module Helpers def write(driver, column_family_name, tag_and_time_only) tag1 = "test1" tag2 = "test2" time1 = time2 = + 2 record1 = {'tag' => tag1, 'time' => time1} record2 = {'tag' => tag2, 'time' => time2} unless tag_and_time_only record1.merge!({'a' => 10, 'b' => 'Tesla'}) record2.merge!({'a' => 20, 'b' => 'Edison'}) end # store both records in an array records = [record1, record2] driver.emit(records[0]) driver.emit(records[1]) # persists to cassandra # query cassandra to verify data was correctly persisted row_num = records.count # non-zero based index events = driver.instance.connection.execute("SELECT * FROM #{column_family_name}") events.rows.should eq(records.count) events.fetch do | event | # events should be sorted desc by tag, then time row_num -= 1 # zero-based index record = records[row_num] db_hash = event.to_hash # need to take in account that we've popped both tag and time # from the payload data when we saved it if driver.instance.pop_data_keys db_hash['id'].should eq(record.delete('tag')) db_hash['ts'].should eq(record.delete('time')) else db_hash['id'].should eq(record['tag']) db_hash['ts'].should eq(record['time']) end if driver.instance.schema.keys.count == driver.instance.data_keys.count + 1 # store as json if record.count > 0 db_hash['payload'].should eq(record.to_json) else db_hash['payload'].should eq('') end else db_hash['payload'].should eq(record[record.keys[db_hash.keys.index('payload')]]) end end end end