# frozen_string_literal: true
module Asciidoctor
# Public: An abstract base class that provides state and methods for managing a
# node of AsciiDoc content. The state and methods on this class are common to
# all content segments in an AsciiDoc document.
class AbstractNode
  include Substitutors, Logging

  # Public: Get the Hash of attributes for this node
  attr_reader :attributes

  # Public: Get the Symbol context for this node
  attr_reader :context

  # Public: Get the Asciidoctor::Document to which this node belongs
  attr_reader :document

  # Public: Get/Set the String id of this node
  attr_accessor :id

  # Public: Get the String name of this node
  attr_reader :node_name

  # Public: Get the AbstractBlock parent element of this node
  attr_reader :parent

  def initialize parent, context, opts = {}
    # document is a special case, should refer to itself
    if context == :document
      @document = self
    elsif parent
      @document = (@parent = parent).document
    @node_name = (@context = context).to_s
    # NOTE the value of the :attributes option may be nil on an Inline node
    @attributes = (attrs = opts[:attributes]) ? attrs.merge : {}
    @passthroughs = []

  # Public: Returns whether this {AbstractNode} is an instance of {Block}
  # Returns [Boolean]
  def block?
    # :nocov:
    raise ::NotImplementedError
    # :nocov:

  # Public: Returns whether this {AbstractNode} is an instance of {Inline}
  # Returns [Boolean]
  def inline?
    # :nocov:
    raise ::NotImplementedError
    # :nocov:

  # Public: Get the Asciidoctor::Converter instance being used to convert the
  # current Asciidoctor::Document.
  def converter

  # Public: Associate this Block with a new parent Block
  # parent - The Block to set as the parent of this Block
  # Returns the new parent Block associated with this Block
  def parent= parent
    @parent, @document = parent, parent.document

  # Public: Get the value of the specified attribute. If the attribute is not found on this node, fallback_name is set,
  # and this node is not the Document node, get the value of the specified attribute from the Document node.
  # Look for the specified attribute in the attributes on this node and return the value of the attribute, if found.
  # Otherwise, if fallback_name is set (default: same as name) and this node is not the Document node, look for that
  # attribute on the Document node and return its value, if found. Otherwise, return the default value (default: nil).
  # name          - The String or Symbol name of the attribute to resolve.
  # default_value - The Object value to return if the attribute is not found (default: nil).
  # fallback_name - The String or Symbol of the attribute to resolve on the Document if the attribute is not found on
  #                 this node (default: same as name).
  # Returns the [Object] value (typically a String) of the attribute or default_value if the attribute is not found.
  def attr name, default_value = nil, fallback_name = nil
    @attributes[name.to_s] || (fallback_name && @parent && @document.attributes[(fallback_name == true ? name : fallback_name).to_s] || default_value)

  # Public: Check if the specified attribute is defined using the same logic as {#attr}, optionally performing a
  # comparison with the expected value if specified.
  # Look for the specified attribute in the attributes on this node. If not found, fallback_name is specified (default:
  # same as name), and this node is not the Document node, look for that attribute on the Document node. In either case,
  # if the attribute is found, and the comparison value is truthy, return whether the two values match. Otherwise,
  # return whether the attribute was found.
  # name           - The String or Symbol name of the attribute to resolve.
  # expected_value - The expected Object value of the attribute (default: nil).
  # fallback_name  - The String or Symbol of the attribute to resolve on the Document if the attribute is not found on
  #                  this node (default: same as name).
  # Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the attribute exists and, if a truthy comparison value is specified, whether
  # the value of the attribute matches the comparison value.
  def attr? name, expected_value = nil, fallback_name = nil
    if expected_value
      expected_value == (@attributes[name.to_s] || (fallback_name && @parent ? @document.attributes[(fallback_name == true ? name : fallback_name).to_s] : nil))
      (@attributes.key? name.to_s) || (fallback_name && @parent ? (@document.attributes.key? (fallback_name == true ? name : fallback_name).to_s) : false)

  # Public: Assign the value to the attribute name for the current node.
  # name      - The String attribute name to assign
  # value     - The Object value to assign to the attribute (default: '')
  # overwrite - A Boolean indicating whether to assign the attribute
  #             if currently present in the attributes Hash (default: true)
  # Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the assignment was performed
  def set_attr name, value = '', overwrite = true
    if overwrite == false && (@attributes.key? name)
      @attributes[name] = value

  # Public: Remove the attribute from the current node.
  # name      - The String attribute name to remove
  # Returns the previous [String] value, or nil if the attribute was not present.
  def remove_attr name
    @attributes.delete name

  # Public: A convenience method to check if the specified option attribute is
  # enabled on the current node.
  # Check if the option is enabled. This method simply checks to see if the
  # <name>-option attribute is defined on the current node.
  # name    - the String or Symbol name of the option
  # return a Boolean indicating whether the option has been specified
  def option? name
    @attributes[%(#{name}-option)] ? true : false

