class RegexpError < StandardError; end class Regexp < `RegExp` IGNORECASE = 1 MULTILINE = 4 `def.$$is_regexp = true` class << self def allocate allocated = super `#{allocated}.uninitialized = true` allocated end def escape(string) %x{ return string.replace(/([-[\]\/{}()*+?.^$\\| ])/g, '\\$1') .replace(/[\n]/g, '\\n') .replace(/[\r]/g, '\\r') .replace(/[\f]/g, '\\f') .replace(/[\t]/g, '\\t'); } end def last_match(n=nil) if n.nil? $~ else $~[n] end end alias quote escape def union(*parts) %x{ var is_first_part_array, quoted_validated, part, options, each_part_options; if (parts.length == 0) { return /(?!)/; } // cover the 2 arrays passed as arguments case is_first_part_array = parts[0].$$is_array; if (parts.length > 1 && is_first_part_array) { #{raise TypeError, 'no implicit conversion of Array into String'} } // deal with splat issues (related to if (is_first_part_array) { parts = parts[0]; } options = undefined; quoted_validated = []; for (var i=0; i < parts.length; i++) { part = parts[i]; if (part.$$is_string) { quoted_validated.push(#{escape(`part`)}); } else if (part.$$is_regexp) { each_part_options = #{`part`.options}; if (options != undefined && options != each_part_options) { #{raise TypeError, 'All expressions must use the same options'} } options = each_part_options; quoted_validated.push('('+part.source+')'); } else { quoted_validated.push(#{escape(`part`.to_str)}); } } } # Take advantage of logic that can parse options from JS Regex new(`quoted_validated`.join('|'), `options`) end def new(regexp, options = undefined) %x{ if (regexp.$$is_regexp) { return new RegExp(regexp); } regexp = #{Opal.coerce_to!(regexp, String, :to_str)}; if (regexp.charAt(regexp.length - 1) === '\\' && regexp.charAt(regexp.length - 2) !== '\\') { #{raise RegexpError, "too short escape sequence: /#{regexp}/"} } if (options === undefined || #{!options}) { return new RegExp(regexp); } if (options.$$is_number) { var temp = ''; if (#{IGNORECASE} & options) { temp += 'i'; } if (#{MULTILINE} & options) { temp += 'm'; } options = temp; } else { options = 'i'; } return new RegExp(regexp, options); } end end def ==(other) `other.constructor == RegExp && self.toString() === other.toString()` end def ===(string) `#{match(Opal.coerce_to?(string, String, :to_str))} !== nil` end def =~(string) match(string) && $~.begin(0) end alias eql? == def inspect `self.toString()` end def match(string, pos = undefined, &block) %x{ if (self.uninitialized) { #{raise TypeError, 'uninitialized Regexp'} } if (pos === undefined) { pos = 0; } else { pos = #{Opal.coerce_to(pos, Integer, :to_int)}; } if (string === nil) { return #{$~ = nil}; } string = #{Opal.coerce_to(string, String, :to_str)}; if (pos < 0) { pos += string.length; if (pos < 0) { return #{$~ = nil}; } } var source = self.source; var flags = 'g'; // m flag + a . in Ruby will match white space, but in JS, it only matches beginning/ending of lines, so we get the equivalent here if (self.multiline) { source = source.replace('.', "[\\s\\S]"); flags += 'm'; } // global RegExp maintains state, so not using self/this var md, re = new RegExp(source, flags + (self.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')); while (true) { md = re.exec(string); if (md === null) { return #{$~ = nil}; } if (md.index >= pos) { #{$~ =`re`, `md`)} return block === nil ? #{$~} : #{$~)}; } re.lastIndex = md.index + 1; } } end def ~ self =~ $_ end def source `self.source` end def options # Flags would be nice to use with this, but still experimental - %x{ if (self.uninitialized) { #{raise TypeError, 'uninitialized Regexp'} } var result = 0; // should be supported in IE6 according to if (self.multiline) { result |= #{MULTILINE}; } if (self.ignoreCase) { result |= #{IGNORECASE}; } return result; } end def casefold? `self.ignoreCase` end alias to_s source def self._load(args)*args) end end class MatchData attr_reader :post_match, :pre_match, :regexp, :string def initialize(regexp, match_groups) $~ = self @regexp = regexp @begin = `match_groups.index` @string = `match_groups.input` @pre_match = `match_groups.input.slice(0, match_groups.index)` @post_match = `match_groups.input.slice(match_groups.index + match_groups[0].length)` @matches = [] %x{ for (var i = 0, length = match_groups.length; i < length; i++) { var group = match_groups[i]; if (group == null) { #@matches.push(nil); } else { #@matches.push(group); } } } end def [](*args) @matches[*args] end def offset(n) %x{ if (n !== 0) { #{raise ArgumentError, 'MatchData#offset only supports 0th element'} } return [self.begin, self.begin + self.matches[n].length]; } end def ==(other) return false unless MatchData === other `self.string == other.string` && `self.regexp.toString() == other.regexp.toString()` && `self.pre_match == other.pre_match` && `self.post_match == other.post_match` && `self.begin == other.begin` end alias eql? == def begin(n) %x{ if (n !== 0) { #{raise ArgumentError, 'MatchData#begin only supports 0th element'} } return self.begin; } end def end(n) %x{ if (n !== 0) { #{raise ArgumentError, 'MatchData#end only supports 0th element'} } return self.begin + self.matches[n].length; } end def captures `#@matches.slice(1)` end def inspect %x{ var str = "#"; } end def length `#@matches.length` end alias size length def to_a @matches end def to_s `#@matches[0]` end def values_at(*args) %x{ var i, a, index, values = []; for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].$$is_range) { a = #{`args[i]`.to_a}; a.unshift(i, 1); Array.prototype.splice.apply(args, a); } index = #{Opal.coerce_to!(`args[i]`, Integer, :to_int)}; if (index < 0) { index += #@matches.length; if (index < 0) { values.push(nil); continue; } } values.push(#@matches[index]); } return values; } end end