 * The lightbox widget implemented with RightJS
 * Home page: http://rightjs.org/ui/lightbox
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
if (!RightJS) { throw "Gimme RightJS please." };

 * The lightbox widget
 * Credits:
 *   Inspired by and monkeys the Lightbox 2 project
 *    -- http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/ 
 *      Copyright (C) Lokesh Dhakar
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
Browser.IE6 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") != -1;
var Lightbox = new Class({
  include: Options,
  extend: {
    Version: "1.0.0",
    Options: {
      endOpacity:      0.8,
      fxDuration:      200,
      hideOnEsc:       true,
      hideOnOutClick:  true,
      showCloseButton: true,
      blockContent:    false,
      cssRule:         "a[rel^=lightbox]",             // all lightbox links css-rule
      mediaWidth:      425,  // video links default size
      mediaHeight:     350
    i18n: {
      CloseText:  '×',
      CloseTitle: 'Close',
      PrevText:   '‹‹‹',
      PrevTitle:  'Previous Image',
      NextText:   '›››',
      NextTitle:  'Next Image'
    // media content sources
    Medias: [
      [/(http:\/\/.*?youtube\.[a-z]+)\/watch\?v=([^&]+)/,       '$1/v/$2',                      'swf'],
      [/(http:\/\/video.google.com)\/videoplay\?docid=([^&]+)/, '$1/googleplayer.swf?docId=$2', 'swf'],
      [/(http:\/\/vimeo\.[a-z]+)\/([0-9]+).*?/,                 '$1/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=$2',  'swf']
    boxes: [],
    // DEPRECATED: we use events delegation now, there's no need to call this function any more
    rescan: function() {}
   * basic constructor
   * @param Object options override
  initialize: function(options) {
   * Sets the popup's title
   * @param mixed string or element or somethin'
   * @return Lighbox self
  setTitle: function(text) {
    (function() {
    return this;
   * Hides the box
   * @return Lightbox self
  hide: function() {
    this.element.hide('fade', {
      duration: this.options.fxDuration/2,
      onFinish: this.element.remove.bind(this.element)
    return this;
   * shows the lightbox with the content
   * @param mixed content String, Element, Array, NodeList, ....
   * @return Lightbox self
  show: function(content, size) {
    return this.showingSelf(function() {
      this.content.update(content || '');
   * resizes the dialogue to fit the content
   * @param Object {x:.., y:..} optional end size definition
   * @return Lightbox self
  resize: function(size, no_fx) {
    this.dialog.style.top = (window.sizes().y - this.dialog.sizes().y) / 2 + 'px';
    var body_style   = this.contentSize(size);
    var height_diff  = this.dialog.sizes().y - this.body.sizes().y;
    var body_height  = body_style.height.toInt() || this.minBodyHeight();
    var dialog_style = {
      top: (this.element.sizes().y - body_height - height_diff)/2 + 'px'
    // IE6 screws with the dialog width
    if (Browser.IE6) {
      var padding = this.bodyWrap.getStyle('padding').toInt() > 0 ? 15 : 0;
      this.bodyWrap.setStyle('padding: '+padding+'px');
      dialog_style.width = (body_style.width.toInt() + padding * 2) + 'px';
    if (no_fx === true) {
      this.loading = false;
    } else {
      this.resizeFx(body_style, dialog_style);
    return this;
// protected
  // locks the body
  lock: function() {
    if (Browser.OLD) this.bodyLock.setStyle("opacity: 1");
    return this;
  // unlocks the body
  unlock: function() {
    if (this.options.blockContent) {
    } else {
    return this;
  // resize specific lock
  resizeLock: function() {
  // resize specific unlock
  resizeUnlock: function() {
    this.unlock().content.show('fade', {
      duration: this.options.fxDuration/2
    this.loading = false;
  // returns the content size hash
  contentSize: function(size) {
    var size = size === this.$listeners ? null : size,
      max_width = this.element.offsetWidth * 0.8,
      max_height = this.element.offsetHeight * 0.8;
    if (size) this.content.setStyle(size);
    size = this.content.sizes();
    return {
      width:  (size.x > max_width  ? max_width  : size.x)+"px",
      height: (size.y > max_height ? max_height : size.y)+"px"
  // adjusts the box size so that it closed the whole window
  boxResize: function(resize) {
    // IE6 needs to handle the locker position and size manually
    if (Browser.IE6) {
      this.element.style.position = 'absolute';
      this.element.style.top = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 'px';
    return this.resize(false, true);
  // performs an action showing the lighbox
  showingSelf: function(callback) {
    if (this.element.hidden()) {
    return this;
  // builds the basic structure
  build: function() {
    this.element  = this.E('lightbox').setStyle('display: none');
    this.locker   = this.E('lightbox-locker',    this.element);
    this.dialog   = this.E('lightbox-dialog',    this.element);
    this.caption  = this.E('lightbox-caption',   this.dialog);
    this.bodyWrap = this.E('lightbox-body-wrap', this.dialog);
    this.body     = this.E('lightbox-body',      this.bodyWrap);
    this.content  = this.E('lightbox-content',   this.body);
    this.bodyLock = this.E('lightbox-body-lock', this.body).hide();
    // the close button if asked
    if (this.options.showCloseButton) {
      this.closeButton = this.E('lightbox-close-button', this.dialog)
        .onClick(this.hide.bind(this)).update(Lightbox.i18n.CloseText).set('title', Lightbox.i18n.CloseTitle);
    if (this.options.hideOnOutClick) {
    document.on('mousewheel', function(e) {
      if (this.element.visible()) {
        this[(e.detail || -e.wheelDelta) < 0 ? 'showPrev' : 'showNext']();
    return this;
  // connects the events handling for the box
  connectEvents: function() {
    if (this.options.hideOnEsc) {
      document.onKeydown(function(event) {
        if (event.keyCode == 27) {
    window.on('resize', this.boxResize.bind(this));
    return this;
  // calculates the minimal body height
  minBodyHeight: function() {
    var element = $E('div', {'class': 'lightbox-body', style: 'background: none; position: absolute'}).insertTo(document.body),
      height = element.sizes().y;
    return height;
  // processes the resizing visual effect
  resizeFx: function(body_style, dialog_style) {
    // processing everything in a single visual effect so it looked smooth
    var body_start_width   = this.body.sizes().x;
    var body_end_width     = body_style.width.toInt();
    var body_start_height  = this.body.sizes().y;
    var body_end_height    = body_style.height.toInt();
    var dialog_start_top   = this.dialog.style.top.toInt();
    var dialog_end_top     = dialog_style.top.toInt();
    var dialog_start_width = this.dialog.sizes().x;
    var dialog_end_width   = (dialog_style.width || '0').toInt();
    var body_style         = this.body.style;
    var dialog_style       = this.dialog.style;
    $ext(new Fx(this.dialog, {duration: this.options.fxDuration}), {
      render: function(delta) {
        body_style.width  = (body_start_width  + (body_end_width  - body_start_width)  * delta) + 'px';
        body_style.height = (body_start_height + (body_end_height - body_start_height) * delta) + 'px';
        dialog_style.top  = (dialog_start_top  + (dialog_end_top  - dialog_start_top)  * delta) + 'px';
        if (Browser.IE6) {
          dialog_style.width  = (dialog_start_width  + (dialog_end_width  - dialog_start_width)  * delta) + 'px';
// private
  // elements building shortcut
  E: function(klass, parent) {
    var e = $E('div', {'class': klass});
    if (parent) e.insertTo(parent);
    return e;

 * Ajax loading support module
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
Lightbox.include((function(proto) {
  var old_show  = proto.show;
  var old_build = proto.build;
  return {
    // hightjacking the links
    show: function(content) {
      if (content && content.href) {
        return this.load(content.href, {
          onComplete: function(request) {
      } else {
        return old_show.apply(this, arguments);
     * Loads the url via an ajax request and assigns the box content wiht the response result
     * NOTE: will perform a GET request by default
     * NOTE: will just update the body content with
     *       the response text if no onComplete or
     *       onSuccess callbacks were set
     * @param String url address
     * @param Object Xhr options
     * @return Lightbox self
    load: function(url, options) {
      var options = options || {};
      $w('onCreate onComplete').each(function(name) {
        options[name] = options[name] ? isArray(options[name]) ? options[name] : [options[name]] : [];

      // adding the selfupdate callback as default
      if (options.onComplete.empty() && !options.onSuccess) {
        options.onComplete.push(function(request) {


      options.method = options.method || 'get';

      return this.showingSelf(Xhr.load.bind(Xhr, url, options));
  // protected
    // xhr requests loading specific lock
    loadLock: function() {
      this.loading = true;
      return this;
    build: function() {
      var res = old_build.apply(this, arguments);
      // building a textual spinner
      var spinner = this.E('lightbox-body-lock-spinner', this.bodyLock);
      var dots    = '1234'.split('').map(function(i) {
        return $E('div', {'class': i == 1 ? 'glow':null}).insertTo(spinner);
      (function() {
        var dot = dots.pop(); dot.insertTo(spinner, 'top'); dots.unshift(dot);
      return res;

