# frozen_string_literal: true
require "active_support/core_ext/enumerable"
module ActiveRecord
module Associations
# Implements the details of eager loading of Active Record associations.
# Suppose that you have the following two Active Record models:
# class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
# # columns: name, age
# has_many :books
# end
# class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
# # columns: title, sales, author_id
# end
# When you load an author with all associated books Active Record will make
# multiple queries like this:
# Author.includes(:books).where(name: ['bell hooks', 'Homer']).to_a
# => SELECT `authors`.* FROM `authors` WHERE `name` IN ('bell hooks', 'Homer')
# => SELECT `books`.* FROM `books` WHERE `author_id` IN (2, 5)
# Active Record saves the ids of the records from the first query to use in
# the second. Depending on the number of associations involved there can be
# arbitrarily many SQL queries made.
# However, if there is a WHERE clause that spans across tables Active
# Record will fall back to a slightly more resource-intensive single query:
# Author.includes(:books).where(books: {title: 'Illiad'}).to_a
# => SELECT `authors`.`id` AS t0_r0, `authors`.`name` AS t0_r1, `authors`.`age` AS t0_r2,
# `books`.`id` AS t1_r0, `books`.`title` AS t1_r1, `books`.`sales` AS t1_r2
# FROM `authors`
# LEFT OUTER JOIN `books` ON `authors`.`id` = `books`.`author_id`
# WHERE `books`.`title` = 'Illiad'
# This could result in many rows that contain redundant data and it performs poorly at scale
# and is therefore only used when necessary.
class Preloader # :nodoc:
extend ActiveSupport::Autoload
eager_autoload do
autoload :Association, "active_record/associations/preloader/association"
autoload :Batch, "active_record/associations/preloader/batch"
autoload :Branch, "active_record/associations/preloader/branch"
autoload :ThroughAssociation, "active_record/associations/preloader/through_association"
attr_reader :records, :associations, :scope, :associate_by_default
# Eager loads the named associations for the given Active Record record(s).
# In this description, 'association name' shall refer to the name passed
# to an association creation method. For example, a model that specifies
# belongs_to :author, has_many :buyers has association
# names +:author+ and +:buyers+.
# == Parameters
# +records+ is an array of ActiveRecord::Base. This array needs not be flat,
# i.e. +records+ itself may also contain arrays of records. In any case,
# +preload_associations+ will preload all associations records by
# flattening +records+.
# +associations+ specifies one or more associations that you want to
# preload. It may be:
# - a Symbol or a String which specifies a single association name. For
# example, specifying +:books+ allows this method to preload all books
# for an Author.
# - an Array which specifies multiple association names. This array
# is processed recursively. For example, specifying [:avatar, :books]
# allows this method to preload an author's avatar as well as all of his
# books.
# - a Hash which specifies multiple association names, as well as
# association names for the to-be-preloaded association objects. For
# example, specifying { author: :avatar } will preload a
# book's author, as well as that author's avatar.
# +:associations+ has the same format as the +:include+ method in
# ActiveRecord::QueryMethods. So +associations+ could look like this:
# :books
# [ :books, :author ]
# { author: :avatar }
# [ :books, { author: :avatar } ]
# +available_records+ is an array of ActiveRecord::Base. The Preloader
# will try to use the objects in this array to preload the requested
# associations before querying the database. This can save database
# queries by reusing in-memory objects. The optimization is only applied
# to single associations (i.e. :belongs_to, :has_one) with no scopes.
def initialize(records:, associations:, scope: nil, available_records: [], associate_by_default: true)
@records = records
@associations = associations
@scope = scope
@available_records = available_records || []
@associate_by_default = associate_by_default
@tree = Branch.new(
parent: nil,
association: nil,
children: @associations,
associate_by_default: @associate_by_default,
scope: @scope
@tree.preloaded_records = @records
def empty?
associations.nil? || records.length == 0
def call
Batch.new([self], available_records: @available_records).call
def branches
def loaders