/* RSence * Copyright 2009 Riassence Inc. * http://riassence.com/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com */ /*** = Description ** Item class to be used with HTimeSheet. ***/ var//RSence.DateTime HTimeSheetItem = HControl.extend({ componentName: 'timesheet_item', dragMode: 'create', prevXY: [0,0], prevXYTime: 0, /** = Description * Dragging is used to change coordinates. * * = Parameters * +x+:: X coordinate at the start of drag. * +y+:: Y coordinate at the start of drag. * **/ startDrag: function(x,y){ this.origY = y-this.parent.pageY(); if(this.dragMode === 'normal'){ var _timeNow = new Date().getTime(), _xEquals = (Math.round(this.prevXY[0]/4) === Math.round(x/4)), _yEquals = (Math.round(this.prevXY[1]/4) === Math.round(y/4)), _noTimeout = ((_timeNow - this.prevXYTime) < 500); if( _xEquals && _yEquals && _noTimeout ) { if( this.parent['editor'] ){ var _editor = this.parent.editor; _editor.setTimeSheetItem(this); _editor.bringToFront(); _editor.show(); } } else { var _diffTop = this.rect.top - this.origY, _diffBottom = this.rect.bottom - this.origY; if(0 >= _diffTop && _diffTop >= -3){ this.dragMode = 'resize-top'; } else if(0 <= _diffBottom && _diffBottom <= 4){ this.dragMode = 'resize-bottom'; } else { this.dragMode = 'move'; this.moveDiff = this.origY - this.rect.top; } this.bringToFront(); } } this.prevXY = [x,y]; this.prevXYTime = _timeNow; return true; }, /** = Description * Label setter function. * * = Parameters * +_label+:: New label * **/ setTimeSheetItemLabel: function(_label){ this.label = _label; this.refreshLabel(); }, /** = Description * Function used to calculate the right size for a new * item created by dragging. * * = Parameters * +_y+:: Y coordinate at the start of drag. * **/ dragCreate: function(_y){ var _negative = (_y < this.origY), _lineHeight = Math.floor(this.parent.pxPerHour/2), _top, _bottom, _diff; if(_negative){ var _floorY = Math.floor(_y/_lineHeight)*_lineHeight, _ceilYo = Math.ceil(this.origY/_lineHeight)*_lineHeight; if(_floorY<0){_floorY=0;} _diff = _floorY-_ceilYo; if( _diff <= 0-_lineHeight ){ _top = _floorY; _bottom = _ceilYo; } else if( _diff === 0 ){ _top = _floorY-_lineHeight; _bottom = _ceilYo; } } else { var _ceilY = Math.ceil(_y/_lineHeight)*_lineHeight, _floorYo = Math.floor(this.origY/_lineHeight)*_lineHeight; if(_ceilY>(_lineHeight*48)){_ceilY=_lineHeight*48;} _diff = _ceilY-_floorYo; if( _diff >= _lineHeight ){ _top = _floorYo; _bottom = _ceilY; } else if( _diff === 0 ){ _top = _floorYo; _bottom = _ceilY+_lineHeight; } } this.rect.setTop(_top); this.rect.setBottom(_bottom); }, /** = Description * Resize top by dragging auxiliary function. * * = Parameters * +_y+:: Y coordinate at the start of drag. **/ dragResizeTop: function(_y){ var _lineHeight = Math.floor(this.parent.pxPerHour/2), _top = Math.floor( _y/_lineHeight )*_lineHeight; if(_top < 0){ _top = 0; } if(_top+_lineHeight > this.rect.bottom){ _top = this.rect.bottom - _lineHeight; } this.rect.setTop( _top ); }, /** = Description * Resize function for resizing the bottom of item. * * = Parameters * +_y+:: Y coordinate at the start of drag. * **/ dragResizeBottom: function(_y){ var _lineHeight = Math.floor(this.parent.pxPerHour/2), _bottom = Math.floor( _y/_lineHeight )*_lineHeight; if(_bottom > _lineHeight*48){ _bottom = _lineHeight*48; } if(_bottom-_lineHeight < this.rect.top){ _bottom = this.rect.top + _lineHeight; } this.rect.setBottom( _bottom ); }, /** = Description * Move function for item by dragging and dropping. * * = Parameters * +_y+:: Y coordinate at the start of drag. * **/ dragMove: function(_y){ var _lineHeight = Math.floor(this.parent.pxPerHour/2), _top = Math.floor( (0-this.moveDiff+_y)/_lineHeight )*_lineHeight; if(_top<0){_top = 0;} if(_top+this.rect.height>_lineHeight*48){ _top = _lineHeight*48 - this.rect.height; } this.rect.offsetTo( this.rect.left, _top ); }, /** = Description * Drag function for item. Decides whether the user wants to create a new * item, resize top, resize bottom or move an existing item. * * = Parameters * +x+:: X coordinate at the start of drag. * +y+:: Y coordinate at the start of drag. * **/ drag: function(x,y){ var _pageY = this.parent.pageY(), _y = y - _pageY; if(this.dragMode === 'create'){ this.dragCreate(_y); } else if(this.dragMode === 'resize-top'){ this.dragResizeTop(_y); } else if(this.dragMode === 'resize-bottom'){ this.dragResizeBottom(_y); } else if(this.dragMode === 'move'){ this.dragMove(_y); } this.drawRect(); return true; }, /** = Description * Modifies the existing item's coordinates or creates a new one. * * = Parameters * +x+:: X coordinate at the end of drag. * +y+:: Y coordinate at the end of drag. * **/ endDrag: function(x,y){ var _pxPerHour = Math.floor(this.parent.pxPerHour), _value; if(this.dragMode === 'create'){ this.parent.listItemViews.push( this ); _value = { 'timeBegin': this.rect.top/_pxPerHour, 'timeEnd': this.rect.bottom/_pxPerHour, 'label': this.label }; if(this.parent['editor']){ this.parent.editor.createItem( _value ); } } else { _value = COMM.Values.clone( this.value ); _value['timeBegin'] = this.rect.top/_pxPerHour; _value['timeEnd'] = this.rect.bottom/_pxPerHour; if(this.parent['editor']){ this.parent.editor.modifyItem( _value ); } } this.setValue( _value ); this.dragMode = 'normal'; return true; }, /** = Description * Refreshes the object's label and place on the HTimeSheet. * **/ refreshValue: function(){ var _value = this.value, _pxPerHour = this.parent.pxPerHour; if((_value instanceof Object) && !(_value instanceof Array)){ this.setLabel( _value['label'] ); this.rect.setTop( _value['timeBegin'] * _pxPerHour ); this.rect.setBottom( _value['timeEnd'] * _pxPerHour ); this.drawRect(); } } });