require 'spec_helper' require "ostruct" describe Supernova::SolrCriteria do let(:criteria) { } let(:rsolr) { double("rsolr").as_null_object } let(:docs) do [ {"popularity"=>10, "location"=>"47,11", "text"=>"Hans Meyer", "id"=>"offers/1", "enabled"=>false, "user_id"=>1, "type"=>"Offer"}, {"popularity"=>1, "location"=>"46.9981112912042,11.6587158814378", "text"=>"Marek Mintal", "id"=>"offers/2", "enabled"=>true, "user_id"=>2, "type"=>"Offer"} ] end let(:solr_response) do { "response"=>{"start"=>0, "docs"=>docs, "numFound"=>2}, "responseHeader"=>{"QTime"=>4, "params"=>{"fq"=>"type:Offer", "q"=>"*:*", "wt"=>"ruby"}, "status"=>0} } end before(:each) do Supernova::Solr.stub!(:connection).and_return rsolr end describe "#fq_from_with" do it "returns the correct filter for with ranges" do criteria.fq_from_with(:user_id =>, 12)).should == ["user_id:[10 TO 12]"] end it "returns the correct filter for not queries" do criteria.fq_from_with(:user_id.not => nil).should == ["user_id:[* TO *]"] end end describe "#to_params" do it "returns a Hash" do criteria.to_params.should be_an_instance_of(Hash) end it "sets the correct filters" do criteria.with(:title => "Hans Maulwurf", :playings => 10).to_params[:fq].sort.should == ["playings:10", "title:Hans Maulwurf"] end it "allways includes some query" do criteria.with(:a => 1).to_params[:q].should == "*:*" end it "sets the order field" do criteria.order("title").to_params[:sort].should == "title" end it "uses a mapped field for order" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:title => { :type => :string }).order("title").to_params[:sort].should == "title_s" end %w(asc desc).each do |order| it "uses a mapped field for order even when #{order} is present" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:title => { :type => :string }).order("title #{order}").to_params[:sort].should == "title_s #{order}" end end it "sets search correct search query" do"some query").to_params[:q].should == "(some query)" end it "joins the search terms with AND" do"some", "query").to_params[:q].should == "(some) AND (query)" end # fix me: use type_s it "adds a filter on type when clazz set" do[:fq].should == ["type:#{Offer}"] end it "does not add a filter on type when clazz is nil" do criteria.to_params[:fq].should == [] end it "sets the correct select filters when present" do[:fl].should == "user_id,enabled,id" end it "uses mapped fields for select" do mapping = { :user_id => { :type => :integer }, :enabled => { :type => :boolean } } criteria.attribute_mapping(mapping).select(:user_id, :enabled).to_params[:fl].should == "user_id_i,enabled_b,id" end it "adds all without filters" do criteria.without(:user_id => 1).to_params[:fq].should == ["!user_id:1"] criteria.without(:user_id => 1).without(:user_id => 1).without(:user_id => 2).to_params[:fq].sort.should == ["!user_id:1", "!user_id:2"] end it "uses mapped fields for without" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:user_id => { :type => :integer }).without(:user_id => 1).to_params[:fq].should == ["!user_id_i:1"] end describe "with a nearby search" do let(:nearby_criteria) {, 11).within(10.kms) } it "sets the correct center" do nearby_criteria.to_params[:pt].should == "47.0,11.0" end it "sets the correct distance" do nearby_criteria.to_params[:d].should == 10.0 end it "sets the sfield to location" do nearby_criteria.to_params[:sfield].should == "location" end it "uses the mapped field when mapping defined" do nearby_criteria.attribute_mapping(:location => { :type => :location }).to_params[:sfield].should == "location_p" end it "sets the fq field to {!geofilt}" do nearby_criteria.to_params[:fq].should == ["{!geofilt}"] end end describe "pagination" do it "sets the correct rows" do criteria.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 10).to_params[:rows].should == 10 end it "sets the correct start when page is nil" do criteria.paginate(:per_page => 10).to_params[:start].should == 0 end it "sets the correct start when page is 1" do criteria.paginate(:per_page => 10, :page => 1).to_params[:start].should == 0 end it "sets the correct start when page is 1" do criteria.paginate(:per_page => 10, :page => 2).to_params[:start].should == 10 end end describe "with attribute mapping" do it "uses the mapped fields" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:artist_name => { :type => :string }).where(:artist_name => "test").to_params[:fq].should == ["artist_name_s:test"] end it "uses the mapped fields for all criteria queries" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:artist_name => { :type => :string }).where( => nil).to_params[:fq].should == ["artist_name_s:[* TO *]"] end it "uses the column when no mapping defined" do criteria.where(:artist_name => "test").to_params[:fq].should == ["artist_name:test"] end end end describe "#solr_field_from_field" do it "returns the field when no mappings defined" do criteria.solr_field_from_field(:artist_name).should == "artist_name" end it "returns the mapped field when mapping found" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:artist_name => { :type => :string }).solr_field_from_field(:artist_name).should == "artist_name_s" end end describe "#execute" do let(:params) { double("params") } before(:each) do criteria.stub(:to_params).and_return params rsolr.stub!(:post).and_return solr_response end it "calls to_params" do criteria.should_receive(:to_params).and_return params criteria.execute end it "calls get with select and params" do rsolr.should_receive(:post).with("select", :data => params).and_return solr_response criteria.execute end it "returns a Supernova::Collection" do criteria.execute.should be_an_instance_of(Supernova::Collection) end it "sets the correct page when page is nil" do criteria.execute.current_page.should == 1 end it "sets the correct page when page is 1" do criteria.paginate(:page => 1).execute.current_page.should == 1 end it "sets the correct page when page is 2" do criteria.paginate(:page => 2).execute.current_page.should == 2 end it "sets the correct per_page when zero" do criteria.paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => nil).execute.per_page.should == 25 end it "sets the custom per_page when given" do criteria.paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => 10).execute.per_page.should == 10 end it "sets the correct total_entries" do criteria.paginate(:page => 2, :per_page => 10).execute.total_entries.should == 2 end it "calls build_docs with returned docs" do criteria.should_receive(:build_docs).with(docs).and_return [] criteria.execute end it "calls replace on collection wit returned docs" do col = double("collection") Supernova::Collection.stub!(:new).and_return col built_docs = double("built docs") criteria.stub!(:build_docs).and_return built_docs col.should_receive(:replace).with(built_docs) criteria.execute end end describe "#build_docs" do it "returns an array" do criteria.build_docs([]).should == [] end it "returns the correct amount of docs" do criteria.build_docs(docs).length.should == 2 end it "returns the correct classes" do docs = [ { "id" => "hosts/7", "type" => "Host" }, { "id" => "offers/1", "type" => "Offer" }] criteria.build_docs(docs).map(&:class).should == [Host, Offer] end it "calls build_doc on all returnd docs" do doc1 = double("doc1") doc2 = double("doc2") docs = [doc1, doc2] criteria.should_receive(:build_doc).with(doc1) criteria.should_receive(:build_doc).with(doc2) criteria.build_docs(docs) end it "uses a custom mapper when build_doc_method is set" do doc1 = { "a" => 1 } meth = lambda { |row| row.to_a } criteria.build_doc_method(meth).build_docs([doc1]).should == [[["a", 1]]] end end describe "#build_doc" do class OfferIndex < Supernova::SolrIndexer has :enabled, :type => :boolean has :popularity, :type => :integer has :is_deleted, :type => :boolean, :virtual => true clazz Offer end { "Offer" => Offer, "Host" => Host }.each do |type, clazz| it "returns the #{clazz} for #{type.inspect}" do criteria.build_doc("type" => type).should be_an_instance_of(clazz) end end it "calls convert_doc_attributes" do row = { "type" => "Offer", "id" => "offers/1" } criteria.should_receive(:convert_doc_attributes).with(row).and_return row criteria.build_doc(row) end it "returns the original hash when no type given" do type = double("type") row = { "id" => "offers/1", "type" => type } type.should_receive(:respond_to?).with(:constantize).and_return false criteria.should_not_receive(:convert_doc_attributes) criteria.build_doc(row).should == row end it "assigns the attributes returned from convert_doc_attributes to attributes when record responds to attributes=" do atts = { :title => "Hello" } row = { "type" => "Offer" } criteria.should_receive(:convert_doc_attributes).with(row).and_return atts doc = criteria.build_doc(row) doc.instance_variable_get("@attributes").should == atts end it "sets the original original_search_doc" do original_search_doc = { "type" => "Offer", "id" => "offers/id" } criteria.build_doc(original_search_doc).instance_variable_get("@original_search_doc").should == original_search_doc end