# frozen_string_literal: true # atome extensions class Object def new(params, &bloc) # Genesis = Genesis.Genesis if params.key?(:atome) Universe.add_atomes_specificities params[:atome] Genesis.build_atome(params[:atome], &bloc) elsif params.key?(:particle) Atome.instance_variable_set("@main_#{params[:particle]}", bloc) # render indicate if the particle needs to be rendered # store tell the system if it need to store the particle value # type help the system what type of type the particle will receive and store Genesis.build_particle(params[:particle], { render: params[:render], return: params[:return], store: params[:store], type: params[:type] }, &bloc) elsif params.key?(:sanitizer) Genesis.build_sanitizer(params[:sanitizer], &bloc) elsif params.key?(:pre) Atome.instance_variable_set("@pre_#{params[:pre]}", bloc) elsif params.key?(:post) Atome.instance_variable_set("@post_#{params[:post]}", bloc) elsif params.key?(:after) Atome.instance_variable_set("@after_#{params[:after]}", bloc) elsif params.key?(:read) Atome.instance_variable_set("@read_#{params[:read]}", bloc) elsif params[:renderer] renderer_found = params[:renderer] if params[:specific] Universe.set_atomes_specificities(params) params[:specific] = "#{params[:specific]}_" end render_method = "#{renderer_found}_#{params[:specific]}#{params[:method]}" Genesis.build_render(render_method, &bloc) elsif params.key?(:callback) particle_targetted = params[:callback] Atome.define_method "#{particle_targetted}_callback" do bloc.call end end end def reorder_particles(hash_to_reorder) # we reorder the hash ordered_keys = %i[renderers id alien type attach int8 unit] ordered_part = ordered_keys.map { |k| [k, hash_to_reorder[k]] }.to_h other_part = hash_to_reorder.reject { |k, _| ordered_keys.include?(k) } # merge the parts to obtain an re-ordered hash reordered_hash = ordered_part.merge(other_part) reordered_hash end def delete (atomes) grab(:view).delete(atomes) end def identity_generator(type_needed = :element) "#{type_needed}_#{Universe.counter}" end def grab(id_to_get) return if id_to_get == false id_to_get = '' if id_to_get.instance_of? Array id_to_get = id_to_get.to_sym Universe.atomes[id_to_get] end def box(params = {}, &proc) grab(:view).box(params, &proc) end def circle(params = {}, &proc) grab(:view).circle(params, &proc) end # the method below generate Atome method creation at Object level def atome_method_for_object(element) Object.define_method element do |params, &user_proc| default_parent = Essentials.default_params[element][:attach] || :view grab(default_parent).send(element, params, &user_proc) end end def wait(time, id = nil, &proc) # we generate an uniq id if [:kill, 'kill'].include?(time) JS.eval("clearTimeout(window.timeoutIds['#{id}']);") else obj = Object.new unique_id = obj.object_id id ||= unique_id time *= 1000 callback_id = "myRubyCallback_#{id}" JS.global[callback_id.to_sym] = proc JS.eval("if (!window.timeoutIds) { window.timeoutIds = {}; } window.timeoutIds['#{id}'] = setTimeout(function() { #{callback_id}(); }, #{time});") end id end def repeater(counter, proc) instance_exec(counter, &proc) if proc.is_a?(Proc) end def repeat_callback(params, counter) @repeat[params].call(counter) end def repeat(delay = 1, repeat = 0, &proc) @repeat ||= [] @repeat << proc repeat_id = @repeat.length - 1 JS.eval(<<~JS) function repeat(action, interval, repetitions) { let count = 0; let intervalId = null; function executeAction() { if (count < repetitions) { action(count); count++; } else { clearInterval(intervalId); } } executeAction(); // execute immediatly intervalId = setInterval(executeAction, interval); return intervalId; } function myAction(counter) { rubyVMCallback("repeat_callback(#{repeat_id}, "+counter+")") } const intervalId = repeat(myAction, #{delay} * 1000, #{repeat}); return intervalId; JS end def stop(params) case params when Hash if params.key?(:repeat) repeater_to_stop = params[:repeat] JS.eval(<<~JS) clearInterval(#{repeater_to_stop}); JS else puts "La clé :repeat n'existe pas dans params" end else puts "params n'est pas un hash" end end def tagged(params) atome_get = [] if params.instance_of? Hash params.each do |tag_name, tag_value| Universe.atomes.each do |atomes_id_found, atomes_found| if atomes_found.tag&.instance_of?(Hash) && (atomes_found.tag[tag_name] == tag_value) atome_get << atomes_id_found end end end else Universe.atomes.each do |atomes_id_found, atomes_found| atome_get << atomes_id_found if atomes_found.tag&.instance_of?