# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Mongo::Client do clean_slate let(:subscriber) { Mrss::EventSubscriber.new } describe '.new' do context 'with scan: false' do it 'does not perform i/o' do allow_any_instance_of(Mongo::Server::Monitor).to receive(:run!) expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Server::Monitor).not_to receive(:scan!) start_time = Time.now # return should be instant c = Timeout.timeout(1) do ClientRegistry.instance.new_local_client([''], scan: false) end expect(c.cluster.servers).to be_empty c.close end end context 'with default scan: true' do shared_examples 'does not wait for server selection timeout' do let(:logger) do Logger.new(STDOUT, level: Logger::DEBUG) end let(:subscriber) do Mongo::Monitoring::UnifiedSdamLogSubscriber.new( logger: logger, log_prefix: 'CCS-SDAM', ) end let(:client) do ClientRegistry.instance.new_local_client( [address], # Specify server selection timeout here because test suite sets # one by default and it's fairly low SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( connect_timeout: 1, socket_timeout: 1, server_selection_timeout: 8, logger: logger, log_prefix: 'CCS-CLIENT', sdam_proc: lambda do |client| subscriber.subscribe(client) end )) end it 'does not wait for server selection timeout' do time_taken = Benchmark.realtime do # Client is created here. client end puts "client_construction_spec.rb: Cluster is: #{client.cluster.summary}" # Because the first round of sdam waits for server statuses to change # rather than for server selection semaphore on the cluster which # is signaled after topology is updated, the topology here could be # old (i.e. a monitor thread was just about to update the topology # but hasn't quite gotten to it. Add a small delay to compensate. # This issue doesn't apply to real applications which will wait for # server selection semaphore. sleep 0.1 actual_class = client.cluster.topology.class expect([ Mongo::Cluster::Topology::ReplicaSetWithPrimary, Mongo::Cluster::Topology::Single, Mongo::Cluster::Topology::Sharded, Mongo::Cluster::Topology::LoadBalanced, ]).to include(actual_class) expect(time_taken).to be < 5 # run a command to ensure the client is a working one client.database.command(ping: 1) end end context 'when cluster is monitored' do require_topology :single, :replica_set, :sharded # TODO this test requires there being no outstanding background # monitoring threads running, as otherwise the scan! expectation # can be executed on a thread that belongs to one of the global # clients for instance it 'performs one round of sdam' do # Does not work due to # https://github.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/issues/1242. #expect_any_instance_of(Mongo::Server::Monitor).to receive(:scan!). # exactly(SpecConfig.instance.addresses.length).times.and_call_original c = new_local_client( SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.test_options) expect(c.cluster.servers).not_to be_empty end # This checks the case of all initial seeds being removed from # cluster during SDAM context 'me mismatch on the only initial seed' do let(:address) do ClusterConfig.instance.alternate_address.to_s end include_examples 'does not wait for server selection timeout' end end context 'when cluster is not monitored' do require_topology :load_balanced let(:address) do ClusterConfig.instance.alternate_address.to_s end include_examples 'does not wait for server selection timeout' end end context 'with monitoring_io: false' do let(:client) do new_local_client([''], monitoring_io: false) end it 'passes monitoring_io: false to cluster' do expect(client.cluster.options[:monitoring_io]).to be false end end end describe '#initialize' do context 'when providing options' do context 'with auto_encryption_options' do require_libmongocrypt include_context 'define shared FLE helpers' let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio( SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(client_opts) ) end let(:client_opts) { { auto_encryption_options: auto_encryption_options } } let(:auto_encryption_options) do { key_vault_client: key_vault_client, key_vault_namespace: key_vault_namespace, kms_providers: kms_providers, schema_map: schema_map, bypass_auto_encryption: bypass_auto_encryption, extra_options: extra_options, } end let(:key_vault_client) { new_local_client_nmio(SpecConfig.instance.addresses) } let(:bypass_auto_encryption) { true } let(:extra_options) do { mongocryptd_uri: mongocryptd_uri, mongocryptd_bypass_spawn: mongocryptd_bypass_spawn, mongocryptd_spawn_path: mongocryptd_spawn_path, mongocryptd_spawn_args: mongocryptd_spawn_args, } end let(:mongocryptd_uri) { 'mongodb://localhost:27021' } let(:mongocryptd_bypass_spawn) { true } let(:mongocryptd_spawn_path) { '/spawn/path' } let(:mongocryptd_spawn_args) { ['--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=100'] } shared_examples 'a functioning auto encryption client' do let(:encryption_options) { client.encrypter.options } context 'when auto_encrypt_opts are nil' do let(:auto_encryption_options) { nil } it 'does not raise an exception' do expect { client }.not_to raise_error end end context 'when key_vault_namespace is nil' do let(:key_vault_namespace) { nil } it 'raises an exception' do expect { client }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /key_vault_namespace option cannot be nil/) end end context 'when key_vault_namespace is incorrectly formatted' do let(:key_vault_namespace) { 'not.good.formatting' } it 'raises an exception' do expect { client }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /key_vault_namespace option must be in the format database.collection/) end end context 'when kms_providers is nil' do let(:kms_providers) { nil } it 'raises an exception' do expect { client }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /KMS providers options must not be nil/) end end context 'when kms_providers doesn\'t have local or aws keys' do let(:kms_providers) { { random_key: 'hello' } } it 'raises an exception' do expect { client }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /KMS providers options must have one of the following keys: :aws, :azure, :gcp, :kmip, :local/) end end context 'when local kms_provider is incorrectly formatted' do let(:kms_providers) { { local: { wrong_key: 'hello' } } } it 'raises an exception' do expect { client }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Local KMS provider options must be in the format: { key: 'MASTER-KEY' }/) end end context 'when aws kms_provider is incorrectly formatted' do let(:kms_providers) { { aws: { wrong_key: 'hello' } } } it 'raises an exception' do expect { client }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, / AWS KMS provider options must be in the format: { access_key_id: 'YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-ID', secret_access_key: 'SECRET-ACCESS-KEY' }/) end end context 'with an invalid schema map' do let(:schema_map) { '' } it 'raises an exception' do expect { client }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /schema_map must be a Hash or nil/) end end context 'with valid options' do it 'does not raise an exception' do expect { client }.not_to raise_error end context 'with a nil schema_map' do let(:schema_map) { nil } it 'does not raise an exception' do expect { client }.not_to raise_error end end it 'sets options on the client' do expect(encryption_options[:key_vault_client]).to eq(key_vault_client) expect(encryption_options[:key_vault_namespace]).to eq(key_vault_namespace) # Don't explicitly expect kms_providers to avoid accidentally exposing # sensitive data in evergreen logs expect(encryption_options[:kms_providers]).