= Quickstart Guide for Metanorma-CSD Start using Metanorma-CSD to author CalConnect docs in these steps: . Get Metanorma running on your machine . Fetch and compile an example Metanorma-CSD document . Modify the document to fit your goals while keeping it valid AsciiCSD This guide assumes proficiency with the terminal, and uses the Docker option of running Metanorma (there’re other https://www.metanorma.com/overview/getting-started/[options of installing Metanorma], too). == Get Metanorma running on your machine Assuming you have Docker installed, it’s as easy as: [source,console] -- docker pull ribose/metanorma -- == Fetch and compile an example Metanorma-CSD document We’re going to use the vCard Format Specification sample document here. Clone the Metanorma-CSD repository and change into the directory with the example: [source,console] -- git clone https://github.com/riboseinc/metanorma-csd.git cd /spec/examples/ -- To compile the document, run the Docker container as follows: [source,console] -- docker run -v "$(pwd)":/metanorma/ -w /metanorma ribose/metanorma "metanorma -t csd -x xml,html,pdf,doc rfc6350.adoc" -- NOTE: If you use Metanorma-CLI instead of Docker, http://metanorma.com:4001/software/metanorma-cli/docs/usage/[see how to use the metanorma executable to compile documnts]. == Write valid AsciiCSD A Metanorma-CSD is a file in AsciiDoc format with certain extensions specific to Metanorma as a whole and Metanorma-CSD in particular. (We call the format AsciiCSD for short.) === AsciiDoc basics NOTE: Skip this section if you’re already familiar with AsciiDoc syntax. ==== Inline formatting [source,asciidoc] -- *bold emphasis*, _italic emphasis_, `monospace / code snippet` "`Typographic double quotes`", '`typographic single quotes`' Subscript: H~2~O; superscript: E=mc^2^ -- ==== Sections, anchors and references [source,asciidoc] -- == Section 1 Content (see <<anchor>>) == Section 2 === Section 2.1 [[anchor]] ==== Section 2.2 Content 2.2. http://www.calconnect.org/[CalConnect] -- ==== Lists and blocks [source,asciidoc] -- * Unordered list item 1 * Unordered list item 2 . Ordered list item 1 . Ordered list item 2 Definition list: stem:[w]:: is the mass fraction of grains with defects in the test sample; stem:[m_D]:: is the mass, in grams, of grains with that defect; mag:: is the mass, in grams, of the aggregated test sample. -- ==== Tables, figures, footnotes A rather complex table: [source,adoc] ---- [[tableD-1]] [cols="<,^,^,^,^",headerrows=2] .Repeatability and reproducibility of husked rice yield |=== .2+| Description 4+| Rice sample | Arborio | Drago footnote:[Parboiled rice.] | Balilla | Thaibonnet | Number of laboratories retained after eliminating outliers | 13 | 11 | 13 | 13 | Mean value, g/100 g | 81,2 | 82,0 | 81,8 | 77,7 |=== ---- Images (figures) and footnotes: [source,adoc] ---- [[figureC-1]] .Typical gelatinization curve image::images/rice_image2.png[] footnote:[The time stem:[t_90] was estimated to be 18,2 min for this example.] ---- ==== Admonition blocks, quotes & code listings Admonitions (notes, warnings, cautions, etc.) and examples: [source,adoc] ---- NOTE: It is unnecessary to compare rice yield across years. [example] 5 + 3 = 8 ---- Block quotes: [source,adoc] ---- [quote,ISO,"ISO7301,clause 1"] _____ This Standard gives the minimum specifications for rice (_Oryza sativa_ L.) _____ ---- Source code: [source,adoc] ---- [source,some-lang] ------ function () -> {} ------ ---- === Extensions to AsciiDoc ==== Document header & custom AsciiDoc attributes `:docnumber:`: CalConnect document number, as allocated by TCC. `:status:`: The status of the document can be one of: * proposal * working-draft * committee-draft * draft-standard * final-draft * published * withdrawn `:doctype:`: The type of the document can be one of: * standard * directive * guide * specification * report * amendment * technical-corrigendum `:technical-committee:`, `:technical-committee_N:` (where N is a positive integer): Technical committee; there can be more than one. `:draft:`: Enables comments in Word