(Hash) && atomes_found.tag[params] end end atome_get end # shortcut # we initialise $current_hovered_element $current_hovered_element = nil def shortcut(key:, option: nil, affect: :all, exclude: [], &block) element_ids = (Array(affect) + Array(exclude)).uniq element_ids.each do |element_id| element = JS.global[:document].querySelector("##{element_id}") unless element_id.to_sym == :all element.addEventListener("mouseenter") { $current_hovered_element = element_id } element.addEventListener("mouseleave") { $current_hovered_element = nil } end end JS.global[:document].addEventListener("keydown") do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) key_pressed = event[:key].to_s.downcase ctrl_pressed = event[:ctrlKey].to_s alt_pressed = event[:altKey].to_s meta_pressed = event[:metaKey].to_s modifier_matched = case option when :ctrl then ctrl_pressed when :alt then alt_pressed when :meta then meta_pressed else true end affect_condition = affect == :all || Array(affect).include?($current_hovered_element) exclude_condition = !Array(exclude).include?($current_hovered_element) $current_hovered_element = :view if $current_hovered_element.nil? if key_pressed == key.to_s.downcase && modifier_matched && affect_condition && exclude_condition block.call(key_pressed, $current_hovered_element) end end end def console(debug) if debug console = box({ id: :console, width: :auto, height: 225, bottom: 0, top: :auto, left: 0, right: 0, depth: 30, color: { alpha: 0, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 } }) console_back = console.box({ id: :console_back, blur: { value: 5, affect: :back }, overflow: :auto, width: :auto, height: :auto, top: 25, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, depth: 30, color: { alpha: 0.5, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 } }) console_top = console.box({ id: :console_top, overflow: :auto, width: :auto, height: 25, top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, depth: 30, color: { alpha: 1, red: 0.3, green: 0.3, blue: 0.3 } }) console_top.touch(:double) do console.height(25) console.bottom(0) console.top(:auto) end console_top.shadow({ id: :s1, # affect: [:the_circle], left: 0, top: 3, blur: 9, invert: false, red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1 }) console.drag(:locked) do |event| dy = event[:dy] y = console.to_px(:top) + dy.to_f console.top(y) console.height(:auto) total_height = grab(:view).to_px(:height) # console_back.height(total_height-console.top) end console_output = console_back.text({ data: '', id: :console_output, component: { size: 12 } }) JS.eval <<~JS (function() { var oldLog = console.log; var consoleDiv = document.getElementById("console_output"); console.log = function(message) { if (consoleDiv) { consoleDiv.innerHTML += '
' + message + '
'; } oldLog.apply(console, arguments); }; }()); JS console_clear = console_top.circle({ id: :console_clear, color: :red, top: 3, left: 3, width: 19, height: 19 }) console_clear.touch(true) do console_output.data("") end JS.global[:document].addEventListener("contextmenu") do |event| end # element[:style][:WebkitUserSelect] = 'none' # element[:style][:MozUserSelect] = 'none' else grab(:console_back).delete(true) JS.global[:document].addEventListener("contextmenu") do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) event.preventDefault end end end # import methode below def importer_all(&proc) JS.global[:document][:body].addEventListener('dragover') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) event.preventDefault end JS.global[:document][:body].addEventListener('drop') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) event.preventDefault files = event[:dataTransfer][:files] if files[:length].to_i > 0 (0...files[:length].to_i).each do |i| file = files[i] reader = JS.eval('let a= new FileReader(); return a') reader.readAsText(file) reader.addEventListener('load') do proc.call({ content: reader[:result].to_s, name: file[:name].to_s, type: file[:type].to_s, size: file[:size].to_s }) end reader.addEventListener('error') do puts 'Error: ' + file[:name].to_s end end end end end def exception_import(atome_id, &proc) if Universe.user_atomes.include?(atome_id.to_sym) special_div = JS.global[:document].getElementById(atome_id) special_div.addEventListener('dragover') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) special_div[:style][:backgroundColor] = 'red' event.preventDefault event.stopPropagation end special_div.addEventListener('dragleave') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) special_div[:style][:backgroundColor] = 'yellow' event.stopPropagation end special_div.addEventListener('drop') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) event.preventDefault event.stopPropagation files = event[:dataTransfer][:files] if files[:length].to_i > 0 (0...files[:length].to_i).each do |i| file = files[i] reader = JS.eval('let a= new FileReader(); return a') reader.readAsText(file) reader.addEventListener('load') do proc.call({ content: reader[:result].to_s, name: file[:name].to_s, type: file[:type].to_s, size: file[:size].to_s }) end reader.addEventListener('error') do puts 'Error: ' + file[:name].to_s end end end end JS.global[:document][:body].addEventListener('drop') do |native_event| event = Native(native_event) event.preventDefault event.stopPropagation # puts 'File drop out of the special zonne' end end end def importer(target = :all, &proc) if target == :all importer_all(&proc) else exception_import(target, &proc) end end def infos particle_list = Universe.particle_list.dup particle_list.delete(:password) particle_list.delete(:selection) infos = {} particle_list.each do |particle_found| infos[particle_found[0]] = send(particle_found[0]) unless send(particle_found[0]).nil? end infos end def dig ids = [] dig_recursive = lambda do |atome| ids << atome.id atome.attached.each { |attached_atome| dig_recursive.call(grab(attached_atome)) } end dig_recursive.call(self) ids end def fit(params) unless params.instance_of?