require "wref" if !Kernel.const_defined?(:Wref) require "tsafe" if !Kernel.const_defined?(:Tsafe) require "php-serialize4ruby" require "base64" require "open3" #This class starts a PHP-process and proxies various calls to it. It also spawns proxy-objects, which can you can call like they were normal Ruby-objects. #===Examples # php = # print "PID of PHP-process: #{php.func("getmypid")}\n" # print "Explode test: #{php.func("explode", ";", "1;2;3;4;5")}\n" class Php_process #Returns the path to the gem. def self.path return File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__)) end #A hash that contains links between Ruby object IDs and the PHP object IDs. It can be read because the proxy-objects adds their data to it. attr_reader :object_ids #This object controls which IDs should be unset on the PHP-side by being a destructor on the Ruby-side. def objects_unsetter(id) obj_count_id = @object_ids[id] if @object_unset_ids.index(obj_count_id) == nil @object_unset_ids << obj_count_id end @object_ids.delete(id) end #Spawns various used variables, launches the process and more. #===Examples #If you want debugging printed to stderr: # php = => true) def initialize(args = {}) @args = args @debug = @args[:debug] @send_count = 0 @responses = @object_ids = @object_unset_ids = @objects = @constant_val_cache = #Used for 'create_func'. @callbacks = {} @callbacks_count = 0 @callbacks_mutex = if @args[:cmd_php] cmd_str = "#{@args[:cmd_php]} " else cmd_str = "/usr/bin/env php5 " end cmd_str << "\"#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/php_script.php\"" if RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" pid, @stdin, @stdout, @stderr = IO.popen4(cmd_str) else @stdin, @stdout, @stderr = Open3.popen3(cmd_str) end @stdout.sync = true @stdin.sync = true @stdin.set_encoding("iso-8859-1:utf-8") #@stderr.set_encoding("utf-8:iso-8859-1") @stdout.set_encoding("utf-8:iso-8859-1") @err_thread = do begin @stderr.each_line do |str| @args[:on_err].call(str) if @args[:on_err] $stderr.print "Process error: #{str}" if @debug or @args[:debug_stderr] if str.match(/^PHP Fatal error: (.+)\s*/) @fatal = str.strip elsif str.match(/^Killed\s*$/) @fatal = "Process was killed." end break if (!@args and str.to_s.strip.length <= 0) or (@stderr and @stderr.closed?) end rescue => e $stderr.puts e.inspect $stderr.puts e.backtrace end end $stderr.print "Waiting for PHP-script to be ready.\n" if @debug started = false @stdout.lines do |line| if match = line.match(/^php_script_ready:(\d+)\n/) started = true break end $stderr.print "Line gotten while waiting: #{line}" if @debug end raise "PHP process wasnt started." if !started check_alive $stderr.print "PHP-script ready.\n" if @debug start_read_loop if block_given? begin yield(self) ensure self.destroy end end end #Returns various info in a hash about the object-cache on the PHP-side. def object_cache_info return self.send(:type => :object_cache_info) end #Joins all the threads. def join @thread.join if @thread @err_thread.join if @err_thread end #Destroys the object closing and unsetting everything. def destroy @thread.kill if @thread @err_thread.kill if @err_thread @stdout.close if @stdout @stdin.close if @stdin @stderr.close if @stderr @thread = nil @err_thread = nil @fatal = nil @responses = nil @object_ids = nil @object_unset_ids = nil @send_count = nil @args = nil @debug = nil end #Proxies to 'send_real' but calls 'flush_unset_ids' first. def send(hash) self.flush_unset_ids return send_real(hash) end #Evaluates a string containing PHP-code and returns the result. #===Examples # print php.eval("array(1 => 2);") #=> {1=>2} def eval(eval_str) return self.send(:type => :eval, :eval_str => eval_str) end #Spawns a new object from a given class with given arguments and returns it. #===Examples # pe ="PHPExcel") # pe.getProperties.setCreator("kaspernj") def new(classname, *args) return self.send(:type => :new, :class => classname, :args => parse_data(args)) end #Call a function in PHP. #===Examples # arr = php.func("explode", ";", "1;2;3;4;5") # pid_of_php_process = php.func("getmypid") # php.func("require_once", "PHPExcel.php") def func(func_name, *args) return self.send(:type => :func, :func_name => func_name, :args => parse_data(args)) end #Sends a call to a static method on a class with given arguments. #===Examples # php.static("Gtk", "main_quit") def static(class_name, method_name, *args) return self.send(:type => :static_method_call, :class_name => class_name, :method_name => method_name, :args => parse_data(args)) end #Creates a function on the PHP-side. When the function is called, it callbacks to the Ruby-side which then can execute stuff back to PHP. #===Examples # func = php.create_func do |d| # d.php.static("Gtk", "main_quit") # end # # button.connect("clicked", func) def create_func(args = {}, &block) callback_id = nil func = nil @callbacks_mutex.synchronize do callback_id = @callbacks_count func = => self, :id => callback_id) @callbacks[callback_id] = {:block => block, :func => func, :id => callback_id} @callbacks_count += 1 end raise "No callback-ID?" if !callback_id self.send(:type => :create_func, :callback_id => callback_id) return func end #This flushes the unset IDs to the PHP-process and frees memory. This is automatically called if 500 IDs are waiting to be flushed. Normally you would not need or have to call this manually. #===Examples # php.flush_unset_ids(true) def flush_unset_ids(force = false) return nil if !force and @object_unset_ids.length < 500 while @object_unset_ids.length > 0 and elements = @object_unset_ids.shift(500) $stderr.print "Sending unsets: #{elements}\n" if @debug send_real("type" => "unset_ids", "ids" => elements) end #Clean wref-map. @objects.clean end #Parses argument-data into special hashes that can be used on the PHP-side. It is public because the proxy-objects uses it. Normally you would never use it. def parse_data(data) if data.is_a?(Php_process::Proxy_obj) return {:type => :proxyobj, :id => data.args[:id]} elsif data.is_a?(Php_process::Created_function) return {:type => :php_process_created_function, :id => data.args[:id]} elsif data.is_a?(Hash) newhash = {} data.each do |key, val| newhash[key] = parse_data(val) end return newhash elsif data.is_a?(Array) newarr = [] data.each do |val| newarr << parse_data(val) end return newarr else return data end end #Returns the value of a constant on the PHP-side. def constant_val(name) const_name = name.to_s if !@constant_val_cache.key?(const_name) @constant_val_cache[const_name] = self.send(:type => :constant_val, :name => name) end return @constant_val_cache[const_name] end #Returns various informations about boths sides memory in a hash. def memory_info return { :php_info => self.send(:type => :memory_info), :ruby_info => { :responses => @responses.length, :objects_ids => @object_ids.length, :object_unset_ids => @object_unset_ids.length, :objects => @objects.length } } end private #Generates the command from the given object and sends it to the PHP-process. Then returns the parsed result. def send_real(hash) $stderr.print "Sending: #{hash[:args]}\n" if @debug and hash[:args] str = Base64.strict_encode64(PHP.serialize(hash)) @stdin.write("send:#{@send_count}:#{str}\n") id = @send_count @send_count += 1 #Slep a tiny bit to wait for first answer. sleep 0.001 #Then return result. return read_result(id) end #Searches for a result for a ID and returns it. Runs 'check_alive' to see if the process should be interrupted. def read_result(id) loop do if @responses.key?(id) resp = @responses[id] @responses.delete(id) if resp.is_a?(Hash) and resp["type"] == "error" raise "#{resp["msg"]}\n\n#{resp["bt"]}" end $stderr.print "Found answer #{id} - returning it.\n" if @debug return read_parsed_data(resp) end check_alive sleep 0.01 $stderr.print "Waiting for answer to ID: #{id}\n" if @debug end end #Checks if something is wrong. Maybe stdout got closed or a fatal error appeared on stderr? def check_alive raise "stdout closed." if @stdout and @stdout.closed? raise @fatal if @fatal end #Parses special hashes to proxy-objects and leaves the rest. This is used automatically. def read_parsed_data(data) if data.is_a?