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) expect(encryption_options[:schema_map]).to eq(schema_map) expect(encryption_options[:bypass_auto_encryption]).to eq(bypass_auto_encryption) expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_uri]).to eq(mongocryptd_uri) expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_bypass_spawn]).to eq(mongocryptd_bypass_spawn) expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_spawn_path]).to eq(mongocryptd_spawn_path) expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_spawn_args]).to eq(mongocryptd_spawn_args) expect(client.encrypter.mongocryptd_client.options[:monitoring_io]).to be false end context 'with default extra options' do let(:auto_encryption_options) do { key_vault_namespace: key_vault_namespace, kms_providers: kms_providers, schema_map: schema_map, } end it 'sets key_vault_client with no encryption options' do key_vault_client = client.encrypter.key_vault_client expect(key_vault_client.options['auto_encryption_options']).to be_nil end it 'sets bypass_auto_encryption to false' do expect(encryption_options[:bypass_auto_encryption]).to be false end it 'sets extra options to defaults' do expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_uri]).to eq('mongodb://localhost:27020') expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_bypass_spawn]).to be false expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_spawn_path]).to eq('mongocryptd') expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_spawn_args]).to eq(['--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=60']) end end context 'with mongocryptd_spawn_args that don\'t include idleShutdownTimeoutSecs' do let(:mongocryptd_spawn_args) { ['--otherArgument=true'] } it 'adds a default value to mongocryptd_spawn_args' do expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_spawn_args]).to eq(mongocryptd_spawn_args + ['--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=60']) end end context 'with mongocryptd_spawn_args that has idleShutdownTimeoutSecs as two arguments' do let(:mongocryptd_spawn_args) { ['--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs', 100] } it 'does not modify mongocryptd_spawn_args' do expect(encryption_options[:extra_options][:mongocryptd_spawn_args]).to eq(mongocryptd_spawn_args) end end context 'with default key_vault_client' do let(:key_vault_client) { nil } it 'creates a key_vault_client' do key_vault_client = encryption_options[:key_vault_client] expect(key_vault_client).to be_a_kind_of(Mongo::Client) end end end end context 'with AWS KMS providers' do include_context 'with AWS kms_providers' do it_behaves_like 'a functioning auto encryption client' end end context 'with local KMS providers' do include_context 'with local kms_providers' do it_behaves_like 'a functioning auto encryption client' end end end context 'timeout options' do let(:client) do new_local_client(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.authorized_test_options.merge(options)) end context 'when network timeouts are zero' do let(:options) do { socket_timeout: 0, connect_timeout: 0 } end it 'sets options to zeros' do client.options[:socket_timeout].should == 0 client.options[:connect_timeout].should == 0 end it 'connects and performs operations successfully' do lambda do client.database.command(ping: 1) end.should_not raise_error end end %i(socket_timeout connect_timeout).each do |option| context "when #{option} is negative" do let(:options) do { option => -1 } end it 'fails client creation' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /#{option} must be a non-negative number/) end end context "when #{option} is of the wrong type" do let(:options) do { option => '42' } end it 'fails client creation' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /#{option} must be a non-negative number/) end end end context "when :connect_timeout is very small" do # The driver reads first and checks the deadline second. # This means the read (in a monitor) can technically take more than # the connect timeout. Restrict to TLS configurations to make # the network I/O take longer. require_tls let(:options) do { connect_timeout: 1e-6, server_selection_timeout: 2 } end it 'allows client creation' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error end context 'non-lb' do require_topology :single, :replica_set, :sharded it 'fails server selection due to very small timeout' do lambda do client.database.command(ping: 1) end.should raise_error(Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable) end end context 'lb' do require_topology :load_balanced it 'fails the operation after successful server selection' do lambda do client.database.command(ping: 1) end.should raise_error(Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError, /socket took over.*to connect/) end end end context "when :socket_timeout is very small" do # The driver reads first and checks the deadline second. # This means the read (in a monitor) can technically take more than # the connect timeout. Restrict to TLS configurations to make # the network I/O take longer. require_tls let(:options) do { socket_timeout: 1e-6, server_selection_timeout: 2 } end it 'allows client creation' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error end retry_test it 'fails operations due to very small timeout' do lambda do client.database.command(ping: 1) end.should raise_error(Mongo::Error::SocketTimeoutError) end end end context 'retry_writes option' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, options) end context 'when retry_writes is true' do let(:options) do { retry_writes: true } end it 'sets retry_writes to true' do expect(client.options['retry_writes']).to be true end end context 'when retry_writes is false' do let(:options) do { retry_writes: false } end it 'sets retry_writes to false' do expect(client.options['retry_writes']).to be false end end context 'when retry_writes is not given' do let(:options) do { } end it 'sets retry_writes to true' do expect(client.options['retry_writes']).to be true end end end context 'when compressors are provided' do let(:client) do new_local_client(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.all_test_options.merge(options)) end context 'when the compressor is not supported by the driver' do require_warning_clean let(:options) do { compressors: ['snoopy'] } end it 'does not set the compressor and warns' do expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Unsupported compressor/) expect(client.options['compressors']).to be_nil end it 'sets the compression key of the handshake document to an empty array' do expect(client.cluster.app_metadata.send(:document)[:compression]).to eq([]) end context 'when one supported compressor and one unsupported compressor are provided' do require_compression min_server_fcv '3.6' let(:options) do { compressors: ['zlib', 'snoopy'] } end it 'does not set the unsupported compressor and warns' do expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn).at_least(:once) expect(client.options['compressors']).to eq(['zlib']) end it 'sets the compression key of the handshake document to the list of supported compressors' do expect(client.cluster.app_metadata.send(:document)[:compression]).to eq(['zlib']) end end end context 'when the compressor is not supported by the server' do max_server_version '3.4' let(:options) do { compressors: ['zlib'] } end it 'does not set the compressor and warns' do expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn).at_least(:once) expect(client.cluster.next_primary.monitor.compressor).to be_nil end end context 'when zlib compression is requested' do require_zlib_compression let(:options) do { compressors: ['zlib'] } end it 'sets the compressor' do expect(client.options['compressors']).to eq(options[:compressors]) end it 'sends the compressor in the compression key of the handshake document' do expect(client.cluster.app_metadata.send(:document)[:compression]).to eq(options[:compressors]) end context 'when server supports compression' do min_server_fcv '3.6' it 'uses compression for messages' do expect(Mongo::Protocol::Compressed).to receive(:new).at_least(:once).and_call_original client[TEST_COLL].find({}, limit: 1).first end end it 'does not use compression for authentication messages' do expect(Mongo::Protocol::Compressed).not_to receive(:new) client.cluster.next_primary.send(:with_connection) do |conn| conn.connect! end end end context 'when snappy compression is requested and supported by the server' do min_server_version '3.6' let(:options) do { compressors: ['snappy'] } end context 'when snappy gem is installed' do require_snappy_compression it 'creates the client' do expect(client.options['compressors']).to eq(['snappy']) end end context 'when snappy gem is not installed' do require_no_snappy_compression it 'raises an exception' do expect do client end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::UnmetDependency, /Cannot enable snappy compression/) end end end context 'when zstd compression is requested and supported by the server' do min_server_version '4.2' let(:options) do { compressors: ['zstd'] } end context 'when zstd gem is installed' do require_zstd_compression it 'creates the client' do expect(client.options['compressors']).to eq(['zstd']) end end context 'when zstd gem is not installed' do require_no_zstd_compression it 'raises an exception' do expect do client end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::UnmetDependency, /Cannot enable zstd compression/) end end end end context 'when compressors are not provided' do require_no_compression let(:client) do authorized_client end it 'does not set the compressor' do expect(client.options['compressors']).to be_nil end it 'sets the compression key of the handshake document to an empty array' do expect(client.cluster.app_metadata.send(:document)[:compression]).to eq([]) end it 'does not use compression for messages' do client[TEST_COLL].find({}, limit: 1).first expect(Mongo::Protocol::Compressed).not_to receive(:new) end end context 'when a zlib_compression_level option is provided' do require_compression min_server_fcv '3.6' let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(zlib_compression_level: 1)) end it 'sets the option on the client' do expect(client.options[:zlib_compression_level]).to eq(1) end end context 'when ssl options are provided' do let(:options) do { :ssl => true, :ssl_ca_cert => SpecConfig.instance.ca_cert_path, :ssl_ca_cert_string => 'ca cert string', :ssl_ca_cert_object => 'ca cert object', :ssl_cert => SpecConfig.instance.client_cert_path, :ssl_cert_string => 'cert string', :ssl_cert_object => 'cert object', :ssl_key => SpecConfig.instance.client_key_path, :ssl_key_string => 'key string', :ssl_key_object => 'key object', :ssl_key_pass_phrase => 'passphrase', :ssl_verify => true } end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], options) end it 'sets the ssl option' do expect(client.options[:ssl]).to eq(options[:ssl]) end it 'sets the ssl_ca_cert option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_ca_cert]).to eq(options[:ssl_ca_cert]) end it 'sets the ssl_ca_cert_string option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_ca_cert_string]).to eq(options[:ssl_ca_cert_string]) end it 'sets the ssl_ca_cert_object option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_ca_cert_object]).to eq(options[:ssl_ca_cert_object]) end it 'sets the ssl_cert option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_cert]).to eq(options[:ssl_cert]) end it 'sets the ssl_cert_string option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_cert_string]).to eq(options[:ssl_cert_string]) end it 'sets the ssl_cert_object option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_cert_object]).to eq(options[:ssl_cert_object]) end it 'sets the ssl_key option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_key]).to eq(options[:ssl_key]) end it 'sets the ssl_key_string option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_key_string]).to eq(options[:ssl_key_string]) end it 'sets the ssl_key_object option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_key_object]).to eq(options[:ssl_key_object]) end it 'sets the ssl_key_pass_phrase option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_key_pass_phrase]).to eq(options[:ssl_key_pass_phrase]) end it 'sets the ssl_verify option' do expect(client.options[:ssl_verify]).to eq(options[:ssl_verify]) end end context 'when no database is provided' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], :read => { :mode => :secondary }) end it 'defaults the database to admin' do expect(client.database.name).to eq('admin') end end context 'when a database is provided' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], :database => :testdb) end it 'sets the current database' do expect(client[:users].name).to eq('users') end end context 'when providing a custom logger' do let(:logger) do Logger.new(STDOUT).tap do |l| l.level = Logger::FATAL end end let(:client) do authorized_client.with(logger: logger) end it 'does not use the global logger' do expect(client.cluster.logger).to_not eq(Mongo::Logger.logger) end end context 'when providing a heartbeat_frequency' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], :heartbeat_frequency => 2) end it 'sets the heartbeat frequency' do expect(client.cluster.options[:heartbeat_frequency]).to eq(client.options[:heartbeat_frequency]) end end context 'when min_pool_size is provided' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], options) end context 'when max_pool_size is provided' do context 'when the min_pool_size is greater than the max_pool_size' do let(:options) do { :min_pool_size => 20, :max_pool_size => 10 } end it 'raises an Exception' do expect { client }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::InvalidMinPoolSize) end end context 'when the min_pool_size is less than the max_pool_size' do let(:options) do { :min_pool_size => 10, :max_pool_size => 20 } end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(options[:min_pool_size]) expect(client.options[:max_pool_size]).to eq(options[:max_pool_size]) end end context 'when the min_pool_size is equal to the max_pool_size' do let(:options) do { :min_pool_size => 10, :max_pool_size => 10 } end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(options[:min_pool_size]) expect(client.options[:max_pool_size]).to eq(options[:max_pool_size]) end end context 'when max_pool_size is zero (unlimited)' do let(:options) do { :min_pool_size => 10, :max_pool_size => 0 } end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(options[:min_pool_size]) expect(client.options[:max_pool_size]).to eq(options[:max_pool_size]) end end end context 'when max_pool_size is not provided' do context 'when the min_pool_size is greater than the default max_pool_size' do let(:options) do { :min_pool_size => 30 } end it 'raises an Exception' do expect { client }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::InvalidMinPoolSize) end end context 'when the min_pool_size is less than the default max_pool_size' do let(:options) do { :min_pool_size => 3 } end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(options[:min_pool_size]) end end context 'when the min_pool_size is equal to the max_pool_size' do let(:options) do { :min_pool_size => Mongo::Server::ConnectionPool::DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE } end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(options[:min_pool_size]) end end end end context 'when max_pool_size is provided' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], options) end context 'when max_pool_size is 0 (unlimited)' do let(:options) do { :max_pool_size => 0 } end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:max_pool_size]).to eq(options[:max_pool_size]) end end end context 'when max_pool_size and min_pool_size are both nil' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], options) end let(:options) do { :min_pool_size => nil, :max_pool_size => nil } end it 'does not set either option' do expect(client.options[:max_pool_size]).to be_nil expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to be_nil end end context 'when platform details are specified' do let(:app_metadata) do client.cluster.app_metadata end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], :platform => 'mongoid-6.0.2') end it 'includes the platform info in the app metadata' do expect(app_metadata.send(:full_client_document)[:platform]).to match(/mongoid-6\.0\.2/) end end context 'when platform details are not specified' do let(:app_metadata) do client.cluster.app_metadata end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(['']) end context 'mri' do require_mri let(:platform_string) do [ "Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}", RUBY_PLATFORM, RbConfig::CONFIG['build'], 'A', ].join(', ') end it 'does not include the platform info in the app metadata' do expect(app_metadata.send(:full_client_document)[:platform]).to eq(platform_string) end end context 'jruby' do require_jruby let(:platform_string) do [ "JRuby #{JRUBY_VERSION}", "like Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}", RUBY_PLATFORM, "JVM #{java.lang.System.get_property('java.version')}", RbConfig::CONFIG['build'], 'A', ].join(', ') end it 'does not include the platform info in the app metadata' do expect(app_metadata.send(:full_client_document)[:platform]).to eq(platform_string) end end end end context 'when providing a connection string' do context 'when the string uses the SRV Protocol' do require_external_connectivity let!(:uri) do 'mongodb+srv://test5.test.build.10gen.cc/testdb' end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(uri) end it 'sets the database' do expect(client.options[:database]).to eq('testdb') end end context 'when a database is provided' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(uri) end it 'sets the database' do expect { client[:users] }.to_not raise_error end end context 'when a database is not provided' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(uri) end it 'defaults the database to admin' do expect(client.database.name).to eq('admin') end end context 'when URI options are provided' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(uri) end let(:expected_options) do Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(write_concern: { :w => 3 }, monitoring_io: false, :database => 'testdb', retry_writes: true, retry_reads: true) end it 'sets the options' do expect(client.options).to eq(expected_options) end context 'when min_pool_size is provided' do context 'when max_pool_size is provided' do context 'when the min_pool_size is greater than the max_pool_size' do let(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'raises an Exception' do expect { client }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::InvalidMinPoolSize) end end context 'when the min_pool_size is less than the max_pool_size' do let(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(10) expect(client.options[:max_pool_size]).to eq(20) end end context 'when the min_pool_size is equal to the max_pool_size' do let(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(10) expect(client.options[:max_pool_size]).to eq(10) end end context 'when max_pool_size is 0 (unlimited)' do let(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(10) expect(client.options[:max_pool_size]).to eq(0) end end end context 'when max_pool_size is not provided' do context 'when the min_pool_size is greater than the default max_pool_size' do let(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'raises an Exception' do expect { client }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::InvalidMinPoolSize) end end context 'when the min_pool_size is less than the default max_pool_size' do let(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(3) end end context 'when the min_pool_size is equal to the max_pool_size' do let(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option' do expect(client.options[:min_pool_size]).to eq(5) end end end end context 'when retryReads URI option is given' do context 'it is false' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option on the client' do expect(client.options[:retry_reads]).to be false end end context 'it is true' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option on the client' do expect(client.options[:retry_reads]).to be true end end end context 'when retryWrites URI option is given' do context 'it is false' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option on the client' do expect(client.options[:retry_writes]).to be false end end context 'it is true' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end it 'sets the option on the client' do expect(client.options[:retry_writes]).to be true end end end end context 'when options are provided not in the string' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(uri, :write => { :w => 3 }) end let(:expected_options) do Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(:write => { :w => 3 }, monitoring_io: false, :database => 'testdb', retry_writes: true, retry_reads: true) end it 'sets the options' do expect(client.options).to eq(expected_options) end end context 'when options are provided in the URI and as Ruby options' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(uri, option_name => { :w => 4 }) end let(:expected_options) do Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(option_name => { :w => 4 }, monitoring_io: false, :database => 'testdb', retry_writes: true, retry_reads: true) end shared_examples_for 'allows explicit options to take preference' do it 'allows explicit options to take preference' do expect(client.options).to eq(expected_options) end end context 'when using :write' do let(:option_name) { :write } it_behaves_like 'allows explicit options to take preference' end context 'when using :write_concern' do let(:option_name) { :write_concern } it_behaves_like 'allows explicit options to take preference' end end context 'when a replica set name is provided' do let!(:uri) do 'mongodb://' end let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(uri) end it 'sets the correct cluster topology' do expect(client.cluster.topology).to be_a(Mongo::Cluster::Topology::ReplicaSetNoPrimary) end end end context 'when Ruby options are provided' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], options) end describe 'connection option conflicts' do context 'direct_connection: true and multiple seeds' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(['', ''], direct_connection: true) end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /direct_connection=true cannot be used with multiple seeds/) end end context 'direct_connection: true and connect: :direct' do let(:options) do {direct_connection: true, connect: :direct} end it 'is accepted' do client.options[:direct_connection].should be true client.options[:connect].should be :direct end end context 'direct_connection: true and connect: :replica_set' do let(:options) do {direct_connection: true, connect: :replica_set} end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /Conflicting client options: direct_connection=true and connect=replica_set/) end end context 'direct_connection: true and connect: :sharded' do let(:options) do {direct_connection: true, connect: :sharded} end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /Conflicting client options: direct_connection=true and connect=sharded/) end end context 'direct_connection: false and connect: :direct' do let(:options) do {direct_connection: false, connect: :direct} end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /Conflicting client options: direct_connection=false and connect=direct/) end end context 'direct_connection: false and connect: :replica_set' do let(:options) do {direct_connection: false, connect: :replica_set, replica_set: 'foo'} end it 'is accepted' do client.options[:direct_connection].should be false client.options[:connect].should be :replica_set end end context 'direct_connection: false and connect: :sharded' do let(:options) do {direct_connection: false, connect: :sharded} end it 'is accepted' do client.options[:direct_connection].should be false client.options[:connect].should be :sharded end end context 'load_balanced: true and multiple seeds' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(['', ''], load_balanced: true) end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /load_balanced=true cannot be used with multiple seeds/) end end context 'load_balanced: false and multiple seeds' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(['', ''], load_balanced: false) end it 'is accepted' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error client.options[:load_balanced].should be false end end context 'load_balanced: true and direct_connection: true' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], load_balanced: true, direct_connection: true) end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /direct_connection=true cannot be used with load_balanced=true/) end end context 'load_balanced: true and direct_connection: false' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], load_balanced: true, direct_connection: false) end it 'is accepted' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error client.options[:load_balanced].should be true client.options[:direct_connection].should be false end end context 'load_balanced: false and direct_connection: true' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], load_balanced: false, direct_connection: true) end it 'is accepted' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error client.options[:load_balanced].should be false client.options[:direct_connection].should be true end end [:direct, 'direct', :sharded, 'sharded'].each do |v| context "load_balanced: true and connect: #{v.inspect}" do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], load_balanced: true, connect: v) end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /connect=#{v} cannot be used with load_balanced=true/) end end end [nil].each do |v| context "load_balanced: true and connect: #{v.inspect}" do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], load_balanced: true, connect: v) end it 'is accepted' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error client.options[:load_balanced].should be true client.options[:connect].should eq v end end end [:load_balanced, 'load_balanced'].each do |v| context "load_balanced: true and connect: #{v.inspect}" do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], load_balanced: true, connect: v) end it 'is accepted' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error client.options[:load_balanced].should be true client.options[:connect].should eq v end end context "replica_set and connect: #{v.inspect}" do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], replica_set: 'foo', connect: v) end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /connect=load_balanced cannot be used with replica_set option/) end end context "direct_connection=true and connect: #{v.inspect}" do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], direct_connection: true, connect: v) end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /Conflicting client options: direct_connection=true and connect=load_balanced/) end end context "multiple seed addresses and connect: #{v.inspect}" do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(['', ''], connect: v) end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /connect=load_balanced cannot be used with multiple seeds/) end end end [:replica_set, 'replica_set'].each do |v| context "load_balanced: true and connect: #{v.inspect}" do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], load_balanced: true, connect: v, replica_set: 'x') end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /connect=replica_set cannot be used with load_balanced=true/) end end context "load_balanced: true and #{v.inspect} option" do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], load_balanced: true, v => 'rs') end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /load_balanced=true cannot be used with replica_set option/) end end end context 'srv_max_hosts > 0 and load_balanced: true' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], srv_max_hosts: 1, load_balanced: true) end it 'it is rejected' do expect do client end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /:srv_max_hosts > 0 cannot be used with :load_balanced=true/) end end context 'srv_max_hosts > 0 and replica_set' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], srv_max_hosts: 1, replica_set: 'rs') end it 'it is rejected' do expect do client end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /:srv_max_hosts > 0 cannot be used with :replica_set option/) end end context 'srv_max_hosts < 0' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], srv_max_hosts: -1) end it 'is accepted and does not add the srv_max_hosts to uri_options' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error expect(client.options).to_not have_key(:srv_max_hosts) end end context 'srv_max_hosts invalid type' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], srv_max_hosts: 'foo') end it 'is accepted and does not add the srv_max_hosts to uri_options' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error expect(client.options).to_not have_key(:srv_max_hosts) end end context 'srv_max_hosts with non-SRV URI' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], srv_max_hosts: 1) end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /:srv_max_hosts cannot be used on non-SRV URI/) end end context 'srv_service_name with non-SRV URI' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], srv_service_name: "customname") end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /:srv_service_name cannot be used on non-SRV URI/) end end end context 'with SRV lookups mocked at Resolver' do let(:srv_result) do double('srv result').tap do |result| allow(result).to receive(:empty?).and_return(false) allow(result).to receive(:address_strs).and_return( [ClusterConfig.instance.primary_address_str]) end end let(:client) do allow_any_instance_of(Mongo::Srv::Resolver).to receive(:get_records).and_return(srv_result) allow_any_instance_of(Mongo::Srv::Resolver).to receive(:get_txt_options_string) new_local_client_nmio('mongodb+srv://foo.a.b', options) end context "when setting srv_max_hosts" do let(:srv_max_hosts) { 1 } let(:options) { { srv_max_hosts: srv_max_hosts } } it 'is accepted and sets srv_max_hosts' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error expect(client.options[:srv_max_hosts]).to eq(srv_max_hosts) end end context "when setting srv_max_hosts to 0" do let(:srv_max_hosts) { 0 } let(:options) { { srv_max_hosts: srv_max_hosts } } it 'is accepted sets srv_max_hosts' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error expect(client.options[:srv_max_hosts]).to eq(srv_max_hosts) end end context "when setting srv_service_name" do let(:srv_service_name) { 'customname' } let(:options) { { srv_service_name: srv_service_name } } it 'is accepted and sets srv_service_name' do lambda do client end.should_not raise_error expect(client.options[:srv_service_name]).to eq(srv_service_name) end end end context ':bg_error_backtrace option' do [true, false, nil, 42].each do |valid_value| context "valid value: #{valid_value.inspect}" do let(:options) do {bg_error_backtrace: valid_value} end it 'is accepted' do client.options[:bg_error_backtrace].should == valid_value end end end context 'invalid value type' do let(:options) do {bg_error_backtrace: 'yes'} end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /:bg_error_backtrace option value must be true, false, nil or a positive integer/) end end context 'invalid value' do [0, -1, 42.0].each do |invalid_value| context "invalid value: #{invalid_value.inspect}" do let(:options) do {bg_error_backtrace: invalid_value} end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /:bg_error_backtrace option value must be true, false, nil or a positive integer/) end end end end end describe ':read option' do [ :primary, :primary_preferred, :secondary, :secondary_preferred, :nearest ].each do |sym| describe "#{sym}" do context 'when given as symbol' do let(:options) do {read: {mode: sym}} end it "is accepted" do # the key got converted to a string here expect(client.read_preference).to eq({'mode' => sym}) end end context 'when given as string' do let(:options) do {read: {mode: sym.to_s}} end # string keys are not documented as being allowed # but the code accepts them it "is accepted" do # the key got converted to a string here # the value remains a string expect(client.read_preference).to eq({'mode' => sym.to_s}) end end end end context 'when not linting' do require_no_linting it 'rejects bogus read preference as symbol' do expect do client = new_local_client_nmio([''], :read => {:mode => :bogus}) end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::InvalidReadOption, 'Invalid read option: {"mode"=>:bogus}: mode bogus is not one of recognized modes') end it 'rejects bogus read preference as string' do expect do client = new_local_client_nmio([''], :read => {:mode => 'bogus'}) end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::InvalidReadOption, 'Invalid read option: {"mode"=>"bogus"}: mode bogus is not one of recognized modes') end it 'rejects read option specified as a string' do expect do client = new_local_client_nmio([''], :read => 'primary') end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::InvalidReadOption, 'Invalid read option: primary: must be a hash') end it 'rejects read option specified as a symbol' do expect do client = new_local_client_nmio([''], :read => :primary) end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::InvalidReadOption, 'Invalid read option: primary: must be a hash') end end end context 'when setting read concern options' do min_server_fcv '3.2' context 'when read concern is valid' do let(:options) do { read_concern: { level: :local } } end it 'does not warn' do expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to_not receive(:warn) new_local_client_nmio(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, options) end end context 'when read concern has an invalid key' do require_no_linting let(:options) do { read_concern: { hello: :local } } end it 'logs a warning' do expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn).with(/Read concern has invalid keys: hello/) new_local_client_nmio(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, options) end end context 'when read concern has a non-user-settable key' do let(:options) do { read_concern: { after_cluster_time: 100 } } end it 'raises an exception' do expect do new_local_client_nmio(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, options) end.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::InvalidReadConcern, 'The after_cluster_time read_concern option cannot be specified by the user') end end end context 'when an invalid option is provided' do let(:options) do {ssl: false, invalid: :test} end it 'does not set the option' do expect(client.options.keys).not_to include('invalid') end it 'sets the valid options' do expect(client.options.keys).to include('ssl') end it 'warns that an invalid option has been specified' do expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn) expect(client.options.keys).not_to include('invalid') end end =begin WriteConcern object support context 'when write concern is provided via a WriteConcern object' do let(:options) do {write_concern: wc} end let(:wc) { Mongo::WriteConcern.get(w: 2) } it 'stores write concern options in client options' do expect(client.options[:write_concern]).to eq( Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(w: 2)) end it 'caches write concern object' do expect(client.write_concern).to be wc end end =end context ':wrapping_libraries option' do let(:options) do {wrapping_libraries: wrapping_libraries} end context 'valid input' do context 'symbol keys' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do [name: 'Mongoid', version: '7.1.2'].freeze end it 'works' do client.options[:wrapping_libraries].should == ['name' => 'Mongoid', 'version' => '7.1.2'] end end context 'string keys' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do ['name' => 'Mongoid', 'version' => '7.1.2'].freeze end it 'works' do client.options[:wrapping_libraries].should == ['name' => 'Mongoid', 'version' => '7.1.2'] end end context 'Redacted keys' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do [Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(name: 'Mongoid', version: '7.1.2')].freeze end it 'works' do client.options[:wrapping_libraries].should == ['name' => 'Mongoid', 'version' => '7.1.2'] end end context 'two libraries' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do [ {name: 'Mongoid', version: '7.1.2'}, {name: 'Rails', version: '4.0', platform: 'Foobar'}, ].freeze end it 'works' do client.options[:wrapping_libraries].should == [ {'name' => 'Mongoid', 'version' => '7.1.2'}, {'name' => 'Rails', 'version' => '4.0', 'platform' => 'Foobar'}, ] end end context 'empty array' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do [] end it 'works' do client.options[:wrapping_libraries].should == [] end end context 'empty array' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do nil end it 'works' do client.options[:wrapping_libraries].should be nil end end end context 'valid input' do context 'hash given instead of an array' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do {name: 'Mongoid', version: '7.1.2'}.freeze end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /:wrapping_libraries must be an array of hashes/) end end context 'invalid keys' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do [name: 'Mongoid', invalid: '7.1.2'].freeze end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /:wrapping_libraries element has invalid keys/) end end context 'value includes |' do let(:wrapping_libraries) do [name: 'Mongoid|on|Rails', version: '7.1.2'].freeze end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /:wrapping_libraries element value cannot include '|'/) end end end end context ':auth_mech_properties option' do context 'is nil' do let(:options) do {auth_mech_properties: nil} end it 'creates the client without the option' do client.options.should_not have_key(:auth_mech_properties) end end end context ':server_api parameter' do context 'is a hash with symbol keys' do context 'using known keys' do let(:options) do {server_api: { version: '1', strict: true, deprecation_errors: false, }} end it 'is accepted' do client.options[:server_api].should == { 'version' => '1', 'strict' => true, 'deprecation_errors' => false, } end end context 'using an unknown version' do let(:options) do {server_api: { version: '42', }} end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Unknown server API version: 42') end end context 'using an unknown option' do let(:options) do {server_api: { vversion: '1', }} end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Unknown keys under :server_api: "vversion"') end end context 'using a value which is not a hash' do let(:options) do {server_api: 42} end it 'is rejected' do lambda do client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, ':server_api value must be a hash: 42') end end end context 'when connected to a pre-OP_MSG server' do max_server_version '3.4' let(:options) do {server_api: {version: 1}} end let(:client) do new_local_client(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.all_test_options.merge(options)) end it 'constructs the client' do client.should be_a(Mongo::Client) end it 'does not discover servers' do client.cluster.servers_list.each do |s| expect(s.status).to eq('UNKNOWN') end end it 'fails operations' do lambda do client.command(ping: 1) end.should raise_error(Mongo::Error::NoServerAvailable) end end end end context 'when making a block client' do context 'when the block doesn\'t raise an error' do let(:block_client) do c = nil Mongo::Client.new( SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(database: SpecConfig.instance.test_db), ) do |client| c = client end c end it 'is closed after block' do expect(block_client.cluster.connected?).to eq(false) end end context 'when the block raises an error' do it 'it is closed after the block' do block_client_raise = nil expect do Mongo::Client.new( SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge(database: SpecConfig.instance.test_db), ) do |client| block_client_raise = client raise "This is an error!" end end.to raise_error(StandardError, "This is an error!") expect(block_client_raise.cluster.connected?).to eq(false) end end context 'when the hosts given include the protocol' do it 'raises an error on mongodb://' do expect do Mongo::Client.new(['mongodb://']) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Host 'mongodb://' should not contain protocol. Did you mean to not use an array?") end it 'raises an error on mongodb+srv://' do