# # Author:: Joshua Timberman # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../resource" autoload :ChefVault, "chef-vault" class Chef class Resource class ChefVaultSecret < Chef::Resource unified_mode true provides :chef_vault_secret introduced "16.0" description "Use the **chef_vault_secret** resource to store secrets in Chef Vault items. Where possible and relevant, this resource attempts to map behavior and functionality to the knife vault sub-commands." examples <<~DOC **To create a 'foo' item in an existing 'bar' data bag**: ```ruby chef_vault_secret 'foo' do data_bag 'bar' raw_data({'auth' => 'baz'}) admins 'jtimberman' search '*:*' end ``` **To allow multiple admins access to an item**: ```ruby chef_vault_secret 'root-password' do admins 'jtimberman,paulmooring' data_bag 'secrets' raw_data({'auth' => 'DoNotUseThisPasswordForRoot'}) search '*:*' end ``` DOC property :id, String, name_property: true, description: "The name of the data bag item if it differs from the name of the resource block" property :data_bag, String, required: true, desired_state: false, description: "The data bag that contains the item." property :admins, [String, Array], required: true, desired_state: false, description: "A list of admin users who should have access to the item. Corresponds to the 'admin' option when using the chef-vault knife plugin. Can be specified as a comma separated string or an array." property :clients, [String, Array], desired_state: false, description: "A search query for the nodes' API clients that should have access to the item." property :search, String, default: "*:*", desired_state: false, description: "Search query that would match the same used for the clients, gets stored as a field in the item." property :raw_data, [Hash, Mash], default: {}, description: "The raw data, as a Ruby Hash, that will be stored in the item." property :environment, [String, NilClass], desired_state: false, description: "The Chef environment of the data if storing per environment values." load_current_value do item = ChefVault::Item.load(data_bag, id) raw_data item.raw_data clients item.get_clients admins item.get_admins search item.search rescue ChefVault::Exceptions::SecretDecryption current_value_does_not_exist! rescue ChefVault::Exceptions::KeysNotFound current_value_does_not_exist! rescue Net::HTTPClientException => e current_value_does_not_exist! if e.response_code == "404" end action :create do description "Creates the item, or updates it if it already exists." converge_if_changed do item = ChefVault::Item.new(new_resource.data_bag, new_resource.id) Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource.id} environment: '#{new_resource.environment}'") item.raw_data = if new_resource.environment.nil? new_resource.raw_data.merge("id" => new_resource.id) else { "id" => new_resource.id, new_resource.environment => new_resource.raw_data } end Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource.id} search query: '#{new_resource.search}'") item.search(new_resource.search) Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource.id} clients: '#{new_resource.clients}'") item.clients([new_resource.clients].flatten.join(",")) unless new_resource.clients.nil? Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource.id} admins (users): '#{new_resource.admins}'") item.admins([new_resource.admins].flatten.join(",")) item.save end end action :create_if_missing do description "Calls the create action unless it exists." action_create if current_resource.nil? end action :delete do description "Deletes the item and the item's keys ('id'_keys)." chef_data_bag_item new_resource.id do data_bag new_resource.data_bag action :delete end chef_data_bag_item [new_resource.id, "keys"].join("_") do data_bag new_resource.data_bag action :delete end end end end end