Given /^I am editing content$/ do @_content = Factory(:page_a) visit noodall_admin_node_path(@_content) end When /^(?:|I )click a "([^"]*)" component slot$/ do |slot_name| @_slot_type = slot_name.downcase within('ol#slot-list') do click_link "#{slot_name} Slot" end end When /^(?:|I )select the "([^\"]+)" component$/ do |component_name| within "#fancybox-content" do select component_name, :from => 'Select the type of component' end end When /^(?:|I )fill in the following within the component:$/ do |fields| within "#fancybox-content" do fields.rows_hash.each do |name, value| When %{I fill in "#{name}" with "#{value}"} end end end When /^(?:|I )press "([^"]*)" within the component$/ do |button| within "#fancybox-content" do click_button(button) sleep 3 end end When /^(?:|I )select an image from the asset library$/ do asset = Factory(:asset, :title => "My Image") within "#fancybox-content" do pending end end When /^(?:I|a website visitor) visit(?:s|) the content page$/ do visit node_path(@_content) end Then /^I should see the general content$/ do within("div##{@_slot_type}_slot_0.general-content") do |slot| slot.should contain('Test Title One') end end Then /^I select an image from the asset library$/ do within "li.multi-file:last" do asset = Factory(:asset, :title => "Image 1") set_hidden_field "node[#{@_slot_type}_slot_0][contents][][asset_id]", :to => end end Then /^I add some images to from the asset library$/ do 5.times do |i| Factory(:asset, :title => "Image #{i}") end page.find(:css, 'span.add-multi-asset').click 3.times do |i| within "#asset-browser li:nth(#{i + 1})" do click_link "Add" end end page.find(:css, 'li.action a').click end Then /^I should see the gallery thumbnails$/ do page.should have_css(" li img", :count => 3) end Given /^content exists with a gallery$/ do @_content = Factory(:page_a) @_content.small_slot_0 = Factory(:gallery) end Given /^I have not entered a URL for the first image$/ do @_content.small_slot_0.contents.first.url = '' end Given /^I have entered a URL for the second image$/ do @_content.small_slot_0.contents[1].url = '' end When /^I click on the first image$/ do @_image = @_content.small_slot_0.contents.first click_link_within(" li:first", @_image.title) end Then /^I should see a larger version of the image$/ do # taadaa end When /^I click on the second image$/ do @_image = @_content.small_slot_0.contents[1] response.should have_selector(" li:nth(2) a[href='#{@_image.url}']") end # Then /^I should be taken to the URL location$/ do # Link already checked end Then /^I select some files from the asset library$/ do 3.times do |i| within "li.multi-file:last" do asset = Factory(:document_asset, :title => "Download #{i+1}") set_hidden_field 'node[wide_slot_0][contents][][asset_id]', :to => end click_button "Publish" visit admin_node_path(@_content) end end Then /^I should see the list of files$/ do @_content.reload @_content.wide_slot_0.contents.should have(8).things response.should have_selector('ul#download-list li', :count => 8) end Then /^each file should have an icon based on file\-type$/ do response.should have_selector("ul#download-list li.file-type-#{@_content.wide_slot_0.contents.first.asset.file_mime_type.parameterize}") end When /^I click on a file's listing$/ do click_link_within("ul#download-list", @_content.wide_slot_0.contents.first.asset.title) end Then /^the file should start downloading$/ do # ||||||||||||||||||=> done end