var AWS = require('../core'); var rest = require('../protocol/rest'); /** * A presigner object can be used to generate presigned urls for the Polly service. */ AWS.Polly.Presigner = AWS.util.inherit({ /** * Creates a presigner object with a set of configuration options. * * @option options params [map] An optional map of parameters to bind to every * request sent by this service object. * @option options service [AWS.Polly] An optional pre-configured instance * of the AWS.Polly service object to use for requests. The object may * bound parameters used by the presigner. * @see AWS.Polly.constructor */ constructor: function Signer(options) { options = options || {}; this.options = options; this.service = options.service; this.bindServiceObject(options); this._operations = {}; }, /** * @api private */ bindServiceObject: function bindServiceObject(options) { options = options || {}; if (!this.service) { this.service = new AWS.Polly(options); } else { var config = AWS.util.copy(this.service.config); this.service = new this.service.constructor.__super__(config); this.service.config.params = AWS.util.merge(this.service.config.params || {}, options.params); } }, /** * @api private */ modifyInputMembers: function modifyInputMembers(input) { // make copies of the input so we don't overwrite the api // need to be careful to copy anything we access/modify var modifiedInput = AWS.util.copy(input); modifiedInput.members = AWS.util.copy(input.members); AWS.util.each(input.members, function(name, member) { modifiedInput.members[name] = AWS.util.copy(member); // update location and locationName if (!member.location || member.location === 'body') { modifiedInput.members[name].location = 'querystring'; modifiedInput.members[name].locationName = name; } }); return modifiedInput; }, /** * @api private */ convertPostToGet: function convertPostToGet(req) { // convert method req.httpRequest.method = 'GET'; var operation = req.service.api.operations[req.operation]; // get cached operation input first var input = this._operations[req.operation]; if (!input) { // modify the original input this._operations[req.operation] = input = this.modifyInputMembers(operation.input); } var uri = rest.generateURI(req.httpRequest.endpoint.path, operation.httpPath, input, req.params); req.httpRequest.path = uri; req.httpRequest.body = ''; // don't need these headers on a GET request delete req.httpRequest.headers['Content-Length']; delete req.httpRequest.headers['Content-Type']; }, /** * @overload getSynthesizeSpeechUrl(params = {}, [expires = 3600], [callback]) * Generate a presigned url for {AWS.Polly.synthesizeSpeech}. * @note You must ensure that you have static or previously resolved * credentials if you call this method synchronously (with no callback), * otherwise it may not properly sign the request. If you cannot guarantee * this (you are using an asynchronous credential provider, i.e., EC2 * IAM roles), you should always call this method with an asynchronous * callback. * @param params [map] parameters to pass to the operation. See the {AWS.Polly.synthesizeSpeech} * operation for the expected operation parameters. * @param expires [Integer] (3600) the number of seconds to expire the pre-signed URL operation in. * Defaults to 1 hour. * @return [string] if called synchronously (with no callback), returns the signed URL. * @return [null] nothing is returned if a callback is provided. * @callback callback function (err, url) * If a callback is supplied, it is called when a signed URL has been generated. * @param err [Error] the error object returned from the presigner. * @param url [String] the signed URL. * @see AWS.Polly.synthesizeSpeech */ getSynthesizeSpeechUrl: function getSynthesizeSpeechUrl(params, expires, callback) { var self = this; var request = this.service.makeRequest('synthesizeSpeech', params); // remove existing build listeners request.removeAllListeners('build'); request.on('build', function(req) { self.convertPostToGet(req); }); return request.presign(expires, callback); } });