  # Public: Set the specified option on this node.
  # This method sets the specified option on this node by setting the <name>-option attribute.
  # name - the String name of the option
  # Returns Nothing
  def set_option name
    @attributes[%(#{name}-option)] = ''

  # Public: Retrieve the Set of option names that are set on this node
  # Returns a [Set] of option names
  def options
    ::Set.new.tap {|accum| @attributes.each_key {|k| accum << (k.slice 0, k.length - 7) if k.to_s.end_with? '-option' } }

  # Public: Update the attributes of this node with the new values in
  # the attributes argument.
  # If an attribute already exists with the same key, it's value will
  # be overwritten.
  # new_attributes - A Hash of additional attributes to assign to this node.
  # Returns the updated attributes [Hash] on this node.
  def update_attributes new_attributes
    @attributes.update new_attributes

  # Public: Retrieves the space-separated String role for this node.
  # Returns the role as a space-separated [String].
  def role

  # Public: Retrieves the String role names for this node as an Array.
  # Returns the role names as a String [Array], which is empty if the role attribute is absent on this node.
  def roles
    (val = @attributes['role']) ? val.split : []

  # Public: Checks if the role attribute is set on this node and, if an expected value is given, whether the
  # space-separated role matches that value.
  # expected_value - The expected String value of the role (optional, default: nil)
  # Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the role attribute is set on this node and, if an expected value is given,
  # whether the space-separated role matches that value.
  def role? expected_value = nil
    expected_value ? expected_value == @attributes['role'] : (@attributes.key? 'role')

  # Public: Checks if the specified role is present in the list of roles for this node.
  # name - The String name of the role to find.
  # Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether this node has the specified role.
  def has_role? name
    # NOTE center + include? is faster than split + include?
    (val = @attributes['role']) ? (%( #{val} ).include? %( #{name} )) : false

  # Public: Adds the given role directly to this node.
  # Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the role was added.
  def add_role name
    if (val = @attributes['role'])
      # NOTE center + include? is faster than split + include?
      if %( #{val} ).include? %( #{name} )
        @attributes['role'] = %(#{val} #{name})
      @attributes['role'] = name

  # Public: Removes the given role directly from this node.
  # Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether the role was removed.
  def remove_role name
    if (val = @attributes['role']) && ((val = val.split).delete name)
      if val.empty?
        @attributes.delete 'role'
        @attributes['role'] = val.join ' '

  # Public: A convenience method that returns the value of the reftext attribute with substitutions applied.
  def reftext
    (val = @attributes['reftext']) ? (apply_reftext_subs val) : nil

  # Public: A convenience method that checks if the reftext attribute is defined.
  def reftext?
    @attributes.key? 'reftext'

  # Public: Construct a reference or data URI to an icon image for the
  # specified icon name.
  # If the 'icon' attribute is set on this block, the name is ignored and the
  # value of this attribute is used as the target image path. Otherwise,
  # construct a target image path by concatenating the value of the 'iconsdir'
  # attribute, the icon name, and the value of the 'icontype' attribute
  # (defaulting to 'png').
  # The target image path is then passed through the #image_uri() method. If
  # the 'data-uri' attribute is set on the document, the image will be
  # safely converted to a data URI.
  # The return value of this method can be safely used in an image tag.
  # name - The String name of the icon
  # Returns A String reference or data URI for an icon image
  def icon_uri name
    if attr? 'icon'
      icon = attr 'icon'
      # QUESTION should we be adding the extension if the icon is an absolute URI?
      icon = %(#{icon}.#{@document.attr 'icontype', 'png'}) unless Helpers.extname? icon
      icon = %(#{name}.#{@document.attr 'icontype', 'png'})
    image_uri icon, 'iconsdir'

  # Public: Construct a URI reference or data URI to the target image.
  # If the target image is a URI reference, then leave it untouched.
  # The target image is resolved relative to the directory retrieved from the
  # specified attribute key, if provided.
  # If the 'data-uri' attribute is set on the document, and the safe mode level
  # is less than SafeMode::SECURE, the image will be safely converted to a data URI
  # by reading it from the same directory. If neither of these conditions
  # are satisfied, a relative path (i.e., URL) will be returned.
  # The return value of this method can be safely used in an image tag.
  # target_image - A String path to the target image
  # asset_dir_key - The String attribute key used to lookup the directory where
  #                the image is located (default: 'imagesdir')
  # Returns A String reference or data URI for the target image
  def image_uri(target_image, asset_dir_key = 'imagesdir')
    if (doc = @document).safe < SafeMode::SECURE && (doc.attr? 'data-uri')
      if ((Helpers.uriish? target_image) && (target_image = Helpers.encode_uri target_image)) ||
          (asset_dir_key && (images_base = doc.attr asset_dir_key) && (Helpers.uriish? images_base) &&
          (target_image = normalize_web_path target_image, images_base, false))
        if doc.attr? 'allow-uri-read'
          generate_data_uri_from_uri target_image, (doc.attr? 'cache-uri')
        generate_data_uri target_image, asset_dir_key
      normalize_web_path target_image, (asset_dir_key ? (doc.attr asset_dir_key) : nil)

  # Public: Construct a URI reference to the target media.
  # If the target media is a URI reference, then leave it untouched.
  # The target media is resolved relative to the directory retrieved from the
  # specified attribute key, if provided.
  # The return value can be safely used in a media tag (img, audio, video).
  # target        - A String reference to the target media
  # asset_dir_key - The String attribute key used to lookup the directory where
  #                 the media is located (default: 'imagesdir')
  # Returns A String reference for the target media
  def media_uri(target, asset_dir_key = 'imagesdir')
    normalize_web_path target, (asset_dir_key ? @document.attr(asset_dir_key) : nil)

  # Public: Generate a data URI that can be used to embed an image in the output document
  # First, and foremost, the target image path is cleaned if the document safe mode level
  # is set to at least SafeMode::SAFE (a condition which is true by default) to prevent access
  # to ancestor paths in the filesystem. The image data is then read and converted to
  # Base64. Finally, a data URI is built which can be used in an image tag.
  # target_image - A String path to the target image
  # asset_dir_key - The String attribute key used to lookup the directory where
  #                the image is located (default: nil)
  # Returns A String data URI containing the content of the target image
  def generate_data_uri(target_image, asset_dir_key = nil)
    if (ext = Helpers.extname target_image, nil)
      mimetype = ext == '.svg' ? 'image/svg+xml' : %(image/#{ext.slice 1, ext.length})
      mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'

    if asset_dir_key
      image_path = normalize_system_path(target_image, @document.attr(asset_dir_key), nil, target_name: 'image')
      image_path = normalize_system_path(target_image)

    if ::File.readable? image_path
      # NOTE base64 is autoloaded by reference to ::Base64
      %(data:#{mimetype};base64,#{::Base64.strict_encode64 ::File.binread image_path})
      logger.warn %(image to embed not found or not readable: #{image_path})
      # uncomment to return 1 pixel white dot instead

  # Public: Read the image data from the specified URI and generate a data URI
  # The image data is read from the URI and converted to Base64. A data URI is
  # constructed from the content_type header and Base64 data and returned,
  # which can then be used in an image tag.
  # image_uri  - The URI from which to read the image data. Can be http://, https:// or ftp://
  # cache_uri  - A Boolean to control caching. When true, the open-uri-cached library
  #              is used to cache the image for subsequent reads. (default: false)
  # Returns A data URI string built from Base64 encoded data read from the URI
  # and the mime type specified in the Content Type header.
  def generate_data_uri_from_uri image_uri, cache_uri = false
    if cache_uri
      # caching requires the open-uri-cached gem to be installed
      # processing will be automatically aborted if these libraries can't be opened
      Helpers.require_library 'open-uri/cached', 'open-uri-cached'
      # autoload open-uri

      mimetype, bindata = ::OpenURI.open_uri(image_uri, URI_READ_MODE) {|f| [f.content_type, f.read] }
      # NOTE base64 is autoloaded by reference to ::Base64
      %(data:#{mimetype};base64,#{::Base64.strict_encode64 bindata})
      logger.warn %(could not retrieve image data from URI: #{image_uri})
      # uncomment to return empty data (however, mimetype needs to be resolved)
      # uncomment to return 1 pixel white dot instead

  # Public: Normalize the asset file or directory to a concrete and rinsed path
  # Delegates to normalize_system_path, with the start path set to the value of
  # the base_dir instance variable on the Document object.
  def normalize_asset_path(asset_ref, asset_name = 'path', autocorrect = true)
    normalize_system_path(asset_ref, @document.base_dir, nil, target_name: asset_name, recover: autocorrect)

