Feature: bumping version Scenario: major version Given a working directory And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-yaml" as a template And "VERSION.yml" contains hash "{ :major => 1, :minor => 5, :patch => 3}" When I run "rake version:bump:major" in "existing-project-with-version-yaml" Then the process should exit cleanly And the updated version, 2.0.0, is displayed Scenario: minor version Given a working directory And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-yaml" as a template And "VERSION.yml" contains hash "{ :major => 1, :minor => 5, :patch => 3}" When I run "rake version:bump:minor" in "existing-project-with-version-yaml" Then the process should exit cleanly And the updated version, 1.6.0, is displayed Scenario: patch version Given a working directory And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-yaml" as a template And "VERSION.yml" contains hash "{ :major => 1, :minor => 5, :patch => 3}" When I run "rake version:bump:patch" in "existing-project-with-version-yaml" Then the process should exit cleanly And the updated version, 1.5.4, is displayed Scenario: arbitrary version Given a working directory And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-yaml" as a template And "VERSION.yml" contains hash "{ :major => 1, :minor => 5, :patch => 3}" When I run "rake version:write MAJOR=3 MINOR=7 PATCH=1" in "existing-project-with-version-yaml" Then the process should exit cleanly And the updated version, 3.7.1, is displayed Scenario: arbitrary version with a build version yaml Given a working directory And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-yaml" as a template And "VERSION.yml" contains hash "{ :major => 1, :minor => 5, :patch => 3}" When I run "rake version:write MAJOR=3 MINOR=7 PATCH=1 BUILD=2" in "existing-project-with-version-yaml" Then the process should exit cleanly And the updated version,, is displayed Scenario: arbitrary version with a build version plaintext Given a working directory And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-plaintext" as a template And "VERSION" contains "1.5.3" When I run "rake version:write MAJOR=3 MINOR=7 PATCH=1 BUILD=2" in "existing-project-with-version-plaintext" Then the process should exit cleanly And the updated version,, is displayed