tr: date: formats: friendly_date: "%-d %B %Y (%-d-%-m-%Y)" step_i_of_n: "Step %{i} of %{n}" previous: Previous next: Next abort: Save for later previous_questionnaire: Previous questionnaire done: Done download_answers_pdf: Download as PDF was moved to the end of the session questionnaire_not_completed: heading: "This questionnaire hasn't been filled out completely!" explanation: "If you decide to save the questionnaire anyway, it could be that scale scores can't be calculated because we don't have all the required answers. You may complete the questionnaire below." save_anyway: Save anyway thanks_for_filling_out: Thank you for filling out the questionnaire. ios_download_instruction: "Your download will open in a new tab.\n\nSave the file in Books/iBooks. Return to the browser using the '< Safari' button in the top left.\n\nBack in the browser, press the back '<' button and press 'Done' to complete your questionnaire." validations: maximum: date: "Entered date must be on or before %{friendly_date}." number: "Enter a number of at most %{value}." minimum: date: "Entered date must be on or after %{friendly_date}." number: "Enter a number of at least %{value}." requires_answer: "Please fill out this question." regexp: "Please enter an answer in the format %{matcher}." valid_integer: "Enter a valid integer number" valid_float: "Enter a number. Use a period (.) for decimals." valid_date: valid_date_year: "Enter a valid year in the format YYYY, for example 2015." valid_date_month_year: "Enter a valid date in the format MM-YYYY, for example 08-2015." valid_date_day_hour_minute_month_year: "Enter a valid date in the format DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm, for example 12-08-2015 13:05." valid_date_day_month_year: "Enter a valid date in the format DD-MM-YYYY, for example 12-08-2015." valid_date_hour_minute: "Enter a valid time in the format hh:mm, for example 13:05." too_many_checked: "You chose too many options" not_all_checked: "You chose too few options" maximum_checked_allowed: one: "Choose up to %{maximum_checked_value} options." other: "Choose up to %{maximum_checked_value} options." minimum_checked_required: one: "Choose at least %{minimum_checked_value} options." other: "Choose at least %{minimum_checked_value} options." answer_group_minimum: "Answer at least %{value} of these questions" answer_group_maximum: "Answer up to %{value} of these questions" valid_option: "Nonexistent option chosen." video_not_supported: Your browser does not support playing this video. Try using a different browser. DD: DD MM: MM YYYY: YYYY hh: hh mm: mm day: day month: month year: year hour: hour minute: minute