require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper' class Resque::DelayedQueueTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup Resque::Scheduler.mute = true Resque.redis.flushall end def test_enqueue_at_adds_correct_list_and_zset timestamp = - 1 # 1 second ago (in the past, should come out right away) assert_equal(0, Resque.redis.llen("delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}").to_i, "delayed queue should be empty to start") Resque.enqueue_at(timestamp, SomeIvarJob, "path") # Confirm the correct keys were added assert_equal(1, Resque.redis.llen("delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}").to_i, "delayed queue should have one entry now") assert_equal(1, Resque.redis.zcard(:delayed_queue_schedule), "The delayed_queue_schedule should have 1 entry now") read_timestamp = Resque.next_delayed_timestamp # Confirm the timestamp came out correctly assert_equal(timestamp.to_i, read_timestamp, "The timestamp we pull out of redis should match the one we put in") item = Resque.next_item_for_timestamp(read_timestamp) # Confirm the item came out correctly assert_equal('SomeIvarJob', item['class'], "Should be the same class that we queued") assert_equal(["path"], item['args'], "Should have the same arguments that we queued") # And now confirm the keys are gone assert(!Resque.redis.exists("delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}")) assert_equal(0, Resque.redis.zcard(:delayed_queue_schedule), "delayed queue should be empty") end def test_something_in_the_future_doesnt_come_out timestamp = + 600 # 10 minutes from now (in the future, shouldn't come out) assert_equal(0, Resque.redis.llen("delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}").to_i, "delayed queue should be empty to start") Resque.enqueue_at(timestamp, SomeIvarJob, "path") # Confirm the correct keys were added assert_equal(1, Resque.redis.llen("delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}").to_i, "delayed queue should have one entry now") assert_equal(1, Resque.redis.zcard(:delayed_queue_schedule), "The delayed_queue_schedule should have 1 entry now") read_timestamp = Resque.next_delayed_timestamp assert_nil(read_timestamp, "No timestamps should be ready for queueing") end def test_enqueue_at_and_enqueue_in_are_equivelent timestamp = + 60 Resque.enqueue_at(timestamp, SomeIvarJob, "path") Resque.enqueue_in(timestamp -, SomeIvarJob, "path") assert_equal(1, Resque.redis.zcard(:delayed_queue_schedule), "should have one timestamp in the delayed queue") assert_equal(2, Resque.redis.llen("delayed:#{timestamp.to_i}"), "should have 2 items in the timestamp queue") end def test_delayed_queue_peek t = expected_timestamps = (1..5) do |i| (t + 60 + i).to_i end expected_timestamps.each do |timestamp| Resque.delayed_push(timestamp, {:class => SomeIvarJob, :args => 'blah1'}) end timestamps = Resque.delayed_queue_peek(2,3) assert_equal(expected_timestamps[2,3], timestamps) end def test_delayed_queue_schedule_size assert_equal(0, Resque.delayed_queue_schedule_size) Resque.enqueue_at(, SomeIvarJob) assert_equal(1, Resque.delayed_queue_schedule_size) end def test_delayed_timestamp_size t = + 60 assert_equal(0, Resque.delayed_timestamp_size(t)) Resque.enqueue_at(t, SomeIvarJob) assert_equal(1, Resque.delayed_timestamp_size(t)) assert_equal(0, Resque.delayed_timestamp_size(t.to_i+1)) end def test_delayed_timestamp_peek t = + 60 assert_equal([], Resque.delayed_timestamp_peek(t, 0, 1), "make sure it's an empty array, not nil") Resque.enqueue_at(t, SomeIvarJob) assert_equal(1, Resque.delayed_timestamp_peek(t, 0, 1).length) Resque.enqueue_at(t, SomeIvarJob) assert_equal(1, Resque.delayed_timestamp_peek(t, 0, 1).length) assert_equal(2, Resque.delayed_timestamp_peek(t, 0, 3).length) assert_equal({'args' => [], 'class' => 'SomeIvarJob', 'queue' => 'ivar'}, Resque.delayed_timestamp_peek(t, 0, 1).first) end def test_handle_delayed_items_with_no_items Resque::Scheduler.expects(:enqueue).never Resque::Scheduler.handle_delayed_items end def test_handle_delayed_items_with_items t = - 60 # in the past Resque.enqueue_at(t, SomeIvarJob) Resque.enqueue_at(t, SomeIvarJob) # 2 SomeIvarJob jobs should be created in the "ivar" queue Resque::Job.expects(:create).twice.with('ivar', 'SomeIvarJob', nil) Resque.expects(:queue_from_class).never # Should NOT need to load the class Resque::Scheduler.handle_delayed_items end def test_enqueue_delayed_items_for_timestamp t = + 60 Resque.enqueue_at(t, SomeIvarJob) Resque.enqueue_at(t, SomeIvarJob) # 2 SomeIvarJob jobs should be created in the "ivar" queue Resque::Job.expects(:create).twice.with('ivar', 'SomeIvarJob', nil) Resque.expects(:queue_from_class).never # Should NOT need to load the class Resque::Scheduler.enqueue_delayed_items_for_timestamp(t) # delayed queue for timestamp should be empty assert_equal(0, Resque.delayed_timestamp_peek(t, 0, 3).length) end def test_works_with_out_specifying_queue__upgrade_case t = - 60 Resque.delayed_push(t, :class => 'SomeIvarJob') # Since we didn't specify :queue when calling delayed_push, it will be forced # to load the class to figure out the queue. This is the upgrade case from 1.0.4 # to 1.0.5. Resque::Job.expects(:create).once.with(:ivar, 'SomeIvarJob', nil) Resque::Scheduler.handle_delayed_items end end