it "should be readonly" do criteria.build_doc(docs.first).should be_readonly end it "should not be a new record" do criteria.build_doc(docs.first).should_not be_a_new_record end it "returns an offer and sets all given parameters" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:enabled => { :type => :boolean }, :popularity => { :type => :integer }) doc = criteria.build_doc("type" => "Offer", "id" => "offers/1", "enabled_b" => true, "popularity_i" => 10) doc.should be_an_instance_of(Offer) doc.popularity.should == 10 end it "sets selected parameters even when nil" do doc =, :popularity).build_doc("type" => "Offer", "id" => "offers/1") doc.enabled.should be_nil doc.popularity.should be_nil end it "it sets parameters to nil when no select given and not present" do doc = OfferIndex.search_scope.build_doc("type" => "Offer", "id" => "offers/1") doc.should be_an_instance_of(Offer) doc.popularity.should be_nil end it "does not set virtual parameters to nil" do OfferIndex.search_scope.build_doc("type" => "Offer", "id" => "offers/1").attributes.should_not have_key(:is_deleted) OfferIndex.search_scope.build_doc("type" => "Offer", "id" => "offers/1").attributes.should_not have_key("is_deleted") end end describe "#select_fields" do it "returns the fields from search_options when defined" do == [:enabled] end it "returns the select_fields from named_search_scope when assigned and responding to" do fields = double("fields") nsc = double("scope", :select_fields => fields) criteria.named_scope_class(nsc) criteria.select_fields.should == fields end it "returns an empty array by default" do criteria.select_fields.should be_empty end end describe "#convert_doc_attributes" do { "popularity" => 10, "enabled" => false, "id" => "1" }.each do |key, value| it "sets #{key} to #{value}" do criteria.convert_doc_attributes("type" => "Offer", "some_other" => "Test", "id" => "offers/1", "enabled" => false, "popularity" => 10)[key].should == value end end { "popularity" => 10, "enabled" => true, "id" => "1" }.each do |field, value| it "uses sets #{field} to #{value}" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:enabled => { :type => :boolean }, :popularity => { :type => :integer }) criteria.convert_doc_attributes("type" => "Offer", "id" => "offers/1", "enabled_b" => true, "popularity_i" => 10)[field].should == value end end class MongoOffer attr_accessor :id end it "would also work with mongoid ids" do criteria.convert_doc_attributes("type" => "MongoOffer", "id" => "offers/4df08c30f3b0a72e7c227a55")["id"].should == "4df08c30f3b0a72e7c227a55" end end describe "#reverse_lookup_solr_field" do it "returns the key when no mapping found" do == :artist_id_s end it "returns the correct original key when mapped" do criteria.attribute_mapping(:artist_name => { :type => :string }).reverse_lookup_solr_field(:artist_name_s).should == :artist_name end end describe "#set_first_responding_attribute" do it "sets the reverse looked up attribute when found" do doc = => nil) criteria.attribute_mapping(:artist_name => { :type => :string }).set_first_responding_attribute(doc, :artist_name_s, "Mos Def") doc.artist_name.should == "Mos Def" end it "sets the original key when no mapping defined" do doc = => nil) criteria.attribute_mapping(:artist_name => { :type => :string }).set_first_responding_attribute(doc, :artist_name_s, "Mos Def") doc.artist_name_s.should == "Mos Def" end it "does not break on unknown keys" do doc = double("dummy") criteria.attribute_mapping(:artist_name => { :type => :string }).set_first_responding_attribute(doc, :artist_name_s, "Mos Def") end end describe "#current_page" do it "returns 1 when pagiantion is not set" do criteria.current_page.should == 1 end it "returns 1 when page is set to nil" do criteria.paginate(:page => nil).current_page.should == 1 end it "returns 1 when page is set to nil" do criteria.paginate(:page => 1).current_page.should == 1 end it "returns 1 when page is set to nil" do criteria.paginate(:page => 0).current_page.should == 1 end it "returns 2 when page is set to 2" do criteria.paginate(:page => 2).current_page.should == 2 end end describe "#per_page" do it "returns 25 when nothing set" do criteria.per_page.should == 25 end it "returns 25 when set to nil" do criteria.paginate(:page => 3, :per_page => nil).per_page.should == 25 end it "returns 25 when set to 0" do criteria.paginate(:page => 3, :per_page => 0).per_page.should == 25 end it "returns the custom value when set" do criteria.paginate(:page => 3, :per_page => 10).per_page.should == 10 end end end