require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'genesisreactor' require 'genesis/protocol/http' require 'active_support/all' require 'zygote/util' require 'zygote/cell_queue' # Main HTTP class, handles routing methods # Uses sinatra format (all sinatra docs on routing methods apply) class ZygoteWeb < Genesis::Http::Handler # Requested by iPXE on boot, chains into /boot. # This enables us to customize what details we want iPXE to send us # The iPXE undionly.kpxe should contain an embedded script to call this URL get '/' do body { erb :boot } end # Chainload the primary menu get '/chain' do # Clean params into a simple hash cleaned = clean_params(params.to_h) # Add the request ip into the params ip = request.ip == '' ? @env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : request.ip ip = '' if ENV['TESTING'] || ip.nil? || ip.empty? cleaned['ip'] = ip # Compute SKU from parameters sku = compute_sku(cleaned['manufacturer'], cleaned['serial'], cleaned['board-serial']) cleaned['sku'] = sku # Check if there are is any queued data for this SKU, and if so, merge it in to params queued_data = CellQueue.shift(sku) cleaned.merge!(queued_data) if queued_data @channel << cleaned body { erb :menu, locals: { opts: ZygoteWeb.cell_config.merge('params' => cleaned || {}) } } end # Render an action for a particular cell get %r{/cell/(?\S*)/(?\S*)$} do # Clean params into a simple hash cleaned = clean_params(params.to_h) # Add the cell to the parameters cell = cleaned['cell'] # Merge the cleaned params in with any cell options cell_opts = ZygoteWeb.cell_config['index']['cells'][cell] || {} opts = cell_opts.merge('params' => cleaned || {}) @channel << opts # for debugging body { erb :"#{cell}/#{cleaned['action']}".to_sym, locals: { opts: opts } } end # Show the queue for a SKU get %r{/queue/(?\S*)$} do body { JSON.pretty_generate(['sku'])) } end get %r{/queue} do response = {} CellQueue.all.each do |queue_entry| response[] = end body { JSON.pretty_generate(response) } end # Delete the queue for a SKU delete %r{/queue$} do CellQueue.purge(params['sku']) body { JSON.pretty_generate(['sku'])) } end post %r{/queue/bulk$} do bulk_queue = JSON.parse( bulk_queue.each do |asset, queue| queue = [queue] unless queue.is_a?(Array) queue.each do |action| CellQueue.push(asset, action) end end 200 end # Enable push cells (with optional data) to the cell queue for a SKU post %r{/queue/(?\S*)/(?\S*)$} do # Clean params into a simple hash cleaned = clean_params(params.to_h) # Enqueue some data for this sku sku = cleaned.delete('sku') CellQueue.push(sku, cleaned) body { JSON.pretty_generate( } end subscribe do |args| puts args if ENV['DEBUG'] end def self::cell_config @@cell_config end def self::cell_config=(value) @@cell_config = value end end def zygote(port: 7000, threads:1000, config_path: nil, cells: [], debug:false) debug ||= ENV['DEBUG'] cell_config = YAML.load( || File.join(Dir.pwd, 'config', 'cells.yml'))) ZygoteWeb.cell_config = cell_config zygote = threads: threads, protocols: { Genesis::Http::Protocol => port }, handlers: [ZygoteWeb], views: [File.expand_path('../../../views', __FILE__), cells].flatten, debug: debug ) if debug $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true end zygote end