and XML. `:local-cache-only:`: Used with Metanorma under Docker to ensure bibliographic entries do not get unnecessarily fetched all the time. ==== Foreword & Introduction Foreword must be put before the first real section/clause (the `==` one). ---- [[foreword]] .Foreword The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium ("`CalConnect`") is global non-profit organization with the aim to facilitate interoperability of technologies across user-centric systems and applications... ---- Introduction comes after Foreword and is unnumbered (actually "`0`"): ---- [[introduction]] :sectnums!: <== disables display of section number == Introduction <<ISO8601>> has been the international standard for date and time representations and is applied widely, including in the <<RFC5545>> and <<RFC6350>> standards ... :sectnums: <== re-enables display of section number ---- NOTE: Some ISO standards display Introduction section numbers (the "`0`") if there are too many sub-sections. ==== Normative references & bibliography What is a normative vs informative reference? * A change to a normative reference requires updating of the document; * A change to an informative reference should not trigger a change in the document. Clause 2 must be this: ---- [bibliography] == Normative references * [[[ISO3696,ISO 3696]]], _Water for analytical laboratory use -- Test methods_ ---- Last section must be this: ---- [bibliography] == Bibliography * [[[ISO5609,ISO 5609]]], _Soil for laboratory analysis -- Test methods_ ---- NOTE: the Bibliography is identical in usage with the IETF RFC section "`Informative references`". ==== Citations In a CSD you often want to cite external or internal references. Internal: [source,adoc] ---- [[dog-food]] == Dog food Dogs love food, not only bones. Mine especially loves eating Oreo's. == Living with your dog My dog, Cookie, loves to eat cookies (see <<dog-food>>). ---- External (remember to add the reference!): [source,adoc] ---- The quality requirements on wheat are described in <<ISO7301>>. In particular, those for bread wheat (T. aestivum) are given in <<ISO7301,clause=5.6>>. ---- ==== Terms and definitions This must be clause 3. [source,adoc] ---- [[tda]] <= anchor if you want it [source=ISO8601-1] <= allows inheriting terms and definitions from another document == Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations <= can combine T&D and S&A === Terms and definitions <= the real T&D clause [[term-explicit]] <= anchor if you want it ==== explicit form <= term item date and time representation that uses designator symbols to delimit time scale components ---- ==== Term entry in T&D The structure is strict; the following illustrates the complete structure of a term entry. In the term source (`[.source]`), all content after the reference and the "`comma`" is about "`modifications`" to the original definition. [source,adoc] ---- [[paddy]] <= anchor === paddy <= term alt:[paddy rice] <= alternative term alt:[rough rice] <= second alternative deprecated:[cargo rice] <= deprecated term domain:[rice] <= domain rice retaining its husk after threshing <= definition [example] <= example Foreign seeds, husks, bran, sand, dust. NOTE: The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. <= note [.source] <<ISO7301,section 3.2>>, The term "cargo rice" is shown as deprecated, <= source and Note 1 to entry is not included here. ---- ==== Term entry sourced from IEC Electropedia (IEV) In the `[.source]`, a termbase such as the IEC Electropedia ("`IEV`") can be used, such as: [source,adoc] ---- [.source] <<IEV,clause "113-01-01">>, the term "space-time" is further explained in a new Note 2 to entry. ---- References to the specific IEC 60500 documents (where IEV terms came from) are automatically added to the Bibliography. ==== Annex Annexes have to be placed before the "`Bibliography`". [source,adoc] ---- [[AnnexA]] [appendix,subtype=informative] == Example date and time expressions, and representations ... ---- == Where next? * https://www.metanorma.com/overview/[Learn more about Metanorma]