# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength module Jazzy module SymbolGraph # A Symbol is a tidied-up SymbolGraph JSON object class Symbol attr_accessor :usr attr_accessor :path_components attr_accessor :declaration attr_accessor :kind attr_accessor :acl attr_accessor :spi attr_accessor :location # can be nil, keys :filename :line :character attr_accessor :constraints # array, can be empty attr_accessor :doc_comments # can be nil attr_accessor :attributes # array, can be empty attr_accessor :generic_type_params # set, can be empty attr_accessor :parameter_names # array, can be nil def name path_components[-1] || '??' end def initialize(hash) self.usr = hash[:identifier][:precise] self.path_components = hash[:pathComponents] raw_decl, keywords = parse_decl_fragments(hash[:declarationFragments]) init_kind(hash[:kind][:identifier], keywords) init_declaration(raw_decl) if func_signature = hash[:functionSignature] init_func_signature(func_signature) end init_acl(hash[:accessLevel]) self.spi = hash[:spi] if location = hash[:location] init_location(location) end init_constraints(hash, raw_decl) if comments_hash = hash[:docComment] init_doc_comments(comments_hash) end init_attributes(hash[:availability] || []) init_generic_type_params(hash) end def parse_decl_fragments(fragments) decl = '' keywords = Set.new fragments.each do |frag| decl += frag[:spelling] keywords.add(frag[:spelling]) if frag[:kind] == 'keyword' end [decl, keywords] end # Repair problems with SymbolGraph's declprinter def init_declaration(raw_decl) # Too much 'Self.TypeName'; omitted arg labels look odd; # duplicated constraints; swift 5.3 vs. master workaround self.declaration = raw_decl .gsub(/\bSelf\./, '') .gsub(/(?<=\(|, )_: /, '_ arg: ') .gsub(/ where.*$/, '') if kind == 'source.lang.swift.decl.class' declaration.sub!(/\s*:.*$/, '') end end # Remember pieces of methods for later markdown parsing def init_func_signature(func_signature) self.parameter_names = (func_signature[:parameters] || []).map { |h| h[:name] } end # Mapping SymbolGraph's declkinds to SourceKit KIND_MAP = { 'class' => 'class', 'struct' => 'struct', 'enum' => 'enum', 'enum.case' => 'enumelement', # intentional 'protocol' => 'protocol', 'init' => 'function.constructor', 'deinit' => 'function.destructor', 'func.op' => 'function.operator', 'type.method' => 'function.method.class', 'static.method' => 'function.method.static', 'method' => 'function.method.instance', 'func' => 'function.free', 'type.property' => 'var.class', 'static.property' => 'var.static', 'property' => 'var.instance', 'var' => 'var.global', 'subscript' => 'function.subscript', 'type.subscript' => 'function.subscript', 'static.subscript' => 'function.subscript', 'typealias' => 'typealias', 'associatedtype' => 'associatedtype', 'actor' => 'actor', }.freeze # We treat 'static var' differently to 'class var' # We treat actors as first-class entities def adjust_kind_for_declaration(kind, keywords) if kind == 'swift.class' && keywords.member?('actor') return 'swift.actor' end return kind unless keywords.member?('static') kind.gsub(/type/, 'static') end def init_kind(kind, keywords) adjusted = adjust_kind_for_declaration(kind, keywords) sourcekit_kind = KIND_MAP[adjusted.sub('swift.', '')] raise "Unknown symbol kind '#{kind}'" unless sourcekit_kind self.kind = "source.lang.swift.decl.#{sourcekit_kind}" end # Mapping SymbolGraph's ACL to SourceKit def init_acl(acl) self.acl = "source.lang.swift.accessibility.#{acl}" end # Symbol location - only available for public+ decls def init_location(loc_hash) self.location = {} location[:filename] = loc_hash[:uri].sub(%r{^file://}, '') location[:line] = loc_hash[:position][:line] location[:character] = loc_hash[:position][:character] end # Generic constraints: in one or both of two places. # There can be duplicates; these are removed by `Constraint`. def init_constraints(hash, raw_decl) raw_constraints = %i[swiftGenerics swiftExtension].flat_map do |key| next [] unless container = hash[key] container[:constraints] || [] end constraints = Constraint.new_list_for_symbol(raw_constraints, path_components) if raw_decl =~ / where (.*)$/ constraints += Constraint.new_list_from_declaration(Regexp.last_match[1]) end self.constraints = constraints.sort.uniq end # Generic type params def init_generic_type_params(hash) self.generic_type_params = Set.new( if (generics = hash[:swiftGenerics]) && (parameters = generics[:parameters]) parameters.map { |p| p[:name] } else [] end, ) end def init_doc_comments(comments_hash) self.doc_comments = comments_hash[:lines] .map { |l| l[:text] } .join("\n") end # Availability # Re-encode this as Swift. Should really teach Jazzy about these, # could maybe then do something smarter here. def availability_attributes(avail_hash_list) avail_hash_list.map do |avail| str = '@available(' if avail[:isUnconditionallyDeprecated] str += '*, deprecated' elsif domain = avail[:domain] str += domain %i[introduced deprecated obsoleted].each do |event| if version = avail[event] str += ", #{event}: #{decode_version(version)}" end end else warn "Found confusing availability: #{avail}" next nil end str += ", message: \"#{avail[:message]}\"" if avail[:message] str += ", renamed: \"#{avail[:renamed]}\"" if avail[:renamed] str + ')' end.compact end def decode_version(hash) str = hash[:major].to_s str += ".#{hash[:minor]}" if hash[:minor] str += ".#{hash[:patch]}" if hash[:patch] str end def spi_attributes spi ? ['@_spi(Unknown)'] : [] end def init_attributes(avail_hash_list) self.attributes = availability_attributes(avail_hash_list) + spi_attributes end # Sort order include Comparable def <=>(other) # Things with location: order by file/line/column # (pls tell what wheel i am reinventing :/) if location && other_loc = other.location if location[:filename] == other_loc[:filename] if location[:line] == other_loc[:line] return location[:character] <=> other_loc[:character] end return location[:line] <=> other_loc[:line] end return location[:filename] <=> other_loc[:filename] end # Things with a location before things without a location return +1 if location.nil? && other.location return -1 if location && other.location.nil? # Things without a location: by name and then USR return usr <=> other.usr if name == other.name name <=> other.name end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength