
GEmblemedIcon — Icon with emblems


#include <gio/gio.h>

GIcon *             g_emblemed_icon_new                 (GIcon *icon,
                                                         GEmblem *emblem);
GIcon *             g_emblemed_icon_get_icon            (GEmblemedIcon *emblemed);
GList *             g_emblemed_icon_get_emblems         (GEmblemedIcon *emblemed);
void                g_emblemed_icon_add_emblem          (GEmblemedIcon *emblemed,
                                                         GEmblem *emblem);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GEmblemedIcon implements GIcon.


GEmblemedIcon is an implementation of GIcon that supports adding an emblem to an icon. Adding multiple emblems to an icon is ensured via g_emblemed_icon_add_emblem().

Note that GEmblemedIcon allows no control over the position of the emblems. See also GEmblem for more information.



typedef struct _GEmblemedIcon GEmblemedIcon;

An implementation of GIcon for icons with emblems.

g_emblemed_icon_new ()

GIcon *             g_emblemed_icon_new                 (GIcon *icon,
                                                         GEmblem *emblem);

Creates a new emblemed icon for icon with the emblem emblem.

icon :

a GIcon

emblem :

a GEmblem

Returns :

a new GIcon

Since 2.18

g_emblemed_icon_get_icon ()

GIcon *             g_emblemed_icon_get_icon            (GEmblemedIcon *emblemed);

Gets the main icon for emblemed.

emblemed :

a GEmblemedIcon

Returns :

a GIcon that is owned by emblemed

Since 2.18

g_emblemed_icon_get_emblems ()

GList *             g_emblemed_icon_get_emblems         (GEmblemedIcon *emblemed);

Gets the list of emblems for the icon.

emblemed :

a GEmblemedIcon

Returns :

a GList of GEmblem s that is owned by emblemed

Since 2.18

g_emblemed_icon_add_emblem ()

void                g_emblemed_icon_add_emblem          (GEmblemedIcon *emblemed,
                                                         GEmblem *emblem);

Adds emblem to the GList of GEmblem s.

emblemed :

a GEmblemedIcon

emblem :

a GEmblem

Since 2.18

See Also

GIcon, GLoadableIcon, GThemedIcon, GEmblem