--[[ Auctioneer Advanced Version: <%version%> (<%codename%>) Revision: $Id: CoreMain.lua 2233 2007-09-25 03:57:33Z norganna $ URL: http://auctioneeraddon.com/ This is an addon for World of Warcraft that adds statistical history to the auction data that is collected when the auction is scanned, so that you can easily determine what price you will be able to sell an item for at auction or at a vendor whenever you mouse-over an item in the game License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program(see GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Note: This AddOn's source code is specifically designed to work with World of Warcraft's interpreted AddOn system. You have an implicit licence to use this AddOn with these facilities since that is its designated purpose as per: http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-faq.html#InterpreterIncompat ]] --[[ See CoreAPI.lua for a description of the modules API ]] if (not AucAdvanced) then AucAdvanced = {} end if (not AucAdvancedData) then AucAdvancedData = {} end if (not AucAdvancedLocal) then AucAdvancedLocal = {} end if (not AucAdvancedConfig) then AucAdvancedConfig = {} end AucAdvanced.Version="<%version%>"; if (AucAdvanced.Version == "<".."%version%>") then AucAdvanced.Version = "5.0.DEV"; end local private = {} -- For our modular stats system, each stats engine should add their -- subclass to AucAdvanced.Modules.. and store their data into their own -- data table in AucAdvancedData.Stats. if (not AucAdvanced.Modules) then AucAdvanced.Modules = {Stat={},Util={},Filter={}} end if (not AucAdvancedData.Stats) then AucAdvancedData.Stats = {} end if (not AucAdvancedLocal.Stats) then AucAdvancedLocal.Stats = {} end function private.TooltipHook(vars, ret, frame, name, hyperlink, quality, quantity, cost, additional) if EnhTooltip.LinkType(hyperlink) ~= "item" then return -- Auctioneer hooks into item tooltips only end -- Check to see if we need to force load scandata local getter = AucAdvanced.Settings.GetSetting if (getter("scandata.tooltip.display") and getter("scandata.force")) then AucAdvanced.Scan.GetImage() end for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do if (engineLib.Processor) then engineLib.Processor("tooltip", frame, name, hyperlink, quality, quantity, cost, additional) end end end end function private.HookAH() hooksecurefunc("AuctionFrameBrowse_Update", AucAdvanced.API.ListUpdate) for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do if (engineLib.Processor) then engineLib.Processor("auctionui") end end end end function private.OnLoad(addon) addon = addon:lower() -- Check if the actual addon itself is loading if (addon == "auc-advanced") then Stubby.RegisterAddOnHook("Blizzard_AuctionUi", "Auc-Advanced", private.HookAH) Stubby.RegisterFunctionHook("EnhTooltip.AddTooltip", 600, private.TooltipHook) for pos, module in ipairs(AucAdvanced.EmbeddedModules) do -- These embedded modules have also just been loaded private.OnLoad(module) end end -- Notify the actual module if it exists local auc, sys, eng = strsplit("-", addon) if (auc == "auc" and sys and eng) then for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do if (sys == system:lower()) then for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do if (eng == engine:lower() and engineLib.OnLoad) then engineLib.OnLoad(addon) end end end end end -- Check all modules' load triggers and pass event to processors for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do if (engineLib.LoadTriggers and engineLib.LoadTriggers[addon]) then if (engineLib.OnLoad) then engineLib.OnLoad(addon) end end if (engineLib.Processor and auc == "auc" and sys and eng) then engineLib.Processor("load", addon) end end end end function private.OnUnload() for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do if (engineLib.OnUnload) then engineLib.OnUnload() end end end end private.Schedule = {} function private.OnEvent(...) local event, arg = select(2, ...) if (event == "ADDON_LOADED") then local addon = string.lower(arg) if (addon:sub(1,4) == "auc-") then private.OnLoad(addon) end elseif (event == "AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW") then -- Do Nothing for now elseif (event == "AUCTION_HOUSE_CLOSED") then AucAdvanced.Scan.Interrupt() elseif (event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT") then AucAdvanced.Scan.Commit(true) private.OnUnload() elseif event == "UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED" or event == "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED" or event == "CURSOR_UPDATE" or event == "BAG_UPDATE" then private.Schedule["inventory"] = GetTime() + 0.15 end end function private.OnUpdate(...) if event == "inventory" then AucAdvanced.Post.AlertBagsChanged() end local now = GetTime() for event, time in pairs(private.Schedule) do if time > now then for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do if engineLib.Processor then engineLib.Processor(event, time) end end end end private.Schedule[event] = nil end end private.Frame = CreateFrame("Frame") private.Frame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") private.Frame:RegisterEvent("AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW") private.Frame:RegisterEvent("AUCTION_HOUSE_CLOSED") private.Frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED") private.Frame:RegisterEvent("ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED") private.Frame:RegisterEvent("CURSOR_UPDATE") private.Frame:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE") private.Frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGOUT") private.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", private.OnEvent) private.Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", private.OnUpdate) -- Auctioneer's debug functions AucAdvanced.Debug = {} local addonName = "Auctioneer" -- the addon's name as it will be displayed in -- the debug messages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Prints the specified message to nLog. -- -- syntax: -- errorCode, message = debugPrint([message][, category][, title][, errorCode][, level]) -- -- parameters: -- message - (string) the error message -- nil, no error message specified -- category - (string) the category of the debug message -- nil, no category specified -- title - (string) the title for the debug message -- nil, no title specified -- errorCode - (number) the error code -- nil, no error code specified -- level - (string) nLog message level -- Any nLog.levels string is valid. -- nil, no level specified -- -- returns: -- errorCode - (number) errorCode, if one is specified -- nil, otherwise -- message - (string) message, if one is specified -- nil, otherwise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AucAdvanced.Debug.DebugPrint(message, category, title, errorCode, level) return DebugLib.DebugPrint(addonName, message, category, title, errorCode, level) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Used to make sure that conditions are met within functions. -- If test is false, the error message will be written to nLog and the user's -- default chat channel. -- -- syntax: -- assertion = assert(test, message) -- -- parameters: -- test - (any) false/nil, if the assertion failed -- anything else, otherwise -- message - (string) the message which will be output to the user -- -- returns: -- assertion - (boolean) true, if the test passed -- false, otherwise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AucAdvanced.Debug.Assert(test, message) return DebugLib.Assert(addonName, test, message) end