 * Roadtrips support module for the lightbox
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
Lightbox.include((function(proto) {
  var old_show  = proto.show;
  var old_build = proto.build;
  var old_event = proto.connectEvents;
  return {
    // highjacking a roadtrip content
    show: function(content) {
      this.roadLink = (content && content.roadtrip) ? content : null;
      return old_show.apply(this, arguments);
    // the building process overlaping
    build: function() {
      var res = old_build.apply(this, arguments);
      this.prevLink = this.E('lightbox-prev-link', this.dialog).onClick(this.showPrev.bind(this))
        .update(Lightbox.i18n.PrevText).set('title', Lightbox.i18n.PrevTitle).hide();
      this.nextLink = this.E('lightbox-next-link', this.dialog).onClick(this.showNext.bind(this))
        .update(Lightbox.i18n.NextText).set('title', Lightbox.i18n.NextTitle).hide();
      return res;
    // connecting the left/right arrow buttons
    connectEvents: function() {
      var res = old_event.apply(this, arguments);
      document.onKeydown(function(event) {
        if (event.keyCode == 37) { event.stop(); this.showPrev(); }
        if (event.keyCode == 39) { event.stop(); this.showNext(); }
      return res;
    // tries to show the previous item on the roadtrip
    showPrev: function() {
      if (this.hasPrev() && this.element.visible() && !this.loading) {
        this.show(this.roadLink.roadtrip[this.roadLink.roadtrip.indexOf(this.roadLink) - 1]);
      return this;

    // tries to show the next item on the roadtrip
    showNext: function() {
      if (this.hasNext() && this.element.visible() && !this.loading) {
        this.show(this.roadLink.roadtrip[this.roadLink.roadtrip.indexOf(this.roadLink) + 1]);
      return this;
    // checks the roadtrip state and shows/hides the next/prev links
    checkRoadtrip: function() {
      this.prevLink[this.hasPrev() ? 'show' : 'hide']();
      this.nextLink[this.hasNext() ? 'show' : 'hide']();
      return this;

    // checks if there is a previous image link
    hasPrev: function() {
      return this.roadLink && this.roadLink.roadtrip && this.roadLink.roadtrip.first() != this.roadLink;

    // checks if there is a next image link
    hasNext: function() {
      return this.roadLink && this.roadLink.roadtrip && this.roadLink.roadtrip.last() != this.roadLink;
    // updates the roadtrip links list
    checkTheRoad: function(link) {
      if (isElement(link)) {
        var rule = this.options.cssRule.split('[').last(),
            value = link.get(rule.split('^=').first()) || '',
            match = value.match(/\[(.+?)\]/);
        if (match) {
          var marker = rule.split('^=').last().split(']').first();
          link.roadtrip = $$(this.options.cssRule.replace(marker, "'"+marker+"["+match[1]+"]'"));
      this.roadLink = link;
      return this;

 * The images displaying functionality module
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
Lightbox.include((function() {
  var old_show = Lightbox.prototype.show;
  return {
    IMAGE_FORMATS: $w('jpg jpeg gif png bmp'),
    // hightjacking the links to images and image elements
    show: function(content) {
      // adjusting the element class-name
      this.element[(content && (content.tagName == 'IMG' || this.isImageUrl(content.href))) ?
        'addClass' : 'removeClass']('lightbox-image');
      if (content && content.href && this.isImageUrl(content.href)) {
        return this.showingSelf(function() {
          // using the iframed request to make the browser cache work
          var image = new Image();
          image.onload = this.updateImage.bind(this, image, content);
          image.src = content.href;
      } else {
        return old_show.apply(this, arguments);
  // protected
    // inserts the image
    updateImage: function(image, link) {
    // checks if the given url is an url to an image
    isImageUrl: function(url) {
      return this.IMAGE_FORMATS.include(String(url).toLowerCase().split('?').first().split('.').last());

 * This module handles media-links, like youtube, vimeo etc.
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
Lightbox.include((function(proto) {
  var old_show = proto.show;
  var media_types = {
    swf: [
  // builds the actual embedded tag
  function build_embedded(addr, type) {
    var sizes = ' width="'+ this.options.mediaWidth + '" height="'+ this.options.mediaHeight + '"';
    return '<object classid="clsid:' + media_types[type][0] +
      '" codebase="' + media_types[type][1] + '"'+ sizes + '>' +
      '<param name="src" value="'+addr+'" />'+
      '<embed src="'+ addr +'" type="'+ media_types[type][2]+'"'+ sizes + ' />' +
  // checks and builds an embedded object content if necessary
  function build_media_content(link) {
    if (isElement(link) && link.href) {
      var addr = link.href;
      return Lightbox.Medias.map(function(desc) {
        return addr.match(desc[0]) ? build_embedded.call(this, addr.replace(desc[0], desc[1]), desc[2]) : null;
      }, this).compact()[0];
return {
  // stubbs the show method to hijack the media links
  show: function(link) {
    var media_content = build_media_content.call(this, link);
    this.element[media_content ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('lightbox-media');
    if (media_content) {
      return this.showingSelf(function() {
    return old_show.apply(this, arguments);

 * The class level interface
 * @copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
  hide: function() {
  show: function() {
    return this.inst('show', arguments);
  load: function() {
    return this.inst('load', arguments);

// private

  inst: function(name, args) {
    var inst = new Lightbox();
    return inst[name].apply(inst, args);

 * document on-load rescan
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nikolay V. Nemshilov
$(document.documentElement).onClick(function(event) {
  var target = $(event.target);
  var suspects = [target].concat(target.parents());
  // we chop off the HTML and BODY element from the end of the list
  var link = suspects.slice(0, suspects.length-2).first('match', Lightbox.Options.cssRule);
  if (link) {
    new Lightbox(eval('('+link.get('data-lightbox-options')+')')).show(link);

document.write("<style type=\"text/css\">div.lightbox{position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;text-align:center;z-index:9999}div.ligthbox div.right-calendar{z-index:99999}div.lightbox div{line-height:normal}div.lightbox-locker{position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#000;opacity:0.84;filter:alpha(opacity=84)}div.lightbox-dialog{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1;position:relative;text-align:left;padding-bottom:1.6em}div.lightbox-body-wrap{background-color:white;padding:1em;border-radius:.6em;-moz-border-radius:.6em;-webkit-border-radius:.6em}div.lightbox-body{position:relative;height:10em;width:10em;min-height:10em;min-width:10em;overflow:hidden;*background-color:white}div.lightbox-content{position:absolute;*background-color:white}div.lightbox-body-lock{background-color:white;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center}div.lightbox-body-lock-spinner{display:none;position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0}div.lightbox-body-lock-spinner div{float:left;width:.5em;height:.9em;background:#AAA;margin-left:.1em;-moz-border-radius:.15em;-webkit-border-radius:.15em}div.lightbox-body-lock-spinner div.glow{background:#666;height:1em;margin-top:-0.05em}div.lightbox-body-lock-loading div.lightbox-body-lock-spinner{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1}div.lightbox-body-lock-transparent{background:none}div.lightbox-caption{height:1.2em;margin:0 .7em;margin-bottom:.1em;white-space:nowrap;color:#DDD;font-weight:bold;font-size:1.6em;font-family:Helvetica}div.lightbox-close-button,div.lightbox-prev-link,div.lightbox-next-link{position:absolute;bottom:0;color:#888;cursor:pointer;font-size:150%;font-weight:bold;font-family:Arial}div.lightbox-close-button:hover,div.lightbox-prev-link:hover,div.lightbox-next-link:hover{color:white}div.lightbox-close-button{right:.5em}div.lightbox-prev-link,div.lightbox-next-link{padding:0 .2em;bottom:2px}div.lightbox-prev-link{left:.2em}div.lightbox-next-link{left:2em}div.lightbox-image div.lightbox-body-wrap,div.lightbox-media div.lightbox-body-wrap{padding:0;border:1px solid #777;border-radius:0px;-moz-border-radius:0px;-webkit-border-radius:0px}div.lightbox-image div.lightbox-content img{vertical-align:middle}div.lightbox-image div.lightbox-caption,div.lightbox-media div.lightbox-caption{margin-left:.2em}div.lightbox-image div.lightbox-body-wrap,div.lightbox-image div.lightbox-body-lock,div.lightbox-media div.lightbox-body-wrap,div.lightbox-media div.lightbox-body-lock{background-color:#DDD}div.lightbox-image div.lightbox-body-lock-spinner{bottom:1em;right:1em}div.lightbox-image div.lightbox-close-button{right:.2em}div.lightbox-image div.lightbox-prev-link{left:0}</style>");