require 'erb' require 'json' require 'base64' require 'digest' class Lono::Template::Upload include Lono::Template::AwsServices def initialize(options={}) @options = options @project_root = options[:project_root] || '.' @checksums = {} end def run ensure_s3_setup! load_checksums! paths = Dir.glob("#{@project_root}/output/**/*") paths.reject { |p| p =~ %r{output/params} }. select { |p| File.file?(p) }.each do |path| upload(path) end say "Templates uploaded to s3." end # Read existing files on s3 to grab their md5 checksum. # We do this so we can see if we should avoid re-uploading the s3 child template # entirely. If we upload a new child template that does not change AWS CloudFormation # is not smart enough to know that it not has changed. I think all AWS CloudFormation # does is check if the file's timestamp. # # Thought this would result in better AWS Change Set info but AWS still reports child # stacks being changed even though they should not be reported. Leaving this s3 checksum # in for now. def load_checksums! return if @options[:noop] prefix = "#{s3_path}/#{LONO_ENV}" # s3://s3-bucket-and-path-from-settings/prod resp = s3.list_objects(bucket: s3_bucket, prefix: prefix) resp.contents.each do |object| # key does not include the bucket name # full path = s3://my-bucket/cloudformation-templates/prod/my-template.yml # key = cloudformation-templates/prod/my-template.yml # etag is the checksum as long as the file is not a multi-part file upload # it has extra double quotes wrapped around it. # etag = "\"9cb437490cee2cc96101baf326e5ca81\"" @checksums[object.key] = strip_surrounding_quotes(object.etag) end @checksums end def strip_surrounding_quotes(string) string.sub(/^"/,'').sub(/"$/,'') end def upload(path) pretty_path = path.sub(/^\.\//, '') key = "#{s3_path}/#{LONO_ENV}/#{pretty_path.sub(/^output\//,'')}" s3_full_path = "s3://#{s3_bucket}/#{key}" local_checksum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( remote_checksum = remote_checksum(path) if local_checksum == remote_checksum say("Not modified: #{pretty_path} to #{s3_full_path}".colorize(:yellow)) unless @options[:noop] return # do not upload unless the checksum has changed end resp = s3.put_object( body:, bucket: s3_bucket, key: key, storage_class: "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" ) unless @options[:noop] # Example output: # Uploaded: output/docker.yml to s3://boltops-stag/cloudformation-templates/stag/docker.yml # Uploaded: output/ecs/private.yml to s3://boltops-stag/cloudformation-templates/stag/ecs/private.yml message = "Uploaded: #{pretty_path} to #{s3_full_path}".colorize(:green) message = "NOOP: #{message}" if @options[:noop] say message end # @checksums map has a key format: cloudformation-templates/stag/docker.yml # # path = ./output/docker.yml # s3_path = s3://boltops-stag/cloudformation-templates/stag/docker.yml def remote_checksum(path) # first convert the local path to the path format that is stored in @checksums keys # ./output/docker.yml => cloudformation-templates/stag/docker.yml pretty_path = path.sub(/^\.\//, '') key = "#{s3_path}/#{LONO_ENV}/#{pretty_path.sub(/^output\//,'')}" @checksums[key] end # def s3_https_url(template_path) ensure_s3_setup! "{s3_bucket}/#{s3_path}/#{LONO_ENV}/#{template_path}" end # Example: # s3_bucket('s3://mybucket/templates/storage/path') => mybucket def s3_bucket @s3_full_path.sub('s3://','').split('/').first end # Example: # s3_bucket('s3://mybucket/templates/storage/path') => templates/storage/path def s3_path @s3_full_path.sub('s3://','').split('/')[1..-1].join('/') end # nice warning if the s3 path not found def ensure_s3_setup! return if @options[:noop] settings = if settings.s3_path @s3_full_path = settings.s3_path else say "Unable to upload templates to s3 because you have not configured the s3.path option in .lono/settings.yml.".colorize(:red) say "Please configure .lono/settings.yml with s3.path. Refer to for more help.".colorize(:red) exit 1 end end def say(message) puts message unless @options[:quiet] end end