JS.ENV.ServerSpec = JS.Test.describe("Server", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { this.engine = {} stub(Faye.Engine, "get").returns(engine) this.server = new Faye.Server() }}) describe("#process", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { this.handshake = {channel: "/meta/handshake", data: "handshake"} this.connect = {channel: "/meta/connect", data: "connect"} this.disconnect = {channel: "/meta/disconnect", data: "disconnect"} this.subscribe = {channel: "/meta/subscribe", data: "subscribe"} this.unsubscribe = {channel: "/meta/unsubscribe", data: "unsubscribe"} this.publish = {channel: "/some/channel", data: "publish"} stub(engine, "interval", 0) stub(engine, "timeout", 60) }}) it("returns an empty response for no messages", function() { with(this) { var response = null server.process([], false, function(r) { response = r}) assertEqual( [], response ) }}) it("ignores invalid messages", function() { with(this) { var response = null server.process([{}, {channel: "invalid"}], false, function(r) { response = r}) assertEqual( [], response ) }}) it("rejects unknown meta channels", function() { with(this) { var response = null server.process([{channel: "/meta/p"}], false, function(r) { response = r }) assertEqual([ { channel: "/meta/p", successful: false, error: "403:/meta/p:Forbidden channel" } ], response) }}) it("routes single messages to appropriate handlers", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "handshake").given(handshake, false).yielding([{}]) server.process(handshake, false, function() {}) }}) it("routes a list of messages to appropriate handlers", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "handshake").given(handshake, false).yielding([{}]) expect(server, "connect").given(connect, false).yielding([{}]) expect(server, "disconnect").given(disconnect, false).yielding([{}]) expect(server, "subscribe").given(subscribe, false).yielding([{}]) expect(server, "unsubscribe").given(unsubscribe, false).yielding([{}]) expect(engine, "publish").given(handshake).exactly(0) expect(engine, "publish").given(connect).exactly(0) expect(engine, "publish").given(disconnect).exactly(0) expect(engine, "publish").given(subscribe).exactly(0) expect(engine, "publish").given(unsubscribe).exactly(0) expect(engine, "publish").given(publish) server.process([handshake, connect, disconnect, subscribe, unsubscribe, publish], false, function() {}) }}) describe("publishing a message", function() { with(this) { it("tells the engine to publish the message", function() { with(this) { expect(engine, "publish").given(publish) server.process(publish, false, function() {}) }}) it("returns no response", function() { with(this) { stub(engine, "publish") server.process(publish, false, function(response) { assertEqual( [], response) }) }}) describe("with an error", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { publish.error = "invalid" }}) it("does not tell the engine to publish the message", function() { with(this) { expect(engine, "publish").exactly(0) server.process(publish, false, function() {}) }}) it("returns no response", function() { with(this) { stub(engine, "publish") server.process(publish, false, function(response) { assertEqual( [], response) }) }}) }}) describe("to an invalid channel", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { publish.channel = "/invalid/*" }}) it("does not tell the engine to publish the message", function() { with(this) { expect(engine, "publish").exactly(0) server.process(publish, false, function() {}) }}) }}) }}) describe("handshaking", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { expect(server, "handshake").given(handshake, false).yielding([{channel: "/meta/handshake", successful: true}]) }}) it("returns the handshake response with advice", function() { with(this) { server.process(handshake, false, function(response) { assertEqual([ { channel: "/meta/handshake", successful: true, advice: {reconnect: "retry", interval: 0, timeout: 60000} } ], response) }) }}) }}) describe("connecting for messages", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { this.messages = [{channel: "/a"}, {channel: "/b"}] expect(server, "connect").given(connect, false).yielding([messages]) }}) it("returns the new messages", function() { with(this) { server.process(connect, false, function(response) { assertEqual( messages, response ) }) }}) }}) }}) describe("#flushConnection", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { this.message = {clientId: "fakeclientid"} }}) it("flushes the connection when given one message", function() { with(this) { expect(engine, "flush").given("fakeclientid") server.flushConnection(message) }}) it("flushes the connection when given a list of messages", function() { with(this) { expect(engine, "flush").given("fakeclientid") server.flushConnection([message]) }}) }}) }})