module PoolParty class Chef < Base def self.types return [:solo,:client] end def self.get_chef(type,cloud,&block) ("Chef" + type.to_s.capitalize).constantize(PoolParty).send(:new,type,:cloud => cloud,&block) end # Chef def attributes(hsh={}, &block) @attributes ||=, &block) end def override_attributes(hsh={}, &block) @override_attributes ||=, &block) end # Adds a chef recipe to the cloud # # The hsh parameter is inserted into the override_attributes. # The insertion is performed as follows. If # the recipe name = "foo::bar" then effectively the call is # # override_attributes.merge! { :foo => { :bar => hsh } } def recipe(recipe_name, hsh={}) _recipes << recipe_name unless _recipes.include?(recipe_name) head = {} tail = head recipe_name.split("::").each do |key| unless key == "default" n = {} tail[key] = n tail = n end end tail.replace hsh override_attributes.merge!(head) unless hsh.empty? end def recipes(*recipes) recipes.each do |r| recipe(r) end end def node_run!(remote_instance) envhash = { :GEM_BIN => %q%$(gem env | grep "EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY" | awk "{print \\$4}")% } remote_instance.ssh([chef_cmd.strip.squeeze(' ')], :env => envhash ) end def node_bootsrapped?(remote_instance) remote_instance.ssh(["(gem list; dpkg -l chef) | grep -q chef && echo 'chef installed'"], :do_sudo => false).empty? end def node_bootstrap!(remote_instance) remote_instance.ssh([ 'apt-get update', 'apt-get autoremove -y', 'apt-get install -y ruby ruby-dev rubygems git-core libopenssl-ruby', 'gem sources -a', 'gem install chef ohai --no-rdoc --no-ri' ]) remote_instance.ssh(remote_instance.bootstrap_gems.collect { |gem| "gem install #{gem} --no-rdoc --no-ri" } ) end private def _recipes @_recipes ||= [] end def method_missing(m,*args,&block) cloud.send(m,*args,&block) if cloud.respond_to?(m) end end end