expect do Mongo::Client.new(['mongodb+srv://']) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Host 'mongodb+srv://' should not contain protocol. Did you mean to not use an array?") end it 'raises an error on multiple items' do expect do Mongo::Client.new(['', 'mongodb+srv://']) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Host 'mongodb+srv://' should not contain protocol. Did you mean to not use an array?") end it 'raises an error only at beginning of string' do expect do Mongo::Client.new(['somethingmongodb://', 'mongodb+srv://']) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Host 'mongodb+srv://' should not contain protocol. Did you mean to not use an array?") end it 'raises an error with different case' do expect do Mongo::Client.new(['MongOdB://']) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Host 'MongOdB://' should not contain protocol. Did you mean to not use an array?") end end end end shared_examples_for 'duplicated client with duplicated monitoring' do let(:monitoring) { client.send(:monitoring) } let(:new_monitoring) { new_client.send(:monitoring) } it 'duplicates monitoring' do expect(new_monitoring).not_to eql(monitoring) end it 'copies monitoring subscribers' do monitoring.subscribers.clear client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) expect(monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(1) expect(monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(1) # this duplicates the client expect(new_monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(1) expect(new_monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(1) end it 'does not change subscribers on original client' do monitoring.subscribers.clear client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) expect(monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(1) expect(monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(1) new_client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) new_client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) expect(new_monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(1) expect(new_monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(3) # original client should not have gotten any of the new subscribers expect(monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(1) expect(monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(1) end end shared_examples_for 'duplicated client with reused monitoring' do let(:monitoring) { client.send(:monitoring) } let(:new_monitoring) { new_client.send(:monitoring) } it 'reuses monitoring' do expect(new_monitoring).to eql(monitoring) end end shared_examples_for 'duplicated client with clean slate monitoring' do let(:monitoring) { client.send(:monitoring) } let(:new_monitoring) { new_client.send(:monitoring) } it 'does not reuse monitoring' do expect(new_monitoring).not_to eql(monitoring) end it 'resets monitoring subscribers' do monitoring.subscribers.clear client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) expect(monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(1) expect(monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(1) # this duplicates the client # 7 is how many subscribers driver sets up by default expect(new_monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(7) # ... none of which are for heartbeats expect(new_monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(0) end it 'does not change subscribers on original client' do monitoring.subscribers.clear client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) expect(monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(1) expect(monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(1) new_client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) new_client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) # 7 default subscribers + heartbeat expect(new_monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(8) # the heartbeat subscriber on the original client is not inherited expect(new_monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(2) # original client should not have gotten any of the new subscribers expect(monitoring.present_subscribers.length).to eq(1) expect(monitoring.subscribers[Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT].length).to eq(1) end end describe '#use' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_db) end shared_examples_for 'a database switching object' do it 'returns the new client' do expect(client.send(:database).name).to eq('ruby-driver') end it 'keeps the same cluster' do expect(database.cluster).to equal(client.cluster) end end context 'when provided a string' do let(:database) do client.use('testdb') end it_behaves_like 'a database switching object' end context 'when provided a symbol' do let(:database) do client.use(:testdb) end it_behaves_like 'a database switching object' end context 'when providing nil' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { client.use(nil) }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::InvalidDatabaseName) end end end describe '#with' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_db) end context 'when providing nil' do it 'returns the cloned client' do expect(client.with(nil)).to eq(client) end end context 'when the app_name is changed' do let(:client) do authorized_client end let!(:original_options) do client.options end let(:new_options) do { app_name: 'client_test' } end let!(:new_client) do authorized_client.with(new_options) end it 'returns a new client' do expect(new_client).not_to equal(client) end it 'replaces the existing options' do expect(new_client.options).to eq(client.options.merge(new_options)) end it 'does not modify the original client' do expect(client.options).to eq(original_options) end it 'does not keep the same cluster' do expect(new_client.cluster).not_to be(client.cluster) end end context 'when direct_connection option is given' do let(:client) do options = SpecConfig.instance.test_options options.delete(:connect) new_local_client(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, options) end before do client.options[:direct_connection].should be nil end let(:new_client) do client.with(new_options) end context 'direct_connection set to false' do let(:new_options) do { direct_connection: false } end it 'is accepted' do new_client.options[:direct_connection].should be false end end context 'direct_connection set to true' do let(:new_options) do { direct_connection: true } end context 'in single topology' do require_topology :single it 'is accepted' do new_client.options[:direct_connection].should be true new_client.cluster.topology.should be_a(Mongo::Cluster::Topology::Single) end end context 'in replica set or sharded cluster topology' do require_topology :replica_set, :sharded it 'is rejected' do lambda do new_client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /direct_connection=true cannot be used with topologies other than Single/) end context 'when a new cluster is created' do let(:new_options) do { direct_connection: true, app_name: 'new-client' } end it 'is rejected' do lambda do new_client end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /direct_connection=true cannot be used with topologies other than Single/) end end end end end context 'when the write concern is not changed' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio( [''], :read => { :mode => :secondary }, :write => { :w => 1 }, :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_db ) end let!(:new_client) do client.with(:read => { :mode => :primary }) end let(:new_options) do Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(:read => { :mode => :primary }, :write => { :w => 1 }, monitoring_io: false, :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_db, retry_writes: true, retry_reads: true) end let(:original_options) do Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(:read => { :mode => :secondary }, :write => { :w => 1 }, monitoring_io: false, :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_db, retry_writes: true, retry_reads: true) end it 'returns a new client' do expect(new_client).not_to equal(client) end it 'replaces the existing options' do expect(new_client.options).to eq(new_options) end it 'does not modify the original client' do expect(client.options).to eq(original_options) end it 'keeps the same cluster' do expect(new_client.cluster).to be(client.cluster) end end context 'when the write concern is changed' do let(:client) do new_local_client([''], {monitoring_io: false}.merge(client_options)) end let(:client_options) do { :write => { :w => 1 } } end context 'when the write concern has not been accessed' do let!