## oboe - TraceView Ruby Instrumentation The oboe gem provides AppNeta [TraceView](http://www.appneta.com/application-performance-management/) instrumentation for Ruby and Ruby frameworks. ## Installing The oboe gem is [available on Rubygems](https://rubygems.org/gems/oboe). See the [Ruby Knowedge Base article](http://support.tv.appneta.com/kb/ruby/instrumenting-ruby-apps) for information on how to install. Release notes can be found in the CHANGELOG or also [here](http://support.tv.appneta.com/kb/ruby/ruby-instrumentation-release-notes) ## Supported Technologies Check the [support matrix](https://github.com/tracelytics/oboe-ruby/wiki/Support-Matrix) for which versions of Ruby, Rails and technologies are supported. ## Tips General tips using, installing and debugging the oboe gem can be found [here](https://github.com/tracelytics/oboe-ruby/wiki/Ruby-Oboe-Tips).