  # Public: Resolve and normalize a secure path from the target and start paths
  # using the PathResolver.
  # See {PathResolver#system_path} for details.
  # The most important functionality in this method is to prevent resolving a
  # path outside of the jail (which defaults to the directory of the source
  # file, stored in the base_dir instance variable on Document) if the document
  # safe level is set to SafeMode::SAFE or greater (a condition which is true
  # by default).
  # target - the String target path
  # start  - the String start (i.e., parent) path
  # jail   - the String jail path to confine the resolved path
  # opts   - an optional Hash of options to control processing (default: {}):
  #          * :recover is used to control whether the processor should
  #            automatically recover when an illegal path is encountered
  #          * :target_name is used in messages to refer to the path being resolved
  # raises a SecurityError if a jail is specified and the resolved path is
  # outside the jail.
  # Returns the [String] path resolved from the start and target paths, with any
  # parent references resolved and self references removed. If a jail is provided,
  # this path will be guaranteed to be contained within the jail.
  def normalize_system_path target, start = nil, jail = nil, opts = {}
    if (doc = @document).safe < SafeMode::SAFE
      if start
        start = ::File.join doc.base_dir, start unless doc.path_resolver.root? start
        start = doc.base_dir
      start = doc.base_dir unless start
      jail = doc.base_dir unless jail
    doc.path_resolver.system_path target, start, jail, opts

  # Public: Normalize the web path using the PathResolver.
  # See {PathResolver#web_path} for details about path resolution and encoding.
  # target              - the String target path
  # start               - the String start (i.e, parent) path (optional, default: nil)
  # preserve_uri_target - a Boolean indicating whether target should be preserved if contains a URI (default: true)
  # Returns the resolved [String] path
  def normalize_web_path(target, start = nil, preserve_uri_target = true)
    if preserve_uri_target && (Helpers.uriish? target)
      Helpers.encode_uri target
      @document.path_resolver.web_path target, start

  # Public: Read the contents of the file at the specified path.
  # This method assumes that the path is safe to read. It checks
  # that the file is readable before attempting to read it.
  # path - the String path from which to read the contents
  # opts - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
  #        * :warn_on_failure a Boolean that controls whether a warning
  #          is issued if the file cannot be read (default: false)
  #        * :normalize a Boolean that controls whether the lines
  #          are normalized and coerced to UTF-8 (default: false)
  # Returns the [String] content of the file at the specified path, or nil
  # if the file does not exist.
  def read_asset path, opts = {}
    # remap opts for backwards compatibility
    opts = { warn_on_failure: (opts != false) } unless ::Hash === opts
    if ::File.readable? path
      # QUESTION should we chomp content if normalize is false?
      opts[:normalize] ? ((Helpers.prepare_source_string ::File.read path, mode: FILE_READ_MODE).join LF) : (::File.read path, mode: FILE_READ_MODE)
    elsif opts[:warn_on_failure]
      logger.warn %(#{(attr 'docfile') || '<stdin>'}: #{opts[:label] || 'file'} does not exist or cannot be read: #{path})

  # Public: Resolve the URI or system path to the specified target, then read and return its contents
  # The URI or system path of the target is first resolved. If the resolved path is a URI, read the
  # contents from the URI if the allow-uri-read attribute is set, enabling caching if the cache-uri
  # attribute is also set. If the resolved path is not a URI, read the contents of the file from the
  # file system. If the normalize option is set, the data will be normalized.
  # target - The URI or local path from which to read the data.
  # opts   - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
  #          * :label the String label of the target to use in warning messages (default: 'asset')
  #          * :normalize a Boolean that indicates whether the data should be normalized (default: false)
  #          * :start the String relative base path to use when resolving the target (default: nil)
  #          * :warn_on_failure a Boolean that indicates whether warnings are issued if the target cannot be read (default: true)
  # Returns the contents of the resolved target or nil if the resolved target cannot be read
  # --
  # TODO refactor other methods in this class to use this method were possible (repurposing if necessary)
  def read_contents target, opts = {}
    doc = @document
    if (Helpers.uriish? target) || ((start = opts[:start]) && (Helpers.uriish? start) &&
        (target = doc.path_resolver.web_path target, start))
      if doc.attr? 'allow-uri-read'
        Helpers.require_library 'open-uri/cached', 'open-uri-cached' if doc.attr? 'cache-uri'
          if opts[:normalize]
            (Helpers.prepare_source_string ::OpenURI.open_uri(target, URI_READ_MODE) {|f| f.read }).join LF
            ::OpenURI.open_uri(target, URI_READ_MODE) {|f| f.read }
          logger.warn %(could not retrieve contents of #{opts[:label] || 'asset'} at URI: #{target}) if opts.fetch :warn_on_failure, true
        logger.warn %(cannot retrieve contents of #{opts[:label] || 'asset'} at URI: #{target} (allow-uri-read attribute not enabled)) if opts.fetch :warn_on_failure, true
      target = normalize_system_path target, opts[:start], nil, target_name: (opts[:label] || 'asset')
      read_asset target, normalize: opts[:normalize], warn_on_failure: (opts.fetch :warn_on_failure, true), label: opts[:label]

  # Deprecated: Check whether the specified String is a URI by
  # matching it against the Asciidoctor::UriSniffRx regex.
  # In use by Asciidoctor PDF
  # @deprecated Use Helpers.uriish? instead
  def is_uri? str
    Helpers.uriish? str