require File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname( __FILE__ ), 'spec_helper.rb' ) ) require 'cuba_api/config' require 'cuba_api/cors' describe CubaApi::Cors do before do Cuba.reset! Cuba.plugin CubaApi::Config Cuba.plugin CubaApi::Cors Cuba.define do on_cors 'path/to/:who' do |who| on post do res.write "post from #{who}" end end on_cors_method [:post, :get], 'office/:me' do |me| on post do res.write "#{me} posted" end end on_cors_method :delete, 'something' do res.write "delete something" end on_cors_method :delete, 'home/:me' do |me| res.write "delete #{me}" end on_cors do on put do res.write "put answered" end end end end let( :env ) do { 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'OPTIONS', 'PATH_INFO' => '/account', 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => 'http://middleearth', 'HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD' => 'PUT', 'HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS' => 'x-requested-with' } end it 'should response with catch section' do _, headers, _ = env ) headers[ "Access-Control-Max-Age" ].must.eq "86400" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" ].must.eq "http://middleearth" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" ].must.eq "GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" ].must.eq 'x-requested-with' headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Expose-Headers" ].must.eq nil env[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] = 'PUT' _, _, resp = env ) resp.join.must.eq 'put answered' end it 'should with path/to/:me section' do env[ 'PATH_INFO' ] = '/path/to/alf' env[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] = '/path/to/alf' _, headers, _ = env ) headers[ "Access-Control-Max-Age" ].must.eq "86400" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" ].must.eq "http://middleearth" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" ].must.eq "GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" ].must.eq 'x-requested-with' headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Expose-Headers" ].must.eq nil env[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] = 'POST' _, _, resp = env ) resp.join.must.eq 'post from alf' end it 'should with home/:me section' do env[ 'PATH_INFO' ] = '/home/gandalf' env[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] = '/home/gandalf' env[ 'HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD' ] = 'DELETE' _, headers, _ = env ) headers[ "Access-Control-Max-Age" ].must.eq "86400" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" ].must.eq "http://middleearth" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" ].must.eq "DELETE" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" ].must.eq 'x-requested-with' headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Expose-Headers" ].must.eq nil env[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] = 'DELETE' _, _, resp = env ) resp.join.must.eq 'delete gandalf' end it 'should with office/:me section' do env[ 'PATH_INFO' ] = '/office/frodo' env[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] = '/home/frodo' env[ 'HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD' ] = 'POST' _, headers, _ = env ) headers[ "Access-Control-Max-Age" ].must.eq "86400" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" ].must.eq "http://middleearth" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" ].must.eq "POST, GET" headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" ].must.eq 'x-requested-with' headers[ "Access-Control-Allow-Expose-Headers" ].must.eq nil env[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] = 'POST' _, _, resp = env ) resp.join.must.eq 'frodo posted' end end