(:new_client) do client.with(:write => { :w => 0 }) end let(:get_last_error) do new_client.write_concern.get_last_error end it 'returns the correct write concern' do expect(get_last_error).to be_nil end end context 'when the write concern has been accessed' do let!(:new_client) do client.write_concern client.with(:write => { :w => 0 }) end let(:get_last_error) do new_client.write_concern.get_last_error end it 'returns the correct write concern' do expect(get_last_error).to be_nil end end context 'when write concern is given as :write' do let(:client_options) do { :write => { :w => 1 } } end it 'sets :write option' do expect(client.options[:write]).to eq(Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(w: 1)) end it 'does not set :write_concern option' do expect(client.options[:write_concern]).to be nil end it 'returns correct write concern' do expect(client.write_concern).to be_a(Mongo::WriteConcern::Acknowledged) expect(client.write_concern.options).to eq(w: 1) end end context 'when write concern is given as :write_concern' do let(:client_options) do { :write_concern => { :w => 1 } } end it 'sets :write_concern option' do expect(client.options[:write_concern]).to eq(Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(w: 1)) end it 'does not set :write option' do expect(client.options[:write]).to be nil end it 'returns correct write concern' do expect(client.write_concern).to be_a(Mongo::WriteConcern::Acknowledged) expect(client.write_concern.options).to eq(w: 1) end end context 'when write concern is given as both :write and :write_concern' do context 'with identical values' do let(:client_options) do { write: {w: 1}, write_concern: { w: 1 } } end it 'sets :write_concern option' do expect(client.options[:write_concern]).to eq(Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(w: 1)) end it 'sets :write option' do expect(client.options[:write]).to eq(Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(w: 1)) end it 'returns correct write concern' do expect(client.write_concern).to be_a(Mongo::WriteConcern::Acknowledged) expect(client.write_concern.options).to eq(w: 1) end end context 'with different values' do let(:client_options) do { write: {w: 1}, write_concern: { w: 2 } } end it 'raises an exception' do expect do client end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /If :write and :write_concern are both given, they must be identical/) end end end context 'when #with uses a different write concern option name' do context 'from :write_concern to :write' do let(:client_options) do { :write_concern => { :w => 1 } } end let!(:new_client) do client.with(:write => { :w => 2 }) end it 'uses the new option' do expect(new_client.options[:write]).to eq(Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(w: 2)) expect(new_client.options[:write_concern]).to be nil end end context 'from :write to :write_concern' do let(:client_options) do { :write => { :w => 1 } } end let!(:new_client) do client.with(:write_concern => { :w => 2 }) end it 'uses the new option' do expect(new_client.options[:write_concern]).to eq(Mongo::Options::Redacted.new(w: 2)) expect(new_client.options[:write]).to be nil end end end end context 'when an invalid option is provided' do let(:new_client) do client.with(invalid: :option, ssl: false) end it 'does not set the invalid option' do expect(new_client.options.keys).not_to include('invalid') end it 'sets the valid options' do expect(new_client.options.keys).to include('ssl') end it 'warns that an invalid option has been specified' do expect(Mongo::Logger.logger).to receive(:warn) expect(new_client.options.keys).not_to include('invalid') end end context 'when client is created with ipv6 address' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(['[::1]:27017'], :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_db) end context 'when providing nil' do it 'returns the cloned client' do expect(client.with(nil)).to eq(client) end end context 'when changing options' do let(:new_options) do { app_name: 'client_test' } end let!(:new_client) do client.with(new_options) end it 'returns a new client' do expect(new_client).not_to equal(client) end end end context 'when new client has a new cluster' do let(:client) do new_local_client([''], database: SpecConfig.instance.test_db, server_selection_timeout: 0.5, socket_timeout: 0.1, connect_timeout: 0.1) end let(:new_client) do client.with(app_name: 'client_construction_spec').tap do |new_client| expect(new_client.cluster).not_to eql(client.cluster) end end it_behaves_like 'duplicated client with clean slate monitoring' end context 'when new client shares cluster with original client' do let(:new_client) do client.with(database: 'client_construction_spec').tap do |new_client| expect(new_client.cluster).to eql(client.cluster) end end it_behaves_like 'duplicated client with reused monitoring' end # Since we either reuse monitoring or reset it to a clean slate # in #with, the consistent behavior is to never transfer sdam_proc to # the new client. context 'when sdam_proc is given on original client' do let(:sdam_proc) do Proc.new do |client| client.subscribe(Mongo::Monitoring::SERVER_HEARTBEAT, subscriber) end end let(:client) do new_local_client(SpecConfig.instance.addresses, SpecConfig.instance.test_options.merge( sdam_proc: sdam_proc, connect_timeout: 3.08, socket_timeout: 3.09, server_selection_timeout: 2.92, heartbeat_frequency: 100, database: SpecConfig.instance.test_db)) end let(:new_client) do client.with(app_name: 'foo').tap do |new_client| new_client.cluster.should_not == client.cluster end end before do client.cluster.next_primary events = subscriber.select_started_events(Mongo::Monitoring::Event::ServerHeartbeatStarted) if ClusterConfig.instance.topology == :load_balanced # No server monitoring in LB topology events.length.should == 0 else events.length.should > 0 end end it 'does not copy sdam_proc option to new client' do expect(new_client.options[:sdam_proc]).to be nil end it 'does not notify subscribers set up by sdam_proc' do # On 4.4, the push monitor also is receiving heartbeats. # Give those some time to be processed. sleep 2 if ClusterConfig.instance.topology == :load_balanced # No server monitoring in LB topology expect(subscriber.started_events.length).to eq 0 else expect(subscriber.started_events.length).to be > 0 end subscriber.started_events.clear # If this test takes longer than heartbeat interval, # subscriber may receive events from the original client. new_client.cluster.next_primary # Diagnostics unless subscriber.started_events.empty? p subscriber.started_events end expect(subscriber.started_events.length).to eq 0 new_client.cluster.topology.class.should_not be Mongo::Cluster::Topology::Unknown end end context 'when :server_api is changed' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio(['']) end let(:new_client) do client.with(server_api: {version: '1'}) end it 'changes :server_api' do new_client.options[:server_api].should == {'version' => '1'} end end context 'when :server_api is cleared' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio([''], server_api: {version: '1'}) end let(:new_client) do client.with(server_api: nil) end it 'clears :server_api' do new_client.options[:server_api].should be nil end end end describe '#dup' do let(:client) do new_local_client_nmio( [''], :read => { :mode => :primary }, :database => SpecConfig.instance.test_db ) end let(:new_client) { client.dup } it 'creates a client with Redacted options' do expect(new_client.options).to be_a(Mongo::Options::Redacted) end it_behaves_like 'duplicated client with reused monitoring' end end