require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' require 'pry' class WikihowTechTopics::Scraper attr_accessor :home_page, :title_array, :content_array @@all = [] def initialize(title=nil, content=nil, home_page=nil, title_array = nil, content_array = nil) @title_array = title_array @content_array = content_array @home_page = home_page @@all << self end def self.scraped_title_array home_page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("")) title_array = [] home_page.css('.text').each do |title_info| info_for_title_array = title_info.css('span').text title_array << info_for_title_array end title_array.pop(5) title_array end def self.scraped_content_array url = "" home_page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) content_urls = home_page.css(".thumbnail").children.css("a").map { |content_link| content_link.attribute("href").text } http_added = { |content_url| "https:" + content_url } url_array_sidebar_articles_removed = http_added.pop(4) do |complete_content_url| content_pages_to_scrape = Nokogiri::HTML(open(complete_content_url)) final_scraped_content = content_pages_to_scrape.css('div.steps').map { |full_content| full_content.css("b").text } final_scraped_content end end def self.all @@all end basic_computers_page = basic_computers_page.home_page = "" basic_computers_page.title_array = self.scraped_title_array basic_computers_page.content_array = self.scraped_content_array end # content_urls = home_page.css(".thumbnail").children.css("a").map { |content_link| content_link.attribute("href").text } # def leaving_out_featured_articles # home_page = Nokogiri::HTML(open("")) # left_out_articles_array = [] # div#side-featured-articles # end # Question: Why did a below not need an argument of url but the current way does? (is the differenc each and map)? And was using each the reason I only got one link and a time and not all of the links scraped?) # test_array = [{'title' => 'how to text', 'content' => 'just do it'}], {'title' => 'how to email', 'content' => 'just do it, too'}] # home_page.css(".thumbnail").each do |content_url| # content_url.css("a").attribute("href").text # scraped_content_ary = [] # scraped_content_url = content_url.css("a").attribute("href").text # scraped_content_ary << "https:" + scraped_content_url # scraped_content_ary.each do |complete_content_url| # content_page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(complete_content_url)) # content_page.css('div.steps').each do |full_content| # full_content.css("b").text # @content_array << full_content.css("b").text # binding.pry # def initialize # @title_hash_array = [] # end # @title_array = [] # students = [] # index_page.css("div.roster-cards-container").each do |card| # card.css(".student-card a").each do |student| # student_profile_link = "./fixtures/student-site/#{student.attr('href')}" # student_location = student.css('.student-location').text # student_name = student.css('.student-name').text # students << {name: student_name, location: student_location, profile_url: student_profile_link} # end # end # students # end # final_scraped_content.each do |steps| # content_hash[:content] = steps # try = home_page.css('div#bodycontents').each {|title_info| title_info.css('.text').each do |s| x = s.css('span').text x end # binding.pry } # .each do |t| # t.css('span').each do # t.each do |indiv_title| # title_array << {title: indiv_title} # home_page.css('.text').each do |title_info| # title_info_for_hash = title_info.css('span').text # title_array << {title: title_info_for_hash} # home_page.css('div#bodycontents text').each do |title_info| # binding.pry # title_info_for_hash = title_info.css('span').text # title_array << {title: title_info_for_hash}