(Hash) params = { value: params } end target_size = params[:value] axis = params[:axis] objet_atome = self atomes_found = objet_atome.dig total_width = found_area_used(atomes_found)[:max][:x] - found_area_used(atomes_found)[:min][:x] total_height = found_area_used(atomes_found)[:max][:y] - found_area_used(atomes_found)[:min][:y] if axis == :x ratio = target_size / total_width # now we resize and re-position all atomes atomes_found.each do |atome_id| current_atome = grab(atome_id) current_atome.left(current_atome.left * ratio) current_atome.top(current_atome.top * ratio) new_width = current_atome.to_px(:width) * ratio new_height = current_atome.to_px(:height) * ratio current_atome.width(new_width) current_atome.height(new_height) end else ratio = target_size / total_height # now we resize and re-position all atomes atomes_found.each do |atome_id| current_atome = grab(atome_id) current_atome.left(current_atome.left * ratio) current_atome.top(current_atome.top * ratio) current_atome.width(current_atome.to_px(:width) * ratio) current_atome.height(current_atome.to_px(:height) * ratio) end end # total_size, max_other_axis_size = calculate_total_size(objet_atome, axis) # scale_factor = target_size.to_f / total_size # resize_and_reposition(objet_atome, scale_factor, axis, max_other_axis_size) end def found_area_used(ids) min_x, min_y = Float::INFINITY, Float::INFINITY max_x, max_y = 0, 0 ids.each do |id| atome = grab(id) x = atome.compute({ particle: :left })[:value] y = atome.compute({ particle: :top })[:value] width = atome.to_px(:width) height = atome.to_px(:height) min_x = [min_x, x].min min_y = [min_y, y].min max_x = [max_x, x + width].max max_y = [max_y, y + height].max end { min: { x: min_x, y: min_y }, max: { x: max_x, y: max_y } } end def calculate_total_size(objet_atome, axis) total_size = (axis == :x) ? objet_atome.to_px(:width) : objet_atome.to_px(:height) max_other_axis_size = (axis == :x) ? objet_atome.to_px(:height) : objet_atome.to_px(:width) objet_atome.attached.each do |child_id| child = grab(child_id) child_size = (axis == :x) ? child.to_px(:width) : child.to_px(:height) other_axis_size = (axis == :x) ? child.to_px(:height) : child.to_px(:width) total_size += child_size max_other_axis_size = [max_other_axis_size, other_axis_size].max end [total_size, max_other_axis_size] end def resize_and_reposition(objet_atome, scale_factor, axis, max_other_axis_size) current_position = 0 resize_object(objet_atome, scale_factor, axis, max_other_axis_size) current_position += (axis == :x) ? objet_atome.to_px(:width) : objet_atome.to_px(:height) objet_atome.attached.each do |child_id| child = grab(child_id) resize_object(child, scale_factor, axis, max_other_axis_size) child.top(child.top * scale_factor) child.left(child.left * scale_factor) current_position += child.to_px(:height) end end def resize_object(objet, scale_factor, axis, max_other_axis_size) if axis == :x new_width = objet.width * scale_factor new_height = new_width / (objet.width.to_f / objet.height) objet.width(new_width) objet.height([new_height, max_other_axis_size].min) else new_height = objet.height * scale_factor new_width = new_height / (objet.height.to_f / objet.width) objet.height(new_height) objet.width([new_width, max_other_axis_size].min) end end def atomizer(params) unless params.instance_of? Hash params = { target: params } end id = params[:id] if id id_wanted = { id: id } else id_wanted = {} end basis = { alien: params[:target],renderers: [:html], type: :atomized }.merge(id_wanted) a = Atome.new(basis) return a # convert any foreign object (think HTML) to a pseudo atome objet , that embed foreign objet end end class CssProxy def initialize(js, parent_key = nil, current_atome) @js = js @css={} @parent_key = parent_key @style = {} @current_atome=current_atome end def [](key) if @parent_key @current_atome.instance_variable_get('@css')[@parent_key]&.[](key) else CssProxy.new(@js, key, @current_atome) end end def []=(key, value) if @parent_key @js[@parent_key][key] = value @current_atome.instance_variable_set('@css',{@parent_key => {key => value}}) @css[@parent_key]={key => value} puts "==> Clé parente: #{@parent_key}, Clé: #{key}, Valeur: #{value}" else @style[key] = value @js[key] = value end @js.update_style(@style) if @parent_key.nil? end def to_s @current_atome.instance_variable_get('@css').to_s end end