# opal-jquery: jQuery Wrapper For Opal [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/opal/opal-jquery/master.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/opal/opal-jquery) opal-jquery provides DOM access to opal by wrapping jQuery (or zepto) and providing a nice ruby syntax for dealing with jQuery instances. See the Opal website for [documentation](http://opalrb.org/docs/jquery). ## Installation Install opal-jquery from RubyGems: ``` $ gem install opal-jquery ``` Or include it in your Gemfile for Bundler: ```ruby gem 'opal-jquery' ``` ## Running Specs Get the dependencies: $ bundle install ### Browser You can run the specs in any web browser, by running the `config.ru` rack file: $ bundle exec rackup And then visiting `http://localhost:9292` in any web browser. ### Phantomjs You will need phantomjs to run the specs outside the browser. It can be downloaded at [http://phantomjs.org/download.html](http://phantomjs.org/download.html) On osx you can install through homebrew $ brew update; brew install phantomjs Run the tests inside a phantom.js runner: $ bundle exec rake ### Zepto opal-jquery also supports zepto. To run specs for zepto use the rake task: $ bundle exec rake zepto ## Getting Started ### Usage `opal-jquery` can now be easily added to your opal application sources using a standard require: ```ruby # app/application.rb require 'opal' require 'jquery' require 'opal-jquery' alert "Hello from jquery + opal" ``` > **Note**: this file requires two important dependencies, `jquery` and `opal-jquery`. > You need to bring your own `jquery.js` file as the gem does not include one. If > you are using the asset pipeline with rails, then this should be available > already, otherwise download a copy and place it into `app/` or whichever directory > you are compiling assets from. You can alternatively require a zepto instance. The `#alert` method is provided by `opal-jquery`. If the message displays, then `jquery` support should be working. ### How does opal-jquery work `opal-jquery` provides an `Element` class, whose instances are toll-free bridged instances of jquery objects. Just like ruby arrays are just javascript arrays, `Element` instances are just jquery objects. This makes interaction with jquery plugins much easier. Also, `Element` will try to bridge with Zepto if it cannot find jQuery loaded, making it ideal for mobile applications as well. ## Interacting with the DOM ### Finding Elements opal-jquery provides the `Element` class, which can be used to find elements in the current document: ```ruby Element.find('#header') ``` `Element.find` is aliased to `Element[]`: ```ruby Element['.my-class'] ``` These methods acts just like `$('selector')`, and can use any jQuery compatible selector: ```ruby Element.find('#navigation li:last') ``` The result is just a jQuery instance, which is toll-free bridged to instances of the `Element` class in ruby: ```ruby Element.find('.foo').class # => Element ``` Instances of `Element` also have the `#find` method available for finding elements within the scope of each DOM node represented by the instance: ```ruby el = Element.find('#header') el.find '.foo' # => # ``` ### Running code on document ready Just like jQuery, opal-jquery requires the document to be ready to be able to fully interact with the page. Any top level access should use the `ready?` method: ```ruby Document.ready? do alert "document is ready to go!" end ``` The `Kernel#alert` method is shown above too. ### Event handling The `Element#on` method is used to attach event handlers to elements: ```ruby Element.find('#header').on :click do puts "The header was clicked!" end ``` Selectors can also be passed as a second argument to handle events on certain children: ```ruby Element.find('#header').on(:click, '.foo') do puts "An element with a 'foo' class was clicked" end ``` An `Event` instance is optionally passed to block handlers as well, which is toll-free bridged to jquery events: ```ruby Element.find('#my_link').on(:click) do |evt| evt.stop_propagation puts "stopped the event!" end ``` You can access the element which triggered the event by `#current_target`. ```ruby Document.on :click do |evt| puts "clicked on: #{evt.current_target}" end ``` ### CSS styles and classnames The various jQuery methods are available on `Element` instances: ```ruby foo = Element.find('.foo') foo.add_class 'blue' foo.remove_class 'foo' foo.toggle_class 'selected' ``` There are also added convenience methods for opal-jquery: ```ruby foo = Element.find('#header') foo.class_name # => 'red lorry' foo.class_name = 'yellow house' foo.class_name # => 'yellow house' ``` `Element#css` also exists for getting/setting css styles: ```ruby el = Element.find('#container') el.css 'color', 'blue' el.css 'color' # => 'blue' ``` ## HTTP/AJAX requests jQuery's Ajax implementation is also wrapped in the top level HTTP class. ```ruby HTTP.get("/users/1.json") do |response| puts response.body # => "{\"name\": \"Adam Beynon\"}" end ``` The block passed to this method is used as the handler when the request succeeds, as well as when it fails. To determine whether the request was successful, use the `ok?` method: ```ruby HTTP.get("/users/2.json") do |response| if response.ok? alert "successful!" else alert "request failed :(" end end ``` It is also possible to use a different handler for each case: ```ruby request = HTTP.get("/users/3.json") request.callback { puts "Request worked!" } request.errback { puts "Request didn't work :(" } ``` The request is actually triggered inside the `HTTP.get` method, but due to the async nature of the request, the callback and errback handlers can be added anytime before the request returns. ### Handling responses Web apps deal with JSON responses quite frequently, so there is a useful `#json` helper method to get the JSON content from a request: ```ruby HTTP.get("/users.json") do |response| puts response.body puts response.json end # => "[{\"name\": \"Adam\"},{\"name\": \"Ben\"}]" # => [{"name" => "Adam"}, {"name" => "Ben"}] ``` The `#body` method will always return the raw response string. If an error is encountered, then the `#status_code` method will hold the specific error code from the underlying request: ```ruby request = HTTP.get("/users/3.json") request.callback { puts "it worked!" } request.errback { |response| puts "failed with status #{response.status_code}" } ``` ## License (The MIT License) Copyright (C) 2013 by Adam Beynon Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.