(Array) and data.length == 2 and data[0] == "proxyobj" id = data[1].to_i if proxy_obj = @objects.get!(id) $stderr.print "Reuse proxy-obj!\n" if @debug return proxy_obj else $stderr.print "Spawn new proxy-obj!\n" if @debug proxy_obj = :php => self, :id => id ) @objects[id] = proxy_obj return proxy_obj end elsif data.is_a?(Hash) newdata = {} data.each do |key, val| newdata[key] = read_parsed_data(val) end return newdata else return data end end #Starts the thread which reads answers from the PHP-process. This is called automatically from the constructor. def start_read_loop @thread = do begin @stdout.lines do |line| break if line == nil or @stdout.closed? data = line.split(":") args = PHP.unserialize(Base64.strict_decode64(data[2].strip)) type = data[0] id = data[1].to_i $stderr.print "Received: #{id}:#{type}:#{args}\n" if @debug if type == "answer" @responses[id] = args elsif type == "send" if args["type"] == "call_back_created_func" do begin func_d = @callbacks[args["func_id"].to_i] func_d[:block].call(*args["args"]) rescue => e $stderr.puts e.inspect $stderr.puts e.backtrace end end end else raise "Unknown type: '#{type}'." end end rescue => e $stderr.puts e.inspect $stderr.puts e.backtrace end end end end #This object proxies calls to the object it refers to on the PHP-side. It is automatically spawned from "" and should not be spawned manually. #===Examples # php = # pe ="PHPExcel") # pe.getProperties.setCreator("kaspernj") class Php_process::Proxy_obj #Contains the various data about the object like ID and class. It is readable because it needs to be converted to special hashes when used as arguments. attr_reader :args #Sets required instance-variables and defines the finalizer for unsetting on the PHP-side. def initialize(args) @args = args @args[:php].object_ids[self.__id__] = @args[:id] #Define finalizer so we can remove the object on PHPs side, when it is collected on the Ruby-side. ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, @args[:php].method(:objects_unsetter)) end #Returns the PHP-class of the object that this object refers to as a symbol. #===Examples # proxy_obj.__phpclass #=> :PHPExcel def __phpclass return @args[:php].func("get_class", self) end #Sets an instance-variable on the object. #===Examples # proxy_obj ="stdClass") # proxy_obj.__set_var("testvar", 5) # proxy_obj.__get_var("testvar") #=> 5 def __set_var(name, val) @args[:php].send(:type => "set_var", :id => @args[:id], :name => name, :val => val) return nil end #Returns an instance-variable by name. #===Examples # proxy_obj ="stdClass") # proxy_obj.__set_var("testvar", 5) # proxy_obj.__get_var("testvar") #=> 5 def __get_var(name) return @args[:php].send(:type => "get_var", :id => @args[:id], :name => name) end #Uses 'method_missing' to proxy all other calls onto the PHP-process and the PHP-object. Then returns the parsed result. def method_missing(method_name, *args) return @args[:php].send(:type => :object_call, :method => method_name, :args => @args[:php].parse_data(args), :id => @args[:id]) end end #This class handels the ability to create functions on the PHP-side. #===Examples # $callback_from_php = "test" # func = php.create_func do |arg| # $callback_from_php = arg # end # # $callback_from_php #=> "test" #'test2') # $callback_from_php #=> "test2" # # The function could also be called from PHP, but for debugging purposes it can also be done from Ruby. class Php_process::Created_function #Various data about the create function will can help identify it on both the Ruby and PHP-side. attr_reader :args #Sets the data. This is done from "Php_process" automatically. def initialize(args) @args = args end #Asks PHP to execute the function on the PHP-side, which will trigger the callback in Ruby afterwards. This method is useually called for debugging purposes. def call(*args) @args[:php].send(:type => :call_created_func, :id => @args[:id], :args => @args[:php].parse_data(args)) end end