= Description Redlander is Ruby bindings to Redland library (see http://librdf.org). This is an alternative implementation of the bindings, aiming to be more intuitive, lightweight and less buggy. = Installing Installing Redlander is simple: $ gem install redlander Note, that in order to install Redlander you need the development libraries of Redland project (tested with redland-1.0.12 in Ubuntu 11.04). = Usage To start doing anything with Redland, you need to initialize a model first: $ m = Redlander::Model.new This creates a model where all RDF statements are stored in the memory. Depending on the selected storage you may need to supply extra parameters like :user or :password. Look-up the options for Storage.initialize_storage method for the list of storage options. Now that you have created a model, you can access its RDF statements: $ m.statements Most of Redlander functionality is accessable via these statements. The API is almost identical to ActiveRecord: $ s = URI.parse('http://example.com/concepts#subject') $ p = URI.parse('http://example.com/concepts#label') $ o = "subject!" $ m.statements.create(:subject => s, :predicate => p, :object => o) $ m.statements.empty? # => false $ st = Redlander::Statement.new(:subject => s, :predicate => p, :object => "another label") $ m.statements.add(st) m.statements.size # => 2 Finding statements: m.statements.find(:first, :object => "subject!") m.statements.all(:object => "another label") m.statements.find(:all, :object => "subject!") { |statement| puts statement.subject } For more detail refer to the documentation of Model, Statement, Storage and other classes of Redlander. = Exceptions If anything unexpected happens, Redlander raises RedlandError. = Authors Slava Kravchenko = Thanks Thanks goes to Dave Beckett, the creator of Redland!