# # ActiveFacts Generators. # # Generate a glossary in HTML # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/metamodel' require 'activefacts/compositions' require 'activefacts/generator' module ActiveFacts module Generators #:nodoc: module Doc class Glossary #:nodoc: MM = ActiveFacts::Metamodel # Options are comma or space separated: def self.options { } end def self.compatibility [0, nil] # no composition is required end # Base class for generators of object-oriented class libraries for an ActiveFacts vocabulary. def initialize constellation, composition, options = {} @constellation = constellation @compositions = Array(composition) @vocabulary = constellation.Vocabulary.values[0] @options = options end def puts(*a) @out.puts *a end def print(*a) @out.print *a end def generate @all_object_type = @vocabulary. all_object_type. sort_by{|o| o.name.gsub(/ /,'').downcase} "" + glossary_start + "" + glossary_body + glossary_end + "" end def glossary_start # Inline the following CSS files: { all: ["reset.css", "treetable.css"], screen: ["orm2.css", "glossary.css"], print: ["orm2-print.css", "glossary-print.css"] }. flat_map do |media, css_files| css_files.map do |css_file| File.open(filename = File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/css/"+css_file) do |f| "\n"+ "\n" end end end*''.gsub(/^\s+/, '') end def glossary_body div( object_types_dump_toc + object_types_dump_def + dump_compositions + controls, 'glossary' ) end def glossary_end %Q{ }.gsub(/^\s+/, '') end def object_types_dump_toc %Q{\n
\n} + # Don't show schema name here '


' +"\n" + '
    ' + "\n" + @all_object_type. reject do |o| o.name == '_ImplicitBooleanValueType' or o.kind_of?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType) && o.all_role.size == 0 or o.kind_of?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) end. map do |o| "
  1. #{termref(o.name)}
  2. " end*"\n" + "\n
\n\n" end def controls %Q{
} end def object_types_dump_def %Q{
} + "\n" + "


\n" + "
\n" + @all_object_type. map do |o| case o when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance nil when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType value_type_dump(o) else if o.fact_type objectified_fact_type_dump(o) else entity_type_dump(o) end end end*"\n" + "
\n" + "
\n" end # Each component has # * a span for the title, # * a tt-type if it's a value type # * an tt-desc if it has an associated fact type # * child nodes def component c, klass = '' name = c.name title = span(name, 'term'+(c.is_mandatory ? ' mandatory' : '')) desc = '' type = '' case c when MM::Indicator ft = c.role.fact_type desc = div(div(expand_reading(ft.preferred_reading, false), 'glossary-reading'), 'tt-desc') type = div(div('boolean', 'term'), 'tt-type') when MM::Discriminator, MM::Injection, MM::ComputedValue, MM::HashValue, MM::SurrogateKey, # MM::Scoping, MM::ValidFrom # This should be an Injection p c debugger print '' # REVISIT when MM::Absorption ft = c.parent_role.fact_type preferred_reading = ft.reading_preferably_starting_with_role(c.parent_role) desc = div(div(expand_reading(preferred_reading, false), 'glossary-reading'), 'tt-desc') if MM::ValueType === c.object_type name = c.column_name*'' title = span(name, 'term'+(c.is_mandatory ? ' mandatory' : '')) type = div(div(c.child_role.object_type.name, 'term'), 'tt-type') #elsif c.all_member.size == 0 # title = span(name, 'term'+(c.is_mandatory ? ' mandatory' : '')) #else title = span(name, 'term'+(c.is_mandatory ? ' mandatory' : '')) end if MM::TypeInheritance === ft title = "as a "+title elsif c.full_absorption title = "fully absorbing "+title end if to = (c.foreign_key && c.foreign_key.composite) or ( composite_mappings = c.object_type.all_mapping.select{|m| m.composite} and composite_mappings.size == 1 and # In a binary mapping, there aren't any ForeignKeys to = composite_mappings[0].composite ) title = element(title, {href: '#'+composite_anchor(to)}, 'a') end klass = klass+' tt-list' unless c.parent_role.is_unique # when MM::ValueField ... Mapping works here when MM::Mapping # A mapping that's not an absorption; usually a Composite if MM::EntityType === (o = c.object_type) if o.fact_type objectified_reading = o.fact_type.preferred_reading desc = div( span('is where ', :keyword) + expand_reading(objectified_reading, false), 'tt-desc' ) else desc = div( span('is identified by ', :keyword) + o.preferred_identifier_roles.map{|r| span(r.role_name || r.name, 'term') }*', ', 'tt-desc' ) end else desc = div('', 'tt-desc') end when MM::Indicator desc = div( expand_reading(c.role.fact_type.preferred_reading, false), 'tt-desc' ) else # Add other special cases here desc = div('', 'tt-desc') end div( title + type + desc + c. all_member. sort_by{|m| m.ordinal}. map do |member| component(member) end*'', 'tt-node'+klass )+"\n" end def dump_compositions return '' if @compositions.empty? element( @compositions.map do |c| "\n"+ element( element(element(c.compositor_name + ' Composition', {href: "#{'#'}#{c.compositor_name}-composition"}, 'a'), {}, 'h2') + "\n" + element(dump_composition(c), {}, 'div'), {id: "#{c.compositor_name}-composition"}, 'section' ) end*'', {class: 'tabs glossary-compositions'}, 'article' ) end def composite_anchor composite "#{composite.composition.compositor_name}_#{composite.mapping.name.words.titlecase}" end def dump_composition c c.all_composite_by_name.map do |composite| composite.mapping.re_rank element( component(composite.mapping, ' tt-outer'), {name: composite_anchor(composite)}, 'a' ) end*" \n" end def element(text, attrs, tag = 'span') "<#{tag}#{attrs.empty? ? '' : attrs.map{|k,v| " #{k}='#{v}'"}*''}>#{text}" end def span(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}) end def div(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}, 'div') end def h1(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}, 'h1') end def dl(text, klass = nil) element(text, klass ? {:class => klass} : {}, 'dl') end # A definition of a term def termdef(name) element(name, {:name => name, :class=>:term}, 'a') end # A reference to a defined term (excluding role adjectives) def termref(name, role_name = nil) role_name ||= name element(role_name, {:href=>'#'+name, :class=>:term}, 'a') end # Text that should appear as part of a term (including role adjectives) def term(name) element(name, :class=>:term) end def value_type_dump(o, include_alternate = true, include_facts = true, include_constraints = true) return '' if o.all_role.size == 0 or # Skip value types that are only used as supertypes o.name == '_ImplicitBooleanValueType' defn_term = '
' + "#{termdef(o.name)} " + (if o.supertype span('is written as ', :keyword) + termref(o.supertype.name) else " (fundamental)" end) + "
\n" defn_detail = "
\n" + value_sub_types(o) + relevant_facts_and_constraints(o, include_alternate, include_facts, include_constraints) + (include_facts ? values(o) : '') + "
\n" defn_term + defn_detail end def value_sub_types(o) o. all_value_type_as_supertype. # All value types for which o is a supertype sort_by{|sub| sub.name}. map do |sub| div( "#{termref(sub.name)} #{span('is written as', 'keyword')} #{termref(o.name)}", 'glossary-facttype' ) end * "\n" + "\n" end def values(o) o.all_instance. sort_by{|i| [i.population.name, i.value.literal] }. map do |i| v = i.value div( (i.population.name.empty? ? '' : i.population.name+': ') + termref(o.name) + ' ' + div( # v.is_literal_string ? v.literal.inspect : v.literal, v.literal.inspect, 'value' ), 'glossary-example' ) end * "\n" + "\n" end def relevant_facts_and_constraints(o, include_alternate = true, include_facts = true, include_constraints = true) o. all_role. map{|r| r.fact_type}. uniq. reject do |ft| ft.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::LinkFactType) end. map { |ft| [ft, " #{fact_type_with_constraints(ft, include_alternate, o, include_constraints)}"] }. sort_by{|ft, text| [ ft.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) ? 0 : 1, text]}. map{|ft, text| text} * "\n" end def role_ref(rr, freq_con, l_adj, name, t_adj, role_name_def, literal) term_parts = [l_adj, termref(name), t_adj].compact [ freq_con ? element(freq_con, :class=>:keyword) : nil, term_parts.size > 1 ? term([l_adj, termref(name), t_adj].compact*' ') : term_parts[0], role_name_def, literal ] end def expand_reading(reading, include_rolenames = true) element( reading.expand([], include_rolenames) do |rr, freq_con, l_adj, name, t_adj, role_name_def, literal| if role_name_def role_name_def = role_name_def.gsub(/\(as ([^)]+)\)/) { span("(as #{ termref(rr.role.object_type.name, $1) })", 'keyword') } end role_ref rr, freq_con, l_adj, name, t_adj, role_name_def, literal end, {:class => 'reading'} ) end def fact_type_block(ft, include_alternates = true, wrt = nil, include_rolenames = true) div(fact_type(ft, include_alternates, wrt, include_rolenames), 'glossary-facttype') end def fact_type(ft, include_alternates = true, wrt = nil, include_rolenames = true) role = ft.all_role.detect{|r| r.object_type == wrt} preferred_reading = ft.reading_preferably_starting_with_role(role) alternate_readings = ft.all_reading.reject{|r| r == preferred_reading} div( expand_reading(preferred_reading, include_rolenames), 'glossary-reading' )+ (if include_alternates and alternate_readings.size > 0 div( "(alternatively: " + alternate_readings.map do |reading| div( expand_reading(reading, include_rolenames), 'glossary-reading' ) end * ",\n" + ')', 'glossary-alternates' ) else '' end ) end def fact_type_with_constraints(ft, include_alternates = true, wrt = nil, include_constraints = true) if ft.entity_type div( (ft.entity_type == wrt ? '' : termref(ft.entity_type.name)) + span(' is where ', 'keyword') + fact_type(ft, include_alternates, wrt), 'glossary-objectification' ) else fact_type_block(ft, include_alternates, wrt) end + if include_constraints then %Q{\n" else "" end end def fact_type_constraints(ft) ft.internal_presence_constraints.map do |pc| residual_role = ft.all_role.detect{|r| !pc.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rr| rr.role == r}} next '' unless residual_role reading = ft.all_reading.detect{|reading| reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order[reading.role_numbers[-1]].role == residual_role } next '' unless reading div( element( reading.expand_with_final_presence_constraint { |*a| role_ref(*a) }, {:class => 'reading'} ), 'glossary-constraint' ) + "\n" end.compact * '' end def objectified_fact_type_dump(o, include_alternate = true, include_facts = true, include_constraints = true) defn_term = "
" + "#{termdef(o.name)}" + " (objectification#{o.supertypes.size > 0 ? ', subtype' : ''})" + # Don't display OFT inline " (#{span('in which', 'keyword')} #{fact_type(o.fact_type, false, o, nil)})" + "
\n" # REVISIT: Handle separate identification defn_detail = "
" + fact_type_with_constraints(o.fact_type, include_alternate, o, include_constraints) + "\n" + o.fact_type.all_role_in_order.map do |r| n = r.object_type.name div("#{termref(o.name)} involves #{span('one', 'keyword')} #{termref(r.role_name || n, n)}", "glossary-facttype") end * "\n" + "\n" + relevant_facts_and_constraints(o, include_alternate, include_facts, include_constraints) + "\n" + "
\n" defn_term + defn_detail end def entity_type_dump(o, include_alternate = true, include_facts = true, include_constraints = true) pi = o.preferred_identifier supers = o.supertypes pi = nil if pi && o.identifying_supertype defn_term = "
" + "#{termdef(o.name)} " + if pi "#{span('is identified by', 'keyword')} " + pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.map do |rr| preferred_reading = rr.role.fact_type.preferred_reading preferred_role_ref = preferred_reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.detect{|rrp| rrp.role == rr.role} term( [ preferred_role_ref.leading_adjective, termref(rr.role.object_type.name, preferred_role_ref.role.role_name), preferred_role_ref.trailing_adjective ].compact*'-' ) end * ", " + "\n" else ' (subtype)' end + "
\n" defn_detail = "
\n" + (supers.size > 0 ? "#{span('is a kind of', 'keyword')} #{supers.map{|s| termref(s.name)}*', '}\n" : '') + relevant_facts_and_constraints(o, include_alternate, include_facts, include_constraints) + (include_facts ? entities(o) : '') + "\n
" defn_term + defn_detail end def entities(o) return '' if o.preferred_identifier.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size > 1 # REVISIT: Composite identification o.all_instance.map do |i| v = i.value ii = i # The identifying instance until v pi = ii.object_type.preferred_identifier # ii is an Entity Type break if pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref.size > 1 # REVISIT: Composite identification identifying_fact_type = pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref.single.role.fact_type # Find the role played by this instance through which it is identified: irv = i.all_role_value.detect{|rv| rv.fact.fact_type == identifying_fact_type } # Get the other RoleValue in what must be a binary fact type: orv = irv.fact.all_role_value.detect{|rv| rv != irv} ii = orv.instance v = ii.value # Does this instance have a value? If so, we're done. end next unless v div( (i.population.name.empty? ? '' : i.population.name+': ') + termref(o.name) + ' ' + div( # v.is_literal_string ? v.literal.inspect : v.literal, v.literal.inspect, 'value' ), 'glossary-example' ) end * "\n" + "\n" end end end publish_generator Doc::Glossary, "Glossary generator" end end