if paging # apply limits and return. relation = relation.offset(start) if length > 0 relation = relation.limit(length) end end relation.to_a end rescue =>err @config[:error] = err.message Incline::Log::error err [ ] end end private def get_value(item, name) val = item while item && name.to_s.strip != '' top,_,name = name.to_s.partition('.') begin val = val.respond_to?(top) ? val.send(top) : nil rescue =>e ::Incline::Log::warn e val = nil end end val end def local_sort(a, b, attribs, index = 0) if index >= attribs.count if a.class == b.class && a.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::Base) pk = a.class.primary_key if a.respond_to?(pk) a.send(pk) <=> b.send(pk) else 0 end else 0 end else attr, dir = attribs[index] val_a = get_value(a, attr) val_b = get_value(b, attr) if val_a == val_b local_sort a, b, attribs, index + 1 else if dir.to_s.downcase == 'desc' val_b <=> val_a else val_a <=> val_b end end end end end end