module Cul::Scv::Hydra::Solrizer module ScvModsFieldable extend ActiveSupport::Concern MODS_NS = {'mods'=>''} module ClassMethods def value_mapper(maps=nil) @value_mapper ||= end def map_field(field_key, map_key) value_mapper.map_field(field_key, map_key) end def map_value(field_key, value_key) value_mapper.map_value(field_key, value_key) end def maps_field?(field_key) value_mapper.maps_field? field_key end end def mods ng_xml.xpath('/mods:mods', MODS_NS).first end def projects mods.xpath("./mods:relatedItem[@type='host' and @displayLabel='Project']", MODS_NS).collect do |p_node| ScvModsFieldable.normalize(main_title(p_node), true) end end def collections mods.xpath("./mods:relatedItem[@type='host' and @displayLabel='Collection']", MODS_NS).collect do |p_node| ScvModsFieldable.normalize(main_title(p_node), true) end end def sort_title(node=mods) # include only the untyped [!@type] titleInfo, exclude noSort base_text = '' t = node.xpath('./mods:titleInfo[not(@type)]', MODS_NS).first if t t.children.each do |child| base_text << child.text unless == 'nonSort' end end base_text = ScvModsFieldable.normalize(base_text, true) base_text = nil if base_text.empty? base_text end def main_title(node=mods) # include only the untyped [!@type] titleInfo t = node.xpath('./mods:titleInfo[not(@type)]', MODS_NS).first if t ScvModsFieldable.normalize(t.text) else nil end end def titles(node=mods) # all titles without descending into relatedItems node.xpath('./mods:titleInfo', MODS_NS).collect do |t| ScvModsFieldable.normalize(t.text) end end def names(role_authority=nil, role=nil) # get all the name nodes # reject the ones that aren't type 'personal' or 'corporate' # keep all child text except the role terms xpath = "./mods:name[@type = 'personal' or @type = 'corporate']" unless role_authority.nil? xpath << "/mods:role/mods:roleTerm[@authority='#{role_authority.to_s}'" unless role.nil? xpath << " and normalize-space(text()) = '#{role.to_s.strip}'" end xpath << "]/ancestor::mods:name" end names = mods.xpath(xpath, MODS_NS).collect do |node| base_text = node.xpath('./mods:namePart', MODS_NS).collect { |c| c.text }.join(' ') ScvModsFieldable.normalize(base_text, true) end xpath = "./mods:subject" + xpath[1,xpath.length] mods.xpath(xpath, MODS_NS).each do |node| base_text = node.xpath('./mods:namePart', MODS_NS).collect { |c| c.text }.join(' ') names << ScvModsFieldable.normalize(base_text, true) end names end def dates(node=mods) # get all the dateIssued with keyDate = 'yes', but not point = 'end' end def formats(node=mods) # get all the form values with authority != 'marcform' node.xpath("./mods:physicalDescription/mods:form[@authority != 'marcform']", MODS_NS).collect do |n| ScvModsFieldable.normalize(n.text) end end def repositories(node=mods) # get all the location/physicalLocation[@authority = 'marcorg'] node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:physicalLocation[@authority = 'marcorg']", MODS_NS).collect do |n| ScvModsFieldable.normalize(n.text) end end def shelf_locators(node=mods) node.xpath("./mods:location/mods:shelfLocator", MODS_NS).collect do |n| ScvModsFieldable.normalize(n.text, true) end end def to_solr(solr_doc={}) solr_doc = (defined? super) ? super : solr_doc solr_doc["title_si"] = sort_title solr_doc["title_ssm"] = titles solr_doc["lib_collection_sim"] = collections solr_doc["lib_project_sim"] = projects solr_doc["lib_name_sim"] = names solr_doc["lib_name_ssm"] = solr_doc["lib_name_sim"] solr_doc["lib_author_sim"] = names(:marcrelator, 'aut') solr_doc["lib_recipient_sim"] = names(:marcrelator, 'rcp') solr_doc["lib_format_sim"] = formats solr_doc["lib_repo_sim"] = repositories solr_doc["lib_shelf_sim"] = shelf_locators solr_doc.each do |k, v| if self.class.maps_field? k solr_doc[k] = self.class.map_value(k, v) end end solr_doc end def self.normalize(t, strip_punctuation=false) # strip whitespace n_t = t.dup.strip # collapse intermediate whitespace n_t.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') # pull off paired punctuation, and any leading punctuation if strip_punctuation n_t = n_t.sub(/^\((.*)\)$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^\{(.*)\}$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^\[(.*)\]$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^"(.*)"$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^'(.*)'$/, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^<(.*)>$/, "\\1") #n_t = n_t.sub(/^\p{Ps}(.*)\p{Pe}/u, "\\1") n_t = n_t.sub(/^[[:punct:]]+/, '') # this may have 'created' leading/trailing space, so strip n_t.strip! end n_t end end end