module ActiveAdmin module ViewHelpers module FormHelper # Flatten a params Hash to an array of fields. # # @param params [Hash] # @param options [Hash] :namespace and :except # # @return [Array] of [Hash] with one element. # # @example # fields_for_params(scope: "all", users: ["greg"]) # => [ {"scope" => "all"} , {"users[]" => "greg"} ] # def fields_for_params(params, options = {}) namespace = options[:namespace] except = Array.wrap(options[:except]).map &:to_s params.flat_map do |k, v| next if namespace.nil? && %w(controller action commit utf8).include?(k.to_s) next if except.include?(k.to_s) if namespace k = "#{namespace}[#{k}]" end case v when String { k => v } when Symbol { k => v.to_s } when Hash fields_for_params(v, namespace: k) when Array do |v| { "#{k}[]" => v } end when nil { k => '' } when TrueClass, FalseClass { k => v } else raise "I don't know what to do with #{v.class} params: #{v.inspect